Creativity Wasted Podcast

Butt Sweat Reduction Ideas

Health, InventionTom WalmaComment

Tom has a sweaty butt. If he's sitting down, sometimes ONLY his butt sweats, and he's afraid if he stands up and his butt is drenched in sweat, it'll look like he peed his pants. He tried Gold Bond powder without success, so he came up with some better ideas, such as harnesses to allow you to dangle in the air instead of sitting, pants and underwear made of silver which can act like a computer processor heat sink for your body, and slow release ice pills/suppositories

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 66

CW066 Butt Sweat Reduction Ideas.png
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Matt Hamilton (
Dave Crumbley (Twitter: @cavedrumbley)
Bryan Deuchler (Twitter: @MrDrRobot)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit