Creativity Wasted Podcast


Immediate Movie Remakes

MovieDaniel ThomasComment

Idea: To Release multiple versions of the same movie idea at about the same time, using different visionary directors (Quentin Tarantino, Alfonso Cuarón, Wes Anderson, etc.), and giving them creative control to make their own versions of the movie

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 87

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Chris Young (Twitter: @chrisyoungcomic Comedy Special Video: Chris Young - Buoyant Mon)
Camila Ballario (Twitter: @CamilaBallario Music Album: Camila Ballario - Another Good Mistake)

Dan Thomas (Twitter: @DanTComedy)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

JurWrestle Park

Movie, SciFi, SillinessJustin SiekierkaComment

Idea: A Jurassic Park parody, where instead of the eccentric billionaire cloning dinosaurs (who run amok in a park and kill people), he clones dead professional wrestlers from the 1980s (who also run amok in a park and start killing people). Yokozuna stomps on the ground and causes the water in the cup to shake, The Ultimate Warrior shakes the fence and breaks loose, Macho Man is the dilophosaurus who spreads his colorful wings, the raptors are a tag team, and the main characters escape when the murderous wrestlers are attacked by an even larger murderous wrestler

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 86

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Kurt Brown (Twitter: @KurtBrownTown)
Justin Siekierka (Facebook: @justin.siekierka)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

The Party Ship Sci-Fi Movie

Movie, Tech, FuturisticTom WalmaComment

A sci-fi movie, where, in the near future, an eccentric billionaire adventurer like Elon Musk leads the first mission to colonize a planet of a nearby star. They've figured out how to slow down aging via drugs and hibernation, so they age like 1/10 as fast as usual. So they can survive the entire 200-year journey, and still be young enough to have kids when they get there. But they can only hibernate for 90 days at a time. So every 90 days, they wake up, do a day of work, have an intense drug-fueled party, and then go back into hibernation before the hangover kicks in. So instead of space travel being logical and business-like and boring, it's the exact opposite, overflowing with fun and emotion and intense experiences. But will the people who signed up for a party be able to cope when things start to go wrong?

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Avery Sommerfeld (Facebook: @crazeecomedy)
Paul Pipitone (Facebook: @paul.pipitone.5)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

Media Hold-Up Podcast

App, MovieTom WalmaComment

A podcast where a group of people of a variety of ages rate and discuss old movies, music, etc., and only discuss whether it "holds up", i.e. whether they enjoyed it when watching/listening the week before the podcast was recorded. Any discussion which isn't relevant to how much they enjoyed it (such as historical importance, critical accolades, etc.) would be interrupted. Unlike virtually all media review web sites, podcasts, etc., we wouldn't care about how groundbreaking a movie was or other snobby bulls***. The goal would be to help people find movies or other media that they'd enjoy consuming, which would likely be outside of the era where they would've seen it or heard of it based on their age, and therefore probably wouldn't have been recommended to them by software "recommendation engines" such as on Netflix

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 61

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Chris Karpinski (Twitter: @ComedyDadKzoo)
Jay Stapes (Twitter: @jstapes_says)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit