Creativity Wasted Podcast

Social Media Post Jail (Reputation Protection App)

App, Social Media, Politics and Social IssueJoe WilliamsComment

Idea: An app to analyze your social media posts after you press the post button, and if the app determines that a post might be passive-aggressive, angry, or harmful to your reputation, it puts the post in "post jail" for a day to force you re-think the post, and then you must confirm that you really want to post it before anyone can see it. Also: friends could review your posts before allowing you to post them; the app would also be useful for interrupting awkward politically-charged in-person conversations

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 54

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Gwen Hope (Twitter: @gwenhopecomedy)
Ron Rigby (Twitter: @RonRigby)
Joe Williams (Twitter: @JoeDoubleYou)
Seiko Yomogita (Instagram: @best_japanese_comedian)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit