Idea: An AI-based app which runs on nearby people's (primarily teenagers) phones/Airpods and/or augmented reality glasses that filters (in real-time) how they hear and/or see you in order to make them perceive you as "cool". Also: making it appear like you're saying cool Gen Z/Alpha slang, and a list of recent slang words/expressions and whether we think they're funny; it could be customized based on the age of the person wearing the Airpods/glasses to make a middle-aged person seem cool to their elderly parents and vice-versa; it could also translate slang so you can understand what the kids are saying and/or tell you if a song or product is "cool"; if 50 year old celebs like Kenny Chesney and Snoop Dogg can be perceived by kids as cool, why can't their parents and teachers (with the help of this app)?
Chris Young (Web: Comedy Special Video: Buoyant Mon)
Jae Gonzalez (Instagram: @comedyxjae)
Tom Walma (X: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)