Creativity Wasted Podcast


Education, Futuristic, Politics and Social IssueThomas StinemanComment

Idea: A K-12 school system based on the principles of cryptocurrency, such as blockchain and smart contracts, for the purposes of 1) reducing corruption (because things like test scores would be visible on the blockchain and things like grading systems and reward systems would be pre-defined and visible on smart contracts), 2) eliminating unnecessary middlemen (such as school administrators), 3) enabling innovative parent-student-community participation (such as voting on which classes and extra-curricular activities are available), 4) enabling innovative incentives for students to learn (such as skipping class if you did well on a test, teachers blocking access to kid's streaming video games at home until they do their homework), and 5) familiarizing students with the principles of cryptocurrency to help them prepare for the future economy. Also: blockchain and the danger of "big brother" and social currency scores; an example of a school unfairly changing the rules in the middle of a contest (which could have been prevented by "smart contracts")

CW111 Skool.png
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Thomas Stineman (Facebook: @thomas.z.stineman)
Justin Siekierka (Comedy Shows: Liberty-Street-Brewing-Co Rusted Crow Canton Village Theater)
Tom Walma (Web: Twitter: @thomaswalma)