Idea: To provide free health care to space aliens, and also pay them money, so they don't eat us. Also: "It sounds like you're putting a positive spin on us being their slaves", maybe bald aliens travel the universe because hairy aliens' spaceships would fill with hair after 1000s of years of haircuts, maybe people see politicians as "reptilians" because humans never instinctually got used to seeing wrinkly-skinned people (who look like snakes shedding their skin) because we used to die before we could get old enough to have snake-like wrinkly skin
Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 35
Avery Sommerfeld (Facebook: @crazeecomedy, YouTube: Funny News)
Gimmy Cipriano (Twitter: @theRealGimmyC, @aBitTooMuch1)
Austin Gosnell (Twitter: @AustinSGosnell YouTube: ThemBoyzSkittin)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit (