Idea: A reality TV show where a family temporarily replaces the dad with a washed-up action movie star, such as Steven Seagal or Brian Bosworth. The action star would complain that his whole body aches and begrudgingly participate in family-oriented events organized by the reality show. He could be so horrible that he makes the family more appreciative of their real dad, or he could sleep with the mom and destroy the family. Also: action moms; solving every family problem using violence (for example, beating up a hostile neighbor); the family could help the action star more than the action star helps the family; the dad could temporarily live the action star's life and act in a SyFy channel B-movie involving a natural disaster and a random predatory animal
Brian Bosworth photo by jondoeforty1 license CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons (photo has been modified)
Matt Harper (Twitter: @MattHarperJokes Podcast: Another Episode Twitch: @mattopoly83)
Brett Mercer (Twitter: @brettmercer_ Podcast: Big Time Garbage Twitch and Web: @Brettmercer)
Johnny Mocny (Twitter: @JohnnyMocny Podcast and Web: @wearemoviespod)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)