Creativity Wasted Podcast


Futuristic, Robots, TechTom WalmaComment

ANNOUNCEMENT: I'm splitting up the audio files of the first 88 podcast episodes by idea, so if you subscribe to the podcast using an app which downloads audio files (as opposed to streaming them), you might want to make sure that your podcast app doesn't download all of the new audio files of the first 88 episodes at the same time and fill up your phone

Also: Ideas on how to use a TeslaBot in your house, including taking care of your pets when you go on vacation, adjusting your bed covers or turning on/off a fan to help you sleep, doing laundry using a washboard and a bucket, attaching metal bars to your windows every night, doing your makeup in a moving car, gathering water from a hand-pump water well or a stream and emptying your compost toilet (so you don't need plumbing), etc.

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Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)