Creativity Wasted Podcast


Reel Love

Artificial Intelligence, App, MovieKim CookComment

Idea: An app that recommends movies for couples based on their overlapping interests for them to watch together. Also: modes such as "compromise mode" for when you're feeling generous and willing to watch a movie more aligned to your partner's interests; using AI and data from many sources (watch history, you social media, etc) to better understand your movie preferences; using AI to generate, combine, or modify movies (examples: "Kill Bill The Musical"; a war movie with a small romantic subplot where the "happily ever after" seamlessly transitions into a full-on romantic comedy); magnetic helmets that temporarily shut off or amplify parts of your brains to better align your movie preferences

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This is a funny AI song manipulation mentioned in the episode:

Kim Cook (Web:
Tommy Cook (Instagram: @tommycooklol Web:
Brian Atkinson (Web: Facebook: @BrianAcomedian)
Tom Walma (X: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

Sinkhole Armored Truck Robbery Movie

NSFW, MovieTom WalmaComment

Idea (NSFW): A dark comedy heist movie where five nerds decide to rob an armored truck full of cash by driving it into a sinkhole in Florida and then swimming through unmapped underground rivers in scuba gear to make their escape. Also: a documentary where scuba drivers in Florida were swimming in an underground river underneath a Walmart and then come to the surface in what looks like a large puddle in a suburban backyard; nerds trying to commit a real robbery (i.e. not hacking) to increase their "manliness" or "toughness" at the same time they get rich; how the heist which was planned to be nonviolent could go wrong in extremely disturbing ways; the podcast guests hyper-fixating on a small non-essential part of the movie plot to the embarrassment of the host

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Abbie Lemke (Facebook: @abbie.lemke Comedy Show: @garagebaropenmic)
Jeffrey Scott (Facebook: @JeffreyScottComedy)
The Beaveman (Facebook: @Beavemancomedy Comedy Shows: @slaptail.squad Podcast:
Tom Walma (X: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

Parental Draft Substitution Movie

Movie, Politics and Social IssueThe BeavemanComment

Idea: An action movie where an inept Trump-like leader stumbles incompetently into a sci-fi futuristic war and drafts young people into the military, but their ex-military parents strike a deal to go to war in their place. Also: an electromagnetic pulse could render tech obsolete and leave young tech-dependent fighters reliant on older people with more practical skills; questioning the morality of manipulating naive impressionable young men into joining the military; going to war twice for the sake of protecting your adult children could make them feel like it's impossible to earn their parents' respect

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Abbie Lemke (Facebook: @abbie.lemke Comedy Show: @garagebaropenmic)
Jeffrey Scott (Facebook: @JeffreyScottComedy)
The Beaveman (Facebook: @Beavemancomedy Comedy Shows: @slaptail.squad Podcast:
Tom Walma (X: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

One Dimensional Movies

Movie, SillinessJeffey ScottComment

Idea: Movies that are only shown in one physical dimension (1D) e.g. width. Also: instead of watching 3D movies by wearing 3D glasses, you'd watch 1D movies by wearing an eye patch; 3D schlock horror movies from the 1970s where it looks like the axe is flying towards you; storing 1D movies on cylindrical discs; remaking 2D movies in 1D; using wormholes and time travel to show movies in 4D

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Abbie Lemke (Facebook: @abbie.lemke Comedy Show: @garagebaropenmic)
Jeffrey Scott (Facebook: @JeffreyScottComedy)
The Beaveman (Facebook: @Beavemancomedy Comedy Shows: @slaptail.squad Podcast:
Tom Walma (X: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

The Great Clown Massacre (Movie)

MovieTom WalmaComment

Idea: A movie based loosely on the viral creepy clown fad of 2016, when, in real life, creepy clowns would wander around outside at night, and in response, mobs of people hunted for (and in a couple cases murdered) creepy clowns. In the movie, a creepy clown is murdered by a teenager who falsely claims self-defense, clowns take him and his family hostage in an attempt to demand he go to trial, and then chaos ensues in a Waco-style police standoff/siege. Also: the corrupt media would portray the clowns only as villains and wouldn't mention that innocent clowns were murdered (just like in real life); the clowns would do clown antics during the standoff/siege, like get shot and then pull a long rainbow handkerchief out of their pocket which then pulls out their intestines; the police/FBI leader, a man whos makeup artist used to do clown makeup and sympathizes with the clowns, is constantly pranked by her, such as having his microphone squeak like a clown nose when he bumps it during a press conference, and secretly putting clown makeup on him underneath his normal makeup so he looks like a clown when he sweats off his normal makeup

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Josiah Garcia (Instagram: @the_not_so_good_wrestler Linktree: @AllendaleComedyOpenMic)
Tyler "T-Dog the Unfathomable" Caldwell (Instagram: @thetac32 X: @TheTAC32)
Dylan "The Autistic Spitfire" Farr (Instagram: @autisticspitfirecomedy, Facebook: @dylan.p.farr, Spitfire Comedy at Sticks in Ypsilanti)
Tom Walma (X: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

The Seance of Chester Bennington (Movie Musical)

Movie, Music, Artificial IntelligenceTom WalmaComment

Idea: A movie musical where the deceased lead singer of Linkin Park (Chester Bennington) is contacted via seance by his grieving children. Then, in order to solve their financial woes and to help them emotionally, he performs a new music album from beyond the grave. His voice would be generated for the movie using AI. Also: AI voice replication is getting really, really good; in the movie, he can only communicate from beyond the grave "in song"; it doesn't make sense that AI gets the artsy jobs and we have to pour over numbers; getting plastic surgery to look like a deceased singer and then getting an AI-based vocal implant to sound like them

This is the AI-generated song that I stumbled onto on YouTube which sounded very real and inspired this idea:

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Pam Palmieri (Facebook Personal: @pam.palmieri Instagram: @pampalmiericomedy Comedy Shows (Facebook): @Comedy/Productions Pam Palmieri)
Alex Wilson (Facebook: @mralexwilson YouTube: @thedropoutprofessor Web:
Bryan Deuchler (Facebook: BryanDeuchler Podcast (Web):
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

Comedian Valentine Murder Mystery

MoviePam KrugmanComment

Idea: A murder mystery movie set at a Valentine's Day standup comedy and karaoke show where a male comic who's the love interest of the two female show-runners is murdered on stage by a cupid's arrow. Also: the physics of killing someone with a cupid's arrow; wondering about the mythological cupid's motivation; making your funeral fun instead of trying to maximizing how much people grieve for you; who in the local comedy scene would be cast in the movie

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Pam Krugman (Facebook: @pam.krugman YouTube: @pamkrugman6858)
Yogi Singh (Facebook: @theyogmeister Instagram: @theyogmeister)
Brandon Birk
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

The Sound of Mooses

Movie, SillinessC-DubComment

Idea: A movie about evil mooses (sic), possibly a zombie-moose-infused remake of the movie The Sound of Music. Also: Cocaine Bear but with moose and pot; evil moose attacking a mall during Christmas; using AI to recreate old movies scenes but then having evil moose kill everybody; why Tom thinks that almost every movie made before 1984 sucks

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Brian Atkinson (Web: brianacomedian Facebook: @BrianAcomedian)
Amanda VK (Instagram: @amandavk_does_comedy)
C-Dub (Instagram: @budsfromcdub)
Morgan Sterling (Facebook: @morgbot)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

Completely Serious (Movie)

Movie, EvilTom WalmaComment

Idea: A dark comedy movie where a young couple who are both improv actors pull a series of increasingly complex pranks on each other, until one gets the other to help commit a murder by tricking them into thinking it's just a prank. Also: how North Korea hired pranksters and tricked them into murdering Kim Jong Un's brother; whether or not to leave the audience guessing; eating cereal-like baby food snacks because they're half the calories of Cheerios and the other "healthy" cereals

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Niles Nowak (Instagram: @nilestheriver Instagram: @dogcomicproductions)
Nicole Melnyk (Instagram: @mcfancyvonpants TikTok: @nicolemelnyk Facebook: @DogComicProductions)
Allison Armstrong (Instagram: @allison.alarmstro Facebook: @Alarmstro)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

Netflix Forgetting Device

Movie, SciFi, SillinessScott SvilandComment

Idea: A mind-erasing device to make you forget a TV show or movie so you can experience it again as if it was your first time seeing it. Also: using a Black Mirror-esque device while watching Black Mirror; the risk of people using it to forget stuff from their real life; if you have to wear it on your head the whole time it's making you forget stuff, and it's big and nerdy, this would dissuade people from using it for their real life; if you watch the same thing over and over in one sitting, it could drug you or knock you out for a few hours between viewings so your dopamine levels aren't depleted for the later viewings

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Shilpa Rege (Facebook: @shilparege Instagram: @shilparege)
Scott Sviland (Instagram: @allergy_probs Facebook: @scott.sviland)
Devarron Thomas (Facebook: @devarron Instagram: @skinnyfatdude1)
Chase Richard (Linktree: @imchaserichard YouTube: @dogcomicproductions)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

Dark Mario Movie

NSFW, MovieDustin ColeComment

A brainstorming session about a dark and gritty movie adaptation of the Super Mario Bros videogame. Ideas include a 1950s noir detective movie where Mario is the detective who tries to find the kidnapped princess, a movie where Bowser is a sleazy landlord who keeps a drug-addicted Princess as a "strawberry" who supplies Bowser with adult favors in exchange for drugs and lodging, a movie where the Goombas are zombies, a movie from Bowser's perspective, etc.

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Dustin Cole (Facebook: @dustincolecomedy Instagram: @dustncole)
Casey Curran (YouTube: @Squavipwn Facebook: @casey.curran.54)
Darius Walker (Facebook: @darius.t.walker.1 Instagram: @the_dariuswalker)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

Cocaine Bear Drugged Animal Movie Sequels

Movie, SillinessRee LedbetterComment

Idea: To make sequels to the movie "Cocaine Bear" where other animals get drugged and go crazy in over-the-top comedic scenarios. Also: meth sloth; speed tortoise vs. pothead hare; Ree’s story of being chased by a raccoon who tried to open a sliding door to follow her into the house; swarms of frogs jumping on your face to steal your drugs whenever you try to do them and thus forcing everyone to become sober; the "stoned ape" theory causing drugged animals to become intelligent and accidentally creating a "Planet of the Apes" scenario

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Ree Ledbetter (Facebook: @ReeLedbetter)
Chris Barrett (Instagram: @pokeyokey1 Video Podcast:
Cameron Stahl (Instagram: @cscomedian Twitter: @CScomedian)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

Bad Singer Living in a Musical (Movie)

Movie, Music, SillinessAce ArmstrongComment

Idea: A movie set in a universe where people sing and dance all of the time (like in a musical or Bollywood movie), and the protagonist is horribly bad at both singing and dancing, which causes his life to be very difficult. Also: Angelyne and the Rockefeller-era woman who couldn't sing but her rich parents tried to make her a famous singer; Bear Grylls struggling to live with the Kardashians, as narrated by David Attenborough

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Ace Armstrong (Twitter: @AceSmellsFunny YouTube: @acesmellsfunny)
Deepak "DP" Aggarwal (Twitter: @not8AllFunny)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

Jimmy Olsen's Blues (Movie)

MovieAce ArmstrongComment

Idea: A movie, based on the song "Jimmy Olsen's Blues" by the "Spin Doctors", starring Jimmy Olsen, a photographer who works with Lois Lane in the Superman universe. In the movie, Jimmy's in love with Lois Lane, and he's jealous and angry that she's in love with Superman, who's incompetent, clumsy, and arrogant, and is only able to defeat villains due to dumb luck and Jimmy's help. And so Jimmy decides to kill Superman. Also: "Mr. Bean" as Superman and other casting ideas; telling somebody they'd make a good villain and then feeling awkward when they ask why; Bollywood movies and sad songs with weirdly upbeat dance numbers

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Ace Armstrong (Twitter: @AceSmellsFunny YouTube: @acesmellsfunny)
Deepak "DP" Aggarwal (Twitter: @not8AllFunny)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

Animal Fight Club Movie

Animal Rights / Vegan, Evil, Movie, NSFWNick KelleyComment

Idea: A movie where evil rich people create a secret gambling ring to bet on fights between species of animals, like a gorilla vs. a grizzly bear. In the movie, the rich people would get their comeuppance and get killed by the animals. Also: debating with friends on who'd win in fights between animals or between animals and people, such as "who'd win: 20 squirrels vs. a guy wearing an acorn suit"; having multiple versions of the movie (like the movie "Clue") so the audience could bet on the (fake CGI) animal fight scenes; casting animal-rights activist celebs to play over-the-top villians who get eaten by the animals

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Sara Young (Facebook: @CallMeGracie Web:
Nick Kelley (Podcast: Ride AALong Instagram: @nickkelleyyy)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)

Brainstorming About Selling A Screenplay

Book, MovieJeremy ShipleyComment

A brainstorming session for a screenwriter who's losing hope about his nearly impossible quest to sell his screenplay, which is a "Monty Python"-esque absurdist Medieval comedy with undertones about coping with the hopelessness of a nearly impossible quest to kill a dragon. Also: meeting Kevin Smith and Kevin Smith's inspirational story about making the movie "Clerks"; whether to take a traditional route or a more "indie" route to promote your creative work; whether to spend all of your effort on your own creative work or whether to participate in groups and help others in their creative pursuits

Update: he published his idea as a book and you can buy it on Amazon: Dragon Slayers by Jeremy Shipley

CW109 Brainstorming About Selling A Screenplay.png
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Jon Houser (Web: Twitter: @JonHouserComedy)
Travis Hargan (Web:
Jeremy Shipley (Facebook: @jeremy.shipley.359)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)

Tranq Chair

Movie, Silliness, Event or ActivityDavid WellfareComment

Idea: A "smart chair" with a tranquilizer device to knock out annoying people at a movie theater. It would vibrate once or twice as a warning before tranqing you, unless you answer your phone and start talking, in which case you'd be tranq'd immediately. Also: Getting tranq'd on purpose if the movie is boring or you want to relax before a job interview; trying to make your friends laugh inappropriately during a sad movie to get them tranq'd; tranqing young kids who freak out at a scary movie

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Dave Wellfare (The AM Mayhem Podcast with Mojo and Dave)
Justin Siekierka (Comedy Shows: Liberty Street Brewing Co Rusted Crow Canton Village Theater)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)

Action Dads

TV Show, Movie, ParentingJohnny MocnyComment

Idea: A reality TV show where a family temporarily replaces the dad with a washed-up action movie star, such as Steven Seagal or Brian Bosworth. The action star would complain that his whole body aches and begrudgingly participate in family-oriented events organized by the reality show. He could be so horrible that he makes the family more appreciative of their real dad, or he could sleep with the mom and destroy the family. Also: action moms; solving every family problem using violence (for example, beating up a hostile neighbor); the family could help the action star more than the action star helps the family; the dad could temporarily live the action star's life and act in a SyFy channel B-movie involving a natural disaster and a random predatory animal

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Brian Bosworth photo by jondoeforty1 license CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons (photo has been modified)

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Matt Harper (Twitter: @MattHarperJokes Podcast: Another Episode Twitch: @mattopoly83)
Brett Mercer (Twitter: @brettmercer_ Podcast: Big Time Garbage Twitch and Web: @Brettmercer)
Johnny Mocny (Twitter: @JohnnyMocny Podcast and Web: @wearemoviespod)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)

Good Netflix

App, Movie, TV Show, Business IdeaBrett MercerComment

Idea: A redesign of Netflix which is actually good. It'll be good because a) the shows are better (obviously), and because b) it'll offer a much more immersive experience. It'll support immersion into a particular movie or TV show by including commentaries, Arsenio Hall talk show promotional segments, bloopers, and other bonus content related to the movie or TV show. It'll also support immersion into the time period of the movie or TV show by showing TV commercials from the time period (and allowing you to buy the old-timey products in the commercials), by enabling censorship rules from the time period, by simulating audio/video quality problems of the time period (such as tracking issues), and by simulating other inconveniences from the time period (such as stopping the video stream at 1:00 AM to simulate the local TV broadcast tower shutting down for the night)

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Matt Harper (Twitter: @MattHarperJokes Podcast: Another Episode Twitch: @mattopoly83)
Brett Mercer (Twitter: @brettmercer_ Podcast: Big Time Garbage Twitch and Web: @Brettmercer)
Johnny Mocny (Twitter: @JohnnyMocny Podcast and Web: @wearemoviespod)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)

The American Revolution: Angels vs. Demons

MovieNolan JohncockComment

Idea: A movie where angels and devils participate in the American Revolutionary War, just for sport. The devils are on the side of the Americans, and win because the devils are good at deception and other war-like activities. Or maybe there were no angels and devils, but the Native-Americans used ergot poisoning to get the white people to hallucinate and start killing each other so that they'd go away

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 52

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Nolan Reilly (Instagram: @kzquarantineking)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit