Creativity Wasted Podcast

Phlegm Flavorizer

Food, SillinessBrian AtkinsonComment

Idea: A product (Mucinex pill, nasal spray, etc.) that gives your phlegm a delicious flavor of your choosing when you have a cold. Also: causing Amanda to get more and more grossed out by the idea; romantic partners using complementary flavors before getting intimate; "hocking a loogie" and how dogs would want to lick it up if it was flavored

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Brian Atkinson (Web: brianacomedian Facebook: @BrianAcomedian)
Amanda VK (Instagram: @amandavk_does_comedy)
C-Dub (Instagram: @budsfromcdub)
Morgan Sterling (Facebook: @morgbot)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)