Creativity Wasted Podcast

Animal Fight Club Movie

Animal Rights / Vegan, Evil, Movie, NSFWNick KelleyComment

Idea: A movie where evil rich people create a secret gambling ring to bet on fights between species of animals, like a gorilla vs. a grizzly bear. In the movie, the rich people would get their comeuppance and get killed by the animals. Also: debating with friends on who'd win in fights between animals or between animals and people, such as "who'd win: 20 squirrels vs. a guy wearing an acorn suit"; having multiple versions of the movie (like the movie "Clue") so the audience could bet on the (fake CGI) animal fight scenes; casting animal-rights activist celebs to play over-the-top villians who get eaten by the animals

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Sara Young (Facebook: @CallMeGracie Web:
Nick Kelley (Podcast: Ride AALong Instagram: @nickkelleyyy)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)