Creativity Wasted Podcast

Jon Ruggiero

Valet Simulator Videogame

Cars, Event or ActivityJon RuggieroComment

Idea: A silly, over-the-top "valet simulator" videogame, similar in spirit to Paperboy, where you have to dodge obstacles, fight off dragons, perform reckless driving maneuvers, etc. and still return the car to the owner with minimal damage. Also: the odd trend of videogames based on boring jobs, tipping the hospital valet, tipping driverless cars, accidentally leaving stuff in the car like guns, babies, or both a gun and a baby

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 33

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David Wellfare (Twitter: @DaveWellfare)
Chris Young (Twitter: @chrisyoungcomic, Comedy Special Video: Chris Young: Buoyant Mon)
Jon Ruggiero (Twitter: @ComedyRugg)
Ryan Allen (Twitter: @ryanallen92)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit (