Creativity Wasted Podcast


Taxidermied Emotional Support Animals

PetsDavid CarsonComment

Idea: Taxidermied animals as emotional support animals for situations where you can't have a living emotional support animal, such as if you can't get a doctor's note, you're allergic, or you just can't handle the upkeep of a living pet. Also: it's like the evil "blood diamond" version of a stuffed animal; the horror of seeing someone on a plane having a panic attack while intensely squeezing a dead animal; a Tamagotchi taxidermied animal that you have to care for, or a robotic one which is controlled remotely by a real pet so you can "mute" or disable it on a plane if it's causing trouble; other clever and/or practical uses of taxidermied animals, such as a cup, a fire extinguisher, or a literal drug mule

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Lucky Lee (Instagram: @luckyleecomedy Web:
David Carson (Email Newsletter: Blog:
Carl Sobel (Linktree: @Carl_Sobel_Comedy Open Mic
Krinker (Facebook: @ryan.krinker)
Tom Walma (X: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

Corgis and Comedy

Standup Comedy, Event or Activity, Pets, Business IdeaJen FrissinaComment

Idea: A standup comedy show in a "corgi cafe" where comedians have to compete with corgis for the audience's attention. The corgi may be on stage and there may be a vote or a penalty (such as reduced stage time) for losing against the corgi. Also: corgi vs. doge; the corgi and the comic must abide by the same rules (ex: if the dog barks, the comic can bark); unusual and nightmare comedy shows, such as a show where they shock the comic, a show in an insane asylum, and a show where a baby threw a diaper at the comic

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Jen Frissina (Facebook: @jen.frissina)
Steve Smargon (Facebook; @steve.smargon Intagram: @bipolarmarine)
Bruce Umpstead (Facebook: @umpstead Instagram: @bruceumpstead)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

Outdoor Dog Distractor

Pets, ParentingSkippy RoseComment

Idea: A device to either keep a dog occupied in your yard or periodically give the dog confirmation that it's okay to keep playing in the yard, so it'll stay outside longer without bugging you. Also: a human-like hologram or a ball-throwing robot that's too good might have the unintended consequence of winning too much of the dog's love from you; a whack-a-mole yard game could make the dog go crazy like Bill Murray in Caddyshack but would improve your sanity; an ominous warning about the desire to not be distracted for long periods of time and having kids

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Niko Lukoff (Linktree: @LaughYourLukoff)
Justin Hicks (Facebook: justin.hicks.92798)
Skippy Rose (Instagram: skippyrosecomedy YouTube: @SkippyRoseComedy)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

Dog-Themed Standup Comedy Show

Event or Activity, PetsKim CookComment

Idea: A standup comedy show where comics and the audience can bring their dogs, and the topic of most or all of the standup comedy is centered around dogs. Also: the Comedy Castle bringing service dogs to comedy shows to train them to behave in a chaotic environment; adopting dogs to drunk audience members who'd wake up the next morning with a hangover and a surprise of a new pet dog; a service dog barking at a comedian during a comedy contest and causing him to win; other experimental comedy shows where the comics eat hot peppers, get shocked, get eggs thrown at them, or get their head periodically submerged underwater

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Kim Cook (
Dan Brittain (Facebook: @danbrittaincomedy YouTube: @danbrittaincomedy2301)
Jasun Pierpoint (Facebook: @Beerplug Comedy at the Creek)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

Garden De-Worming Birds

Drones, Food, PetsVivian BurgettComment

Idea: To train birds to eat the worms off of plants in a garden on command. Also: using drones to de-worm plants and then feed the worms to birds, which would then become too fat and lazy to fly; using the same trained birds to eat head lice off of people's heads; an anti-dandelion conspiracy theory

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Vivian Burgett (Instagram: @vivianburgettcomedy)
Juan Carlos Calvachi (Instagram: @jcalvachi)
John Johnson (Facebook: @johnnyrightnow)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

Keyboard Cat Blocker

Pets, Silliness, InventionSimon CarlsonComment

Idea: A device which disables or blocks your keyboard if your cat's gonna sit on it, so it doesn't press random keys and mess up your work or whatever you're doing on the computer. Also: a decoy keyboard; a cat suit made of keyboards to make a keyboard-cat-keyboard sandwich; a keyboard which uses cucumbers or tin foil to scare the cat; if a cat lays on a keyboard, does the cat hair clean the chunks of food out of the keyboard, or does it just make the keyboard dirtier?

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Jack Reeves (Twitter: @jackreeeeves Podcast: NoProbcast)
Nicole Melnyk (Twitter: @mcfancyvonpants Podcast Instagram:@noprobcast)
Simon Carlson (Twitter: @its_ah_me_simon)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)

Ice Dogs (Robotic Medical Rescue Dogs)

Futuristic, Pets, Robots, SciFi, Health, TechTom WalmaComment

Idea: To use Boston Dynamics robotic dogs to save the lives of people whose hearts have stopped by jumping on their chests and rapidly cooling their bodies, thus giving rescuers an extra hour or two to revive them. Also: "ice dogs" roaming the neighborhood looking for medical emergencies and, in the meantime, serving as police dogs and package delivery dogs; the risk of "ice dogs" sticking to your body like a frozen flagpole; robotic "hot dogs" to prevent malfunctioning "ice dogs" from freezing healthy people to death

CW104 Ice Dogs (Robotic Rescue Dogs).png
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Matt Harper (Twitter: @MattHarperJokes Podcast: Another Episode Twitch: @mattopoly83)
Brett Mercer (Twitter: @brettmercer_ Podcast: Big Time Garbage Twitch and Web: @Brettmercer)
Johnny Mocny (Twitter: @JohnnyMocny Podcast and Web: @wearemoviespod)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)

Table Pet Barrier

Invention, PetsTom WalmaComment

Idea: A barrier that surrounds a table or desk to block pets from jumping onto the table and eating your food. It would have sliding doors on your side of the table to either allow you to access the table, or block the table when you need to leave the table to go get ketchup. It would have a hand crank to allow you to lower it below the surface of the table when its not being used, so you don't have to store it somewhere. Also: Taking the Mark Rober creative engineering online course and trying to convince teenagers not to do dangerous things with motors and knives which might cause them to lose fingers; dogs eating poop and then breathing their stink breath onto you with the intention of making you lose your appetite so you'll give them your food

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Joe Bates (Twitter: @JoeBatesComedy Comedy Album: Joe Bates Joe Bates Joe Bates by Joe Bates)
Jason Alt (Twitter: @JasonEAlt)
Joseph Johnson (Twitter: @JJohnsonComedy)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)

Wild Animal Home Renovation Show

Animal Rights / Vegan, Pets, Silliness, TV ShowJoe BatesComment

Idea: A home renovation show for the homes or habitats of wild animals (bears, beavers, birds, etc). Examples of renovations include a recliner for a sloth, salmon on tap for a bear, and an even dirtier toilet for a sewer rat. The TV show could show sad back stories (such as a penguin getting covered with oil during an oil spill) and could give the animals special gifts (like a prosthetic leg). The animals could maul the hosts to death if they don't like the renovations. Also: a more humane zoo; famous attempts to build armor to survive animal attacks; PETA bailing out somebody who burned down an animal testing lab at a university and then returning to the university to recruit new members; Tom got chewed out as a child in the 90s for emailing a nature conservatory asking for funny chimp videos

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Joe Bates (Twitter: @JoeBatesComedy Comedy Album: Joe Bates Joe Bates Joe Bates by Joe Bates)
Jason Alt (Twitter: @JasonEAlt)
Joseph Johnson (Twitter: @JJohnsonComedy)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)

Social Toy Drones

Drones, NSFW, Tech, Futuristic, Pets, RobotsTom WalmaComment

Idea (NSFW, dark humor): Flying a toy drone with a videocamera on it is like playing a videogame where nothing fun happens. A videodrone would be much funner if it had a speaker and a screen to show your face, that way you could do social things with real people and other videodrones. Examples include games like hide-and-seek, guided sky tours, drone charging "forts", kids using the drones to play together outside when their parents make them stay inside, playing with animals using apps that make animal noises, etc. Also: controlling a drone with your mind so that you feel like an actual bird

Listen to the entire episode #47 here (which also contains 3 additional ideas):

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Kevin Smith (Podcast: Crass&Heartless)
Josh Harmon (Twitter: @harmonjoshua01)
Tim Hill (Twitter: @TimHill007)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

Cam Dogs

Tech, Social Media, Pets, Event or ActivityJoel FragomeniComment

Idea: A web site where you can interact with a real dog virtually via a webcam, and also control robotics to feed the dog, pet the dog, and play with the dog (such as by throwing a ball). Possible customers include lonely elderly people, people in hospitals, people who are allergic to dogs or live in places where dogs aren't allowed, people in public (traveling or at work or school) who need to relax, etc. Also: emotionally blackmailing customers with pictures of sad dogs if they stop using the service; using footage of the dog in a "Black Mirror"-like scenario to create a robot with the same personality as the dog; themes or scenarios, such as a Scooby Doo robotic ghost adventure

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Joel Fragomeni (Podcast Joel Radio)
Sai-D (Twitter: @saidee27)
Matti Yaari (Facebook: @myaari)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)

Beekeeping Ideas

Food, PetsCharles FrickerComment

Miscellaneous thoughts and ideas about beekeeping and bees, including making pomade hair gel out of beeswax and honey, "bee sting therapy", putting bees between panes in a double-pane window to deter burglaries, filling your car with bees to prevent carjackings, getting repeatedly stung by bees to cause swelling to ‘increase your size’, and ‘bee-stings on bee-stings’

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Khurum Sheikh (Facebook: @khurum.sheikh)
Ellie Snyder (Twitter: @EllieIsnt)
Charles Fricker (Facebook: @charlie.fricker.9)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)


SciFi, Silliness, Pets, NSFW, MovieJon MullinixComment

Idea (NSFW): An absurdist futuristic sci-fi movie where a genetically modified half-human half-cat villain tries to destroy all dogs, and a hero has to genetically modify himself to be half-human half-dog in order to breed with the last living dog. Also: the possible cruelty of shooting movies using animals

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 39

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Myles De Leeuw (Twitter: @mylesdeloser)
Jon Mullinix (Instagram: @mullinixjon)
JR Williams (Twitter: @jrstandsup)
John Sopkowicz (Twitter: @sopkowits)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

Smart Shock Collars for Cats (To Save Birds)

Animal Rights / Vegan, Futuristic, Pets, TechTom WalmaComment

Idea: Shock collars which shock cats when they're attacking birds, to keep pet cats from killing so many birds that the birds go extinct. The shock collars would use cameras and artificial intelligence to figure out when the cat is attacking a bird. The cameras could also provide fun cat-view video footage. The shock collars could also shock a mountain lion if it's eating the pet cat, to deter the mountain lion from killing and eating future cats

CW092 Smart Shock Collars for Cats (To Save Birds).png
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Sarah Wooley (Facebook: @sarah.s.wooley.7)
Justin Siekierka (Facebook: @justin.siekierka ComedyShow: Comedy at Liberty Street Brewing Company)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Broken Knuckle Studio in Waterford, MI

Cat Repellent Spray

Pets, SillinessKurt BrownComment

Idea: A repellent spray to keep neighborhood cats out of your yard, so that they don't defecate in your flower pots. Environmentally-friendly alternative solutions are also discussed, such as dogs, and helping the "cat ladies" get dates so they don't try to fill the gaping holes in their souls with cats

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 86

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Kurt Brown (Twitter: @KurtBrownTown)
Justin Siekierka (Facebook: @justin.siekierka)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

Glasses That Make Cats Look Like Dogs

Clothing, Futuristic, Pets, Silliness, TechDiego AttanasioComment

Idea: "Augmented reality" glasses that make dogs look like cats, or vice versa. Also maybe headphones, so the person who sees the cat as a dog can say a dog's name, and other people (and the cat) hear them say the cat's name. This technology would also allow everyone to live a lie, causing other people to see and hear them in a way that isn't real

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 81

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Gerrit Elzinga (Twitter: @GerritElzinga Podcast: This Better Be Good)
David Sutherland (Twitter: @skrtskrtsuther1)
Diego Attanasio (Twitter: @DiegoComedy)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

Poop Roomba

Invention, NSFW, Tech, PetsTeena GreenComment

Idea: A robotic, Roomba-like device to clean up dog poop in your yard, so you don't have to pick it up. We also discuss women using poop in acts of revenge, "code brown", simulated pregnancy in adult robots, and shooting dog poop into tiny pieces with high-powered water jets built into sprinkler systems

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 79

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Chris Miller (Twitter: @poolsideghoul)
Tom Swan (Twitter: @GreatLksComedy
Teena Green
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit