Creativity Wasted Podcast


Mouth Vibrator

NSFW, Silliness, TechDylan "The Autistic Spitfire" FarrComment

Idea (NSFW): Replacing teeth or part of your jaw with a vibrator to enhance (or automate) your oral pleasuring skills. Also: swapping between normal dentures and softer vibrating teeth or having teeth that can deflate to soft pleasure mode and inflate to hard chewing mode; questioning the need to do oral if you've got a vibrating device; if bone conduction headphones cause headaches, imagine the headaches from a vibrator built into your mouth

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Josiah Garcia (Instagram: @the_not_so_good_wrestler Linktree: @AllendaleComedyOpenMic)
Tyler "T-Dog the Unfathomable" Caldwell (Instagram: @thetac32 X: @TheTAC32)
Dylan "The Autistic Spitfire" Farr (Instagram: @autisticspitfirecomedy, Facebook: @dylan.p.farr, Spitfire Comedy at Sticks in Ypsilanti)
Tom Walma (X: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

Sinkhole Armored Truck Robbery Movie

NSFW, MovieTom WalmaComment

Idea (NSFW): A dark comedy heist movie where five nerds decide to rob an armored truck full of cash by driving it into a sinkhole in Florida and then swimming through unmapped underground rivers in scuba gear to make their escape. Also: a documentary where scuba drivers in Florida were swimming in an underground river underneath a Walmart and then come to the surface in what looks like a large puddle in a suburban backyard; nerds trying to commit a real robbery (i.e. not hacking) to increase their "manliness" or "toughness" at the same time they get rich; how the heist which was planned to be nonviolent could go wrong in extremely disturbing ways; the podcast guests hyper-fixating on a small non-essential part of the movie plot to the embarrassment of the host

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Abbie Lemke (Facebook: @abbie.lemke Comedy Show: @garagebaropenmic)
Jeffrey Scott (Facebook: @JeffreyScottComedy)
The Beaveman (Facebook: @Beavemancomedy Comedy Shows: @slaptail.squad Podcast:
Tom Walma (X: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

Animal Language Interpretation Device

Silliness, NSFWAbbie LemkeComment

Idea (NSFW): A device that allows you to interpret the language/feelings of animals and also maybe speak their languages. Also: the risk of such a device turning people into "crazy cat ladies" who no longer talk to people; our "innocent" pets might actually be disgusting perverts; being bitterly jealous of the main character of the cartoon "The Wild Thornberrys" because she can communicate with animals and you can't

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Abbie Lemke (Facebook: @abbie.lemke Comedy Show: @garagebaropenmic)
Jeffrey Scott (Facebook: @JeffreyScottComedy)
The Beaveman (Facebook: @Beavemancomedy Comedy Shows: @slaptail.squad Podcast:
Tom Walma (X: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)


Health, NSFWTyler CaldwellComment

Idea: To mix weed with something (like Ozempic) to keep it from giving you the munchies and causing you to gain weight. Also: obesity from weed is the actual gateway to harder drugs (because the harder drugs don't make you gain weight like weed does); caffeine or stimulants in the weed to get you up and moving to burn calories would ruin the weed; a joint that glues your mouth shut for a couple hours so you can't eat; using "smart devices" such as a timed lockbox that locks your weed or a weed-smelling lockbox that locks your Doritos if you're high and have the munchies (but then a hacker could hold your weed hostage in your lockbox until you send him Google Play gift cards)

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Josiah Garcia (Instagram: @the_not_so_good_wrestler Linktree: @AllendaleComedyOpenMic)
Tyler "T-Dog the Unfathomable" Caldwell (Instagram: @thetac32 X: @TheTAC32)
Dylan "The Autistic Spitfire" Farr (Instagram: @autisticspitfirecomedy, Facebook: @dylan.p.farr, Spitfire Comedy at Sticks in Ypsilanti)
Tom Walma (X: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

Autistic Dating App

App, Social Media, NSFWDylan "The Autistic Spitfire" FarrComment

Idea: A new dating app for autistic people. Also: planning dates at Lego stores, Comic-Con, or a train station; creating autistic-specific categories of interests, such as Adventure Time, WWE wrestling, Rubic's Cubes, etc. with a spectrum of how interested you are in the topic (because "no posers"); questioning the gender balance of people with autism, and the differences between autistic men and autistic women; using absurd tricks to help autistic men focus on pleasuring their partner; brainstorming names for the app, such as "Rizzm Tism"

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Josiah Garcia (Instagram: @the_not_so_good_wrestler Linktree: @AllendaleComedyOpenMic)
Tyler "T-Dog the Unfathomable" Caldwell (Instagram: @thetac32 X: @TheTAC32)
Dylan "The Autistic Spitfire" Farr (Instagram: @autisticspitfirecomedy, Facebook: @dylan.p.farr, Spitfire Comedy at Sticks in Ypsilanti)
Tom Walma (X: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

I Wanna K*ll An Engineer (TV Show)

TV Show, Evil, NSFWPam PalmieriComment

Idea: A TV show where people air grievances against engineers of bad and/or needlessly difficult to repair products, and the engineer responsible either immediately faces severe consequences (decided by the audience), or they have a chance to repair a broken product, and if they designed it so poorly that they fail to quickly repair it, then they (and possibly even their family) face the severe consequences. Also: debating whether Pam's grievance was actually the fault of an engineer; expanding the idea to punish other people who screw you over (either intentionally or through incompetence), such as mechanics, service workers, and realtors; customer service reps would either be immediately put on the chopping block for angering consumers, or would have immense power in deciding who's fault the problem was to put them on the chopping block instead

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Pam Palmieri (Facebook Personal: @pam.palmieri Instagram: @pampalmiericomedy Comedy Shows (Facebook): @Comedy/Productions Pam Palmieri)
Alex Wilson (Facebook: @mralexwilson YouTube: @thedropoutprofessor Web:
Bryan Deuchler (Facebook: BryanDeuchler Podcast (Web):
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

Dissonance App

App, Social Media, NSFW, EvilEmmanuel LechugaComment

Idea: An app ("Dissonance App", "dissonance" being the opposite of harmony) that connects two people to have a toxic/hateful real-life encounter with each other. The app can filter by what you're angry about (racism, divorce, a petty topic like pineapple on pizza), the action you want to take (dating, arguing, boxing or bare-knuckle brawling), and/or the characteristics of the person to connect with (social class, body part proportions, whether they look like your ex). Also: if you to release your anger using this app you might be less angry in real life and on other dating apps and social apps; the "match found" icon could be a middle finger or a devil emoji; there could be a spectator mode to allow other people to witness the real-life encounters

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Fat Steve (Instagram: @fatstevecomedy)
Emmanuel Lechuga (Instagram: @emmanuel_lechuga_comedy)
Ryan Brown (Linktree: @brownryancomedy Instagram: @brownryancomedy)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

DM's Sliders Restaurant

Food, Silliness, Business Idea, NSFWBrandon BirkComment

Idea: A restaurant that specializes in White Castle style sliders (which Brandon knows how to cook) and is themed around dirty jokes relating to "sliding into someone's DMs" and sexting, such as "DICK PICKles", ketchup packets labelled as "Sup?", and placemats with people's faces on them so you can get sauce all over them. Also: ordering the food via text using dirty talk and emojis; the wait staff could either "play it straight", talk dirty and use dirty jokes and puns, or act super offended; having a separate room behind a video store style beaded doorway for the more explicitly adult-themed jokes and menu, so normal people and maybe even kids can feel comfortable in the main area of the restaurant

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Pam Krugman (Facebook: @pam.krugman YouTube: @pamkrugman6858)
Yogi Singh (Facebook: @theyogmeister Instagram: @theyogmeister)
Brandon Birk
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

AI Robot Probation Supervisor and Caretaker

Artificial Intelligence, Robots, NSFW, EvilTom WalmaComment

Idea: To give prisoners the option to get out early if we amputate their arms (or put them in arm-locking exoskeletons) and give them AI robots to monitor them and care for them. Because if these robots of the near-future can do everything, not having arms would no longer be debilitating. Also: robots or exoskeletons with cameras and AI could monitor you while you're on probation, and detect, for example, if a white collar criminal tries to violate the terms of their probation by using a computer; the risk of the family members of armless prisoners on probation taunting them mercilessly because they can no longer fight back; using AI robots to monitor and care for those with mental disabilities; a previous idea on this podcast that offended people on social media (like this idea might do)

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Justin Siekierka (Instagram: @random_banana_entertainment_)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

Funeral 'Cause of Death' Guessing Games

Silliness, Event or Activity, NSFWJustin SiekierkaComment

Idea: To withhold announcing the cause of someone's death until their funeral so people can try to guess the cause of death and win prize(s) (maybe even the inheritance). Also: 'cause of death' reveal presentations; the family could take a percentage of the bets to help pay for the funeral; a back-and-forth discussion on whether this would lead to less or more murder; being peer-pressured into having an interesting death; Tom's guess of Justin's cause of death almost already happened in a close call

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Justin Siekierka (Instagram: @random_banana_entertainment_)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

Brainstorming How To Clean Up A Dirty Joke

NSFW, Standup ComedyTodd GarveyComment

A brainstorming session on how to clean up a specific adult-themed bit/joke, and a discussion on whether it's even possible. Also: dirty metaphors/innuendo such as "the grand finale" and "the product of the interaction"; "seagulling" and dirty urban legends being made real; using Adam Sandler movies as a barometer of acceptable PG-13 dirtiness

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Lisa Green (Instagram: @lisagreencomedy Facebook: @depottowncomedy)
Todd Garvey (Facebook: @todd.garvey.716)
Rio Riojas ( (similar to Linktree): @drdecide Podcast: Cornbread and Beans)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

International House of Toilets

Business Idea, Silliness, NSFWTom WalmaComment

Idea: A commercialized bathroom that contains different types of toilets from around the world (bidets, pit toilets, etc.), so you can try them out before traveling or before buying one, and to allow foreigners to use a familiar type of toilet. Also: extra clothes for the case of mishaps, such as a knee snapping and causing you to fall into a pit toilet; an "assport" as a souvenir with stamps indicating which nation's toilets you've successfully used; the World War 2 challenge; a "gravy enema" to "put one in the chamber" to try out the toilet; Tom didn't know how an enema works

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Sean Francis (Facebook: @seanfrancisco27 Linktree: @comedyoutletmondays)
Rachel Santos (Facebook: @comedian.rachel.santos Instagram: @rachelskindafunny)
Johnny Santos (Linktree: @johnnyskindafunny)
James River (Instagram: @jamesrivercomedy)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

Kink Compatibility Checks in Dating Apps

App, NSFW, Social MediaJohnny SantosComment

Idea: A dating app that only shows you people who share the same kinks/fetishes or at least would tolerate your kinks/fetishes. Also: admitting other embarrassing things in dating profiles, like STDs or financial debt; a kink tolerance sliding scale in the app, like to tolerate their extreme kink, they have to make lots of money; setting chores or qualifications for your partner to "unlock" their kink like in a videogame; ruining the fun of the idea by comparing dating sites to tax prep sites

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Rachel Santos (Facebook: @comedian.rachel.santos Instagram: @rachelskindafunny)
Johnny Santos (Linktree: @johnnyskindafunny)
James River (Instagram: @jamesrivercomedy)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

Tinder For Pets

Animal Rights / Vegan, App, Silliness, NSFWTyler CaldwellComment

Idea: An app for pet owners to connect directly (peer-to-peer) for pet meetups, primarily for pet "hookups", but also pet sitting, pet adoption, pet play dates, sharing pet products, and other pet-related activities. Also: ideas for involving the pet in the "date" selection process, including teaching pets to "swipe right", pet tumescence meters, and using smell-o-vision for pheromones; inter-species hookups and catfishing; tech billionaires, the "Zuck spectrum", and dogs in VR; using sci-fi tech to allow neutered pets and pet species which are normally incapable of climax to get off

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Dominic Maniscalchi (Facebook: @dominic.maniscalchi Instagram: @domedy_comedy)
Tyler Caldwell (Instagram: @thetac32 Twitter: @TheTAC32 Open Mic (Facebook): @garagebaropenmic)
Tom Walma (Twitter:@thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

Dream Recording Pillow

NSFW, SciFiDominic ManiscalchiComment

Idea: A pillow that records your dreams so you can watch them later. Also: using it to steal people's secrets; the chore of sifting through dream recordings; using it to detect that a nightmare is in progress and then having a real world machine grab your feet to scare you; if two heads are on the pillow at the same time, maybe they could they enter each others dreams, in which case if a cockroach is on the pillow, you could enter the cockroach's dream and find mold inside the wall of your house

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Dominic Maniscalchi (Facebook: @dominic.maniscalchi Instagram: @domedy_comedy)
Tyler Caldwell (Instagram: @thetac32 Twitter: @TheTAC32 Open Mic (Facebook): @garagebaropenmic)
Tom Walma (Twitter:@thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

Dark Mario Movie

NSFW, MovieDustin ColeComment

A brainstorming session about a dark and gritty movie adaptation of the Super Mario Bros videogame. Ideas include a 1950s noir detective movie where Mario is the detective who tries to find the kidnapped princess, a movie where Bowser is a sleazy landlord who keeps a drug-addicted Princess as a "strawberry" who supplies Bowser with adult favors in exchange for drugs and lodging, a movie where the Goombas are zombies, a movie from Bowser's perspective, etc.

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Dustin Cole (Facebook: @dustincolecomedy Instagram: @dustncole)
Casey Curran (YouTube: @Squavipwn Facebook: @casey.curran.54)
Darius Walker (Facebook: @darius.t.walker.1 Instagram: @the_dariuswalker)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

Concrete-Filled Ketchup Bottle Self-Defense Weapon

Silliness, Food, NSFWRheila GraeComment

Idea: A ketchup bottle with concrete hidden inside to be used as a blunt-force self-defense weapon, so an attacker wouldn't realize it was a weapon and take it from you. Also: the weirdness of carrying around a ketchup bottle; the risk of people asking you for ketchup (which you don't have); carrying a ketchup bottle could give you an excuse for having someone's blood on you (i.e. you could say that it's just ketchup)

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Lindsey Boersma (TikTok: @60secondswithsatan)
Rheila Grae (Instagram: @rheila81)
Milan Stromile (Soul of Detroit Bi-weekly Comedy Show in Sterling Heights; Facebook: @milan.stromile.9)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

"The Handler" Hand Movement Replication Robot

Futuristic, Robots, NSFWLindsey BoersmaComment

Idea: A hand-like robot which repeats hand motions that you program into it, in order to a) control a mouse to do repetitive tasks in videogames (like Runescape or New World), b) perform a musical instrument, c) perform a puppet show or a haunted horror show, d) pleasure a partner (in real-time or later, including possibly after you're dead), etc. Also: whether or not to make the hand look human; accessorizing it with rings and jewelry; childless comedians who're unsure whether little kids use tiny computer mice

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Lindsey Boersma (TikTok: @60secondswithsatan)
Rheila Grae (Instagram: @rheila81)
Milan Stromile (Soul of Detroit Bi-weekly Comedy Show in Sterling Heights; Facebook: @milan.stromile.9)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

Daddy Finder App

App, NSFW, Social MediaAmy Jo "Blondie Jo" EzelComment

Idea: An app for submissives to find a dominant "daddy" (or "mommy"), including 1-10 scales of physical dominance and mental dominance or cruelty, personal preferences within a particular fetish, and the desired type of relationship (i.e. one-time daddy, part-time daddy i.e. becoming a couple for whom the fetish stays in the bedroom, or full-time daddy). Also: weird and questionable fetishes; fetishes in virtual reality; a non-sexual Kid Rock cosplay adventure

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Mic Gimby (Facebook: @devonaugust.gimby.1)
Amy Jo “Blondie Jo” Ezel (Instagram: @blondiejoezel)
Benjamin Cheek (Relentless Comedy; Facebook: @benjamin.cheek.14)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

Dead Man's Switch App

App, NSFW, Parenting, TechTom WalmaComment

Idea: An app that you launch before doing a mildly dangerous activity, and if sensors in your electronic devices (phone, Apple Watch, FitBit, AirTags, etc.) indicate that an emergency has occurred (examples: losing Bluetooth contact with an AirTag hidden in the clothes of a kid that you're babysitting might mean that he wandered out of the yard; a sudden downward acceleration detected on an Apple Watch while you're climbing on a ladder might mean that you fell off), or if you fail to confirm that a dangerous activity has safely completed within a certain period of time (example: while walking to your car at night, if you don't press an "I'm safe" button on your phone within 5 minutes, you might have gotten mugged), an emergency protocol (such as contacting the police or a kid's parents) is automatically performed. The app does NOT use AI and therefore you have to tell the app what activity you're doing so that it knows, for example, if a sudden acceleration of an Apple Watch is an emergency. The app would be pre-programmed with a list of common dangerous activities, and, for each one, ways to use sensors in electronic devices (emphasizing the electronic devices that you own) to detect emergencies. Also, you could customize the app by adding new dangerous activities and new ways to detect emergencies. Also: the police might get sick of false alarms from the app; a possible AI extension of the app which monitors what you're doing and interjects before the emergency occurs (by alerting you or shocking you with a shock collar); describing a person as "cookable and lovable"

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Stefanie Ann (Podcast: Sanctioned by Stefanie Podcast: MILF and the Millennial Webcast: Knuckleheads Comedy (YouTube) Open Mic: Fireside Inn Dive Bar Instagram: @thedownriverdiva Facebook: @stefanie.brewer1)
JD The Smile Hustler (Twitter: @smilehustler01 Instagram: @smilehustler01 Facebook: JD The Smile Hustler)
Aaron Sorrels ( Podcasts: Well Metaversed and Clean Comedy Time Soapstone Comedy Club on Horizon Worlds)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)