Creativity Wasted Podcast


Mouth Vibrator

NSFW, Silliness, TechDylan "The Autistic Spitfire" FarrComment

Idea (NSFW): Replacing teeth or part of your jaw with a vibrator to enhance (or automate) your oral pleasuring skills. Also: swapping between normal dentures and softer vibrating teeth or having teeth that can deflate to soft pleasure mode and inflate to hard chewing mode; questioning the need to do oral if you've got a vibrating device; if bone conduction headphones cause headaches, imagine the headaches from a vibrator built into your mouth

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Josiah Garcia (Instagram: @the_not_so_good_wrestler Linktree: @AllendaleComedyOpenMic)
Tyler "T-Dog the Unfathomable" Caldwell (Instagram: @thetac32 X: @TheTAC32)
Dylan "The Autistic Spitfire" Farr (Instagram: @autisticspitfirecomedy, Facebook: @dylan.p.farr, Spitfire Comedy at Sticks in Ypsilanti)
Tom Walma (X: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

Security Exophone

Tech, InventionTom WalmaComment

Idea: An "exophone" containing a metal box in which you put your Apple/Android phone to block its WiFi, GPS, Bluetooth, and microphone. The metal box has one USB/lightning cable sticking out, through which all data is passed between the Apple/Android phone and the exophone, including screen output, touch screen input, mic input, speaker output, Bluetooth, wired Ethernet (with location info stripped), etc. The exophone would contain it's own screen/mic/speaker/WiFi/cellular whose data is sent through the USB/lightning cable to the Apple/Android phone. There would be several physical switches on the exophone to enable/disable sending different types of data (such as GPS, Bluetooth, microphone) into the Apple/Android phone. That way, you have physical/hardware control over your privacy (because Apple, Google, and software in general cannot be trusted)

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Emmanuel Lechuga (Instagram: @emmanuel_lechuga_comedy)
Ryan Brown (Linktree: @brownryancomedy Instagram: @brownryancomedy)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

Car Lifting-Parking Valet Machine

Cars, Robots, TechTom WalmaComment

Idea: A self-driving car lift that can act as a valet by sliding under your non-self-driving car, parking it for you, and then later returning it to you. Also: it could use the same self-driving tech that Tesla uses, but be limited to slow speeds and have front/rear padding for extra safety; millions of tech bros will soon be able to get out of their Tesla right in front of the entrance of a store (in front of the handicapped spots) and then have their cars park themselves, giving the handicapped an inferior parking experience; this valet machine would make handicapped spots unnecessary, but if there are no handicapped spots, stores might need human valets as backups for when these valet machines break down; the valet machine could drive your car through a car wash while you shop, and also Tom has never washed his car

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Pam Krugman (Facebook: @pam.krugman YouTube: @pamkrugman6858)
Yogi Singh (Facebook: @theyogmeister Instagram: @theyogmeister)
Brandon Birk
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

(Meno)Pause Pal

App, Health, TechAngela VergesComment

Idea: A smart watch that monitors a menopausal woman's body and alerts her (and optionally her husband on his "Man-On-Pause" device) if her mood or body temperature is about to change. Also: things that bring on hot flashes; the device could include controls for (or it could automatically adjust) the temperature of a room or matress, play calming music, etc.; a menopause-themed party game; a horror movie where social media accidentally causes the menstrual cycles of all the women of the world to sync up

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Mark Hamilton (Facebook: @mgamarkhamilton Instagram: @markhamilton6352)
Tommy Cook (Instagram: @tommycooklol Web links (like LinkTree):
Angela Verges (Facebook: @angela.verges Linktree: @HottFlash)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

"I Get It" Augmented Reality Relationship Assistant

App, Artificial Intelligence, Futuristic, TechSarah MarchiComment

Idea: An augmented-reality app that develops a personality model of your partner and constantly listens to and watches them, and uses AI to predict how to you should respond to their questions and to their emotional needs in order to keep them happy. Also: displaying a list of options of what you should do, along with percentage certainties of each option, and reasons why; your partner's AR glasses could be measuring their vitals (heart rate, hormones, etc.) all day and transmitting it to your AR glasses for them to show you a gauge of their estimated level of anger before you interact with them; parents and teenagers using the AR relationship assistant app, and why it might not work; if you get used to the peace and understanding that the AR relationship assistant provides and then the software crashes, you might immediately go at each other in chaotic rage like two rabid squirrels trapped in a sack

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Sarah Marchi (Instagram: @smartimarchi)
Jason Thompson (Instagram: @jason_thompson_comedy YouTube: @TAMMpON)
Calvin G Baker (Instagram: @calvinbakercomedy)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

Drone Charging Network 2

Futuristic, Tech, DronesTom Walma1 Comment

Idea: A nationwide grid of volunteer drone enthusiasts who set up their homes as "drone charging stations", so cellular/satellite-controlled hobby drones can hop across the country from house to house, while the person piloting the drone is doing so from the convenience of their own house. Also: kits for setting up your house as a drone charging station, either in your garage or your attic; shipping the drones across areas without any charging stations, or swapping control of drones with other people in different regions; having volunteers fix drones and get them out of trees, possibly with the aid of falcons; using the drones and drone stations to sightsee, do scavenger hunts, consensually peek in windows via an OnlyFans-style service, receive Amazon packages inside your house, and transfer data of a non-Internet-based social network

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Chris Young (Web: crhisyoungcomic Comedy Special Video: Buoyant Mon on Dry Bar Comedy)
David Lesneiski (Instagram: @themexican734 Facebook: @ComedyByDavid)
Jon King (Facebook: @Kinetikai Instagram: @kinetikai)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

Prison Labor Household Robots

Futuristic, SciFi, Robots, TechTom WalmaComment

Idea: To have partially-automated robots in your house that can be controlled remotely by prisoners located in a prison, who can supervise the robot doing chores most of the time, and take over when the robot "gets stuck" or has problems. Also: security concerns, such as blocking out addresses on envelopes on the prisoner's video feed, having the robot only work when the homeowner is not home, etc.; kinky homeowner-robot-prisoner scenarios; using the prison labor household robots to help the lower class; comparing AI and prison labor to slavery and possibly inventing "moral slavery"

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Dominic Maniscalchi (Facebook: @dominic.maniscalchi Instagram: @domedy_comedy)
Tyler Caldwell (Instagram: @thetac32 Twitter: @TheTAC32 Open Mic (Facebook): @garagebaropenmic)
Tom Walma (Twitter:@thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

Calorie Counting Device

Health, Food, TechKim CookComment

Idea: A wearable device, like an Apple Watch or patch, that is somehow able to count the calories of the food you eat without any effort on your part, because keeping a food diary, even with an app, is annoying and time consuming. Also: using a combination of sensors and devices to estimate your calorie intake, including the Apple Watch to measure your blood sugar, some sort of implantable device in your stomach or nasal cavity, and a smart toilet to weigh and/or analyze your poop; using a "buttprint" or your DNA to automatically figure out who's using the toilet; an embarrassingly lazy way to count calories

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Kim Cook (
Dan Brittain (Facebook: @danbrittaincomedy YouTube: @danbrittaincomedy2301)
Jasun Pierpoint (Facebook: @Beerplug Comedy at the Creek)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

Chest Freezer Camping

Business Idea, Event or Activity, TechTom WalmaComment

Idea: To camp in a large insulated and temperature-controlled box which is similar to a chest freezer, because it'd be much cheaper than an RV, and because the only time you really need to be enclosed and comfortable while camping is when trying to sleep. Also: an extra-wide 2-person version; a duel-use chest freezer with a normal chest freezer lid and a special camping lid that allows you to breathe and/or pops up like a tent; a lifting accessory to help you get it into and out of the back of a pickup truck; protection from wolves, bobcats, and possibly even bears; the possibility of being mocked by or creeping out other campers

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Dustin Cole (Facebook: @dustincolecomedy Instagram: @dustncole)
Casey Curran (YouTube: @Squavipwn Facebook: @casey.curran.54)
Darius Walker (Facebook: @darius.t.walker.1 Instagram: @the_dariuswalker)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

Car Seat Toilet

Cars, Tech, SillinessHaleigh PotterComment

Idea: A retractable car seat toilet for the driver to use the restroom while driving or in a stopped car. Also: a built-in bidet because it'd be hard to wipe while driving; dumping the waste onto the road and creating an "oil slick" like in Mario Kart; reusing the waste as windshield wiper fluid; becoming the crazy astronaut diaper lady

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Haleigh Potter (Instagram:@haleighpotter Music:
Andrew McFarland (Facebook: @amacproductions)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

Ice Cream Headache Machine

Food, Silliness, Tech, HealthTom WalmaComment

Idea: A machine which is surgically implanted into your nasal cavity that detects the smell of candy or other unhealthy foods and then rapidly cools down to intentionally give you an "ice cream headache" (aka "brain freeze") to punish you and dissuade you from eating the unhealthy food. Also: its battery could be charged by a wind turbine in your nostril; you could put other gadgets up your nose, like an anti-snoring device or a pepper-spray launcher; the humor of watching thin, classy women digging into their noses in public because of this machine

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Haleigh Potter (Instagram:@haleighpotter Music:
Andrew McFarland (Facebook: @amacproductions)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

Small Talk Mask

Invention, Silliness, TechDeepak "DP" AggarwalComment

Idea: A speaker hidden inside a mask which uses AI to talk for you (pretending to be you) so you don't have to small talk. Also: it could "trash talk" for you if you get tongue-tied in stressful situations; it could help standup comedians by handling heckers, doing your act for you if you lose your spot in your set, or the audience could wear it and it could laugh for them; it could be warn on other parts of your body, such as to be a fart machine

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Ace Armstrong (Twitter: @AceSmellsFunny YouTube: @acesmellsfunny)
Deepak "DP" Aggarwal (Twitter: @not8AllFunny)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

Chat Availability Indicator In Real Life

Social Media, Tech, FuturisticTom WalmaComment

Idea: A social-media-style indicator light to indicate whether you're willing to chat (or flirt or otherwise interact) with nearby people in real life. It would either be displayed in the other person's augmented-reality glasses or on your earring. It could either display the same value (such as "green: available to chat" or "red: not available to chat") to everyone, or display different values to different people to indicate which people you want to talk to. Also: the risk of it making people even more antisocial; either using it as feedback to help train people to read body language or using it as a crutch to never bother to understand body language; everybody immediately pulling out their phones to set a green light every time an attractive woman walks into a room

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Jason Fylan-Mares (Facebook: @DoomsdayShelterComedy Facebook: @jason.m.fylan)
Michael Cesaro (Facebook: @michael.cesaro.7)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

Name-Remembering Glasses

App, Education, Futuristic, TechMichael CesaroComment

Idea: Augmented-reality glasses with an app which displays the names of people who you're looking at, so you don't have to remember their names. It may also display info about the person and how you know them. Also: the difficulty of teachers to remember student names, especially years later when running into them outside of school; assigning a person a "monster avatar" in the glasses as a memorization aide; discussing problems with high school education

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Jason Fylan-Mares (Facebook: @DoomsdayShelterComedy Facebook: @jason.m.fylan)
Michael Cesaro (Facebook: @michael.cesaro.7)
"Jaded" Jaden (Facebook: @JADEDJADENCOMEDY)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

Dead Man's Switch App

App, NSFW, Parenting, TechTom WalmaComment

Idea: An app that you launch before doing a mildly dangerous activity, and if sensors in your electronic devices (phone, Apple Watch, FitBit, AirTags, etc.) indicate that an emergency has occurred (examples: losing Bluetooth contact with an AirTag hidden in the clothes of a kid that you're babysitting might mean that he wandered out of the yard; a sudden downward acceleration detected on an Apple Watch while you're climbing on a ladder might mean that you fell off), or if you fail to confirm that a dangerous activity has safely completed within a certain period of time (example: while walking to your car at night, if you don't press an "I'm safe" button on your phone within 5 minutes, you might have gotten mugged), an emergency protocol (such as contacting the police or a kid's parents) is automatically performed. The app does NOT use AI and therefore you have to tell the app what activity you're doing so that it knows, for example, if a sudden acceleration of an Apple Watch is an emergency. The app would be pre-programmed with a list of common dangerous activities, and, for each one, ways to use sensors in electronic devices (emphasizing the electronic devices that you own) to detect emergencies. Also, you could customize the app by adding new dangerous activities and new ways to detect emergencies. Also: the police might get sick of false alarms from the app; a possible AI extension of the app which monitors what you're doing and interjects before the emergency occurs (by alerting you or shocking you with a shock collar); describing a person as "cookable and lovable"

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Stefanie Ann (Podcast: Sanctioned by Stefanie Podcast: MILF and the Millennial Webcast: Knuckleheads Comedy (YouTube) Open Mic: Fireside Inn Dive Bar Instagram: @thedownriverdiva Facebook: @stefanie.brewer1)
JD The Smile Hustler (Twitter: @smilehustler01 Instagram: @smilehustler01 Facebook: JD The Smile Hustler)
Aaron Sorrels ( Podcasts: Well Metaversed and Clean Comedy Time Soapstone Comedy Club on Horizon Worlds)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

Baby Monitor Wristwatch

Parenting, TechDiego AttanasioComment

Idea: A wristwatch with a dedicated baby monitor with audio, video with zoom/scroll, and possibly other sensors, because if you're in bed or sitting on the couch, you don't want to have to get up or roll over to reach a baby monitor. Also: questioning whether baby monitors are really necessary (but still feeling compelled to use one); Apple brainwashing you into accepting electronics which don't allow you to replace the battery; using a temperature-detecting camera to detect if a baby needs a diaper change

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Diego Attanasio ( Twitter: @DiegoComedy Newlydad Podcast)
Evan Sasiela (Twitter: @SalsaEvan Instagram: @salsaevan)
Connie Ettinger (Facebook: @connie.ettinger)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)

Wind-Powered Tractors

Cars, Environmentalism, Food, Invention, TechTom WalmaComment

Idea: Tractors powered by sailboat-style sails instead of fossil fuels. Also: calculations of the power generated by sails vs. the power needs of different types of tractors; using a battery-powered tractor and charging it via a stationary windmill (or a windmill on top of the tractor); Tesla tractor conversion kits; questioning whether people would volunteer to farm your field for free if the tractor was fun like a sailboat, and questioning whether that notion (ie trying to get people to farm for free) is dangerously close to slavery

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Jared Hibbs (Facebook: Laughter Layover Twitter: @Hibbzilla)
Cam Honeyager (Instagram: @camhoneyager Twitter: @phatboicam TikTok: @camhoneyager)
Nolan Johncock (Intagram: @kzquarantineking)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)

Self-Playing Musical Instruments

Music, Tech, RobotsMike SzarComment

Idea: Musical instruments such as drums, guitars, and saxophones which play themselves like a "self-playing piano" aka "player piano", and where you can't see the mechanism which is playing the instrument. Also: playing musical instruments using stick-and-gear contraptions, humanoid robots, metal balls falling in rhythm onto drums, etc.; replacing a deceased band member with a self-playing musical instrument; self-playing musical instruments on the street which wouldn't make you feel obligated to donate to them (unlike street musicians); discussing performing standup comedy on the street

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Chris Karpinski (Facebook: @christopher.j.karpinski Mead Me at Valhalla Comedy Show)
Mike Szar (Twitter: @MikeSzar_ Instagram: @mikeszar_ Facebook: @Mikeszarcomedy)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)

Street Light Deer Spotlights

Cars, Drones, Environmentalism, Futuristic, TechTom WalmaComment

Idea: For street light poles to have LIDAR sensors and to use AI (artificial intelligence) to detect deer in the dark and then shine a spotlight on the deer to help drivers see them and thus avoid hitting them. The AI would prevent falsely detecting deer and erroneously turning on the spotlight all the time, unlike crappy motion lights for your house which turn on all the time when the wind blows leaves in nearby trees. Also: if it can detect deer and then turn on (and aim) a spotlight, it could also detect cars and pedestrians and only turn on the normal (stationary) street light if someone is there; to get rid of most of the street signs because drivers can use navigation apps instead; to use spotlights (which are either mounted on street light poles or are being flown by drones) to light the area in front of cars so we no longer have to rely on other drivers to dim their "brights" to not be temporarily blinded as they drive by

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Jack Reeves (Twitter: @jackreeeeves Podcast: NoProbcast)
Nicole Melnyk (Twitter: @mcfancyvonpants Podcast Instagram:@noprobcast)
Simon Carlson (Twitter: @its_ah_me_simon)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)

Phone Glasses Detection and Text Size Adjustment

App, TechNicole MelnykComment

Idea: An app or setting for your smart phone to detect whether you're wearing glasses and adjust the text size accordingly, so you don't have to manually go to settings to increase the text size to read the phone in bed at night after taking off your glasses, and then manually decrease the text size back to normal in the morning. Also: a screen-magnifying phone-charging stand similar to the Nintendo Game Boy "Light Boy Magnifier"; prescription goggles which won't break if you wear them overnight but might trick you into thinking you're underwater and cause you to pee the bed; taking advantage of your privilege to use an old inactivated phone over WiFi as a "night phone"

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Jack Reeves (Twitter: @jackreeeeves Podcast: NoProbcast)
Nicole Melnyk (Twitter: @mcfancyvonpants Podcast Instagram:@noprobcast)
Simon Carlson (Twitter: @its_ah_me_simon)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)