Creativity Wasted Podcast

Haunted Salon and Spa TV Show

TV ShowLucky LeeComment

Idea: A comedy/horror sitcom about a salon and spa which is run by a friendly ghost and markets itself as haunted. Also: a salon mirror showing a customer giving an evil smile instead of their reflection; scared customers jumping and causing the stylist to cut a bald spot in their hair; claiming your ghost boss Ratatouille'd you in order to blame her for screwing up a haircut

This episode was released to the podcast feed on March 28. Links to the episode will be added to this web page within a few days

Lucky Lee (Instagram: @luckyleecomedy Web:
David Carson (Email Newsletter: Blog:
Carl Sobel (Linktree: @Carl_Sobel_Comedy Open Mic
Krinker (Facebook: @ryan.krinker)
Tom Walma (X: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

1980s Action Fitness

Health, Business IdeaCarl SobelComment

Idea: A 1980s-themed fitness center/camp, including Rocky/Rambo/Schwarzenegger movies on all of the TVs and inspirational "Eye of the Tiger"-style songs for all of the music, old-school karate and martial-art classes which have been made obsolete by MMA, Footloose-"Dirty Dancing" themed dance classes and dance-offs, etc. Also: a "Point Break"-themed pool, a Deathsport-style underground fighting tournament, breakdancing, instructors wearing blue jeans and smoking cigars, etc.; a real-life roller derby "running of the bulls" bar crawl where the derby girls smack people with pool noodles

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Lucky Lee (Instagram: @luckyleecomedy Web:
David Carson (Email Newsletter: Blog:
Carl Sobel (Linktree: @Carl_Sobel_Comedy Open Mic
Krinker (Facebook: @ryan.krinker)
Tom Walma (X: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

Taxidermied Emotional Support Animals

PetsDavid CarsonComment

Idea: Taxidermied animals as emotional support animals for situations where you can't have a living emotional support animal, such as if you can't get a doctor's note, you're allergic, or you just can't handle the upkeep of a living pet. Also: it's like the evil "blood diamond" version of a stuffed animal; the horror of seeing someone on a plane having a panic attack while intensely squeezing a dead animal; a Tamagotchi taxidermied animal that you have to care for, or a robotic one which is controlled remotely by a real pet so you can "mute" or disable it on a plane if it's causing trouble; other clever and/or practical uses of taxidermied animals, such as a cup, a fire extinguisher, or a literal drug mule

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Lucky Lee (Instagram: @luckyleecomedy Web:
David Carson (Email Newsletter: Blog:
Carl Sobel (Linktree: @Carl_Sobel_Comedy Open Mic
Krinker (Facebook: @ryan.krinker)
Tom Walma (X: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

Ski Resort Self-Driving Snowmobiles

Artificial Intelligence, SportsTom WalmaComment

Idea: For ski resorts to use self-driving snowmobiles or golf carts (on an enclosed paved path) instead of ski lifts. Also: ski lifts are an unnecessary fear endurance challenge that must be completed before doing the sport of skiing, and how similarly dumb it would be if a baseball stadium made you walk through a hall of spiders before you could play baseball; shooting archery targets while riding on a ski lift; practicing your comedy set verbally while floating in a public sensory deprivation tank

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Kim Cook (Web:
Tommy Cook (Instagram: @tommycooklol Web:
Brian Atkinson (Web: Facebook: @BrianAcomedian)
Tom Walma (X: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

Reel Love

Artificial Intelligence, App, MovieKim CookComment

Idea: An app that recommends movies for couples based on their overlapping interests for them to watch together. Also: modes such as "compromise mode" for when you're feeling generous and willing to watch a movie more aligned to your partner's interests; using AI and data from many sources (watch history, you social media, etc) to better understand your movie preferences; using AI to generate, combine, or modify movies (examples: "Kill Bill The Musical"; a war movie with a small romantic subplot where the "happily ever after" seamlessly transitions into a full-on romantic comedy); magnetic helmets that temporarily shut off or amplify parts of your brains to better align your movie preferences

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This is a funny AI song manipulation mentioned in the episode:

Kim Cook (Web:
Tommy Cook (Instagram: @tommycooklol Web:
Brian Atkinson (Web: Facebook: @BrianAcomedian)
Tom Walma (X: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

Recycling Deposit For Electronics

EnvironmentalismTommy CookComment

Idea: A deposit (such as $5.00) similar to a bottle deposit which you pay when you buy electronics and you get back when you recycle them. Also: electronics that get up and leave if you're not worthy of their time or they are due to be recycled; 1970s recycling mascots and Kim's hatred of "hatless owls"; Apple has a good recycling program but arguably misleads you about the possibility of a trade-in refund/discount; maybe you could get paid to recycle your electronics if you don't wipe your data off of them and you allow the recycling company to sell your data

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Kim Cook (Web:
Tommy Cook (Instagram: @tommycooklol Web:
Brian Atkinson (Web: Facebook: @BrianAcomedian)
Tom Walma (X: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

Mouth Vibrator

NSFW, Silliness, TechDylan "The Autistic Spitfire" FarrComment

Idea (NSFW): Replacing teeth or part of your jaw with a vibrator to enhance (or automate) your oral pleasuring skills. Also: swapping between normal dentures and softer vibrating teeth or having teeth that can deflate to soft pleasure mode and inflate to hard chewing mode; questioning the need to do oral if you've got a vibrating device; if bone conduction headphones cause headaches, imagine the headaches from a vibrator built into your mouth

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Josiah Garcia (Instagram: @the_not_so_good_wrestler Linktree: @AllendaleComedyOpenMic)
Tyler "T-Dog the Unfathomable" Caldwell (Instagram: @thetac32 X: @TheTAC32)
Dylan "The Autistic Spitfire" Farr (Instagram: @autisticspitfirecomedy, Facebook: @dylan.p.farr, Spitfire Comedy at Sticks in Ypsilanti)
Tom Walma (X: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

Sinkhole Armored Truck Robbery Movie

NSFW, MovieTom WalmaComment

Idea (NSFW): A dark comedy heist movie where five nerds decide to rob an armored truck full of cash by driving it into a sinkhole in Florida and then swimming through unmapped underground rivers in scuba gear to make their escape. Also: a documentary where scuba drivers in Florida were swimming in an underground river underneath a Walmart and then come to the surface in what looks like a large puddle in a suburban backyard; nerds trying to commit a real robbery (i.e. not hacking) to increase their "manliness" or "toughness" at the same time they get rich; how the heist which was planned to be nonviolent could go wrong in extremely disturbing ways; the podcast guests hyper-fixating on a small non-essential part of the movie plot to the embarrassment of the host

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Abbie Lemke (Facebook: @abbie.lemke Comedy Show: @garagebaropenmic)
Jeffrey Scott (Facebook: @JeffreyScottComedy)
The Beaveman (Facebook: @Beavemancomedy Comedy Shows: @slaptail.squad Podcast:
Tom Walma (X: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

Parental Draft Substitution Movie

Movie, Politics and Social IssueThe BeavemanComment

Idea: An action movie where an inept Trump-like leader stumbles incompetently into a sci-fi futuristic war and drafts young people into the military, but their ex-military parents strike a deal to go to war in their place. Also: an electromagnetic pulse could render tech obsolete and leave young tech-dependent fighters reliant on older people with more practical skills; questioning the morality of manipulating naive impressionable young men into joining the military; going to war twice for the sake of protecting your adult children could make them feel like it's impossible to earn their parents' respect

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Abbie Lemke (Facebook: @abbie.lemke Comedy Show: @garagebaropenmic)
Jeffrey Scott (Facebook: @JeffreyScottComedy)
The Beaveman (Facebook: @Beavemancomedy Comedy Shows: @slaptail.squad Podcast:
Tom Walma (X: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

One Dimensional Movies

Movie, SillinessJeffey ScottComment

Idea: Movies that are only shown in one physical dimension (1D) e.g. width. Also: instead of watching 3D movies by wearing 3D glasses, you'd watch 1D movies by wearing an eye patch; 3D schlock horror movies from the 1970s where it looks like the axe is flying towards you; storing 1D movies on cylindrical discs; remaking 2D movies in 1D; using wormholes and time travel to show movies in 4D

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Abbie Lemke (Facebook: @abbie.lemke Comedy Show: @garagebaropenmic)
Jeffrey Scott (Facebook: @JeffreyScottComedy)
The Beaveman (Facebook: @Beavemancomedy Comedy Shows: @slaptail.squad Podcast:
Tom Walma (X: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

Animal Language Interpretation Device

Silliness, NSFWAbbie LemkeComment

Idea (NSFW): A device that allows you to interpret the language/feelings of animals and also maybe speak their languages. Also: the risk of such a device turning people into "crazy cat ladies" who no longer talk to people; our "innocent" pets might actually be disgusting perverts; being bitterly jealous of the main character of the cartoon "The Wild Thornberrys" because she can communicate with animals and you can't

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Abbie Lemke (Facebook: @abbie.lemke Comedy Show: @garagebaropenmic)
Jeffrey Scott (Facebook: @JeffreyScottComedy)
The Beaveman (Facebook: @Beavemancomedy Comedy Shows: @slaptail.squad Podcast:
Tom Walma (X: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)


Health, NSFWTyler CaldwellComment

Idea: To mix weed with something (like Ozempic) to keep it from giving you the munchies and causing you to gain weight. Also: obesity from weed is the actual gateway to harder drugs (because the harder drugs don't make you gain weight like weed does); caffeine or stimulants in the weed to get you up and moving to burn calories would ruin the weed; a joint that glues your mouth shut for a couple hours so you can't eat; using "smart devices" such as a timed lockbox that locks your weed or a weed-smelling lockbox that locks your Doritos if you're high and have the munchies (but then a hacker could hold your weed hostage in your lockbox until you send him Google Play gift cards)

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Josiah Garcia (Instagram: @the_not_so_good_wrestler Linktree: @AllendaleComedyOpenMic)
Tyler "T-Dog the Unfathomable" Caldwell (Instagram: @thetac32 X: @TheTAC32)
Dylan "The Autistic Spitfire" Farr (Instagram: @autisticspitfirecomedy, Facebook: @dylan.p.farr, Spitfire Comedy at Sticks in Ypsilanti)
Tom Walma (X: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

Evil AI Assistant

Artificial Intelligence, EvilJosiah GarciaComment

Idea (satire): An AI assistant that validates everything you think and helps you do anything you want, including evil or unhealthy things. Also: recommending things for you that it determines you'd enjoy but that you're not emotionally ready to accept; validating your crazy thoughts and making your mental illness worse; using the AI as an alibi if you get in trouble with the cops; other scary futuristic tech, such as "drive-by-wire" computerized car steering and RFID chip implants

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Josiah Garcia (Instagram: @the_not_so_good_wrestler Linktree: @AllendaleComedyOpenMic)
Tyler "T-Dog the Unfathomable" Caldwell (Instagram: @thetac32 X: @TheTAC32)
Dylan "The Autistic Spitfire" Farr (Instagram: @autisticspitfirecomedy, Facebook: @dylan.p.farr, Spitfire Comedy at Sticks in Ypsilanti)
Tom Walma (X: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

Car Heat Vent Accessories

Cars, InventionTom WalmaComment

Idea: Two concepts of heat vent accessories that you can add to your car to blow warm air on you in a more satisfying way than the ones built into the dash (which only directly warm your hands and face and dry out your eyeballs). Also: heat vents as a zen meditation spot; Tom didn't realize that "air scarfs" already exist in some luxury car seats; Bluetooth-speaker-sized space heaters (without metal surfaces that could burn you) with rechargeable batteries that can attach to the headrest or a suit hanger; an air blower machine located below the car seat with an air nozzle near your seat belt that you can pull up to blow warm air inside your shirt

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Donte Lillard (Linktree: @dontelillard Facebook: @DogComicProductions)
JT Motley (YouTube: @JTMotley Facebook: @jamie.kidmoten)
Tom Walma (X: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

Playa Haters’ Ball Comedy Show

Standup Comedy, Event or ActivityJT MotleyComment

Idea: A roast-like award show where each comic is introduced by giving them an insulting award (such as "the comic with the most hit-with-a-brick mouth"), and their set/"acceptance speech" is a roast of the host, the other comics, and possibly also celebrities and/or random people in the audience. Also: it's loosely based on a "Chappelle's Show" sketch called "Playa Haters’ Ball"; it's roast-like humor, but there's no "dais", everyone is the target of the insults, and there's no respectful "I roast you because I love you" backtracking at the end; comics are well-dressed but in an over-the-top pimp-like way (possibly also in a jokey persona like a pirate or a "Silicon Valley pimp") to make it easy for other comics to insult them; the show would also include games, sketches, and other comedic activities

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Donte Lillard (Linktree: @dontelillard Facebook: @DogComicProductions)
JT Motley (YouTube: @JTMotley Facebook: @jamie.kidmoten)
Tom Walma (X: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

Diverse Mall Santa Service

Business Idea, Politics and Social IssueDonte LillardComment

Idea: A service that provides multiple mall Santas of different races, genders, cultures, etc. Also: unique characteristics of the different flavors of Santa, such as an Irish Santa with a red beard and a thick accent that the kids can't understand; kids choosing a race of Santa that they think will give them the most presents or switching Santas if they didn't get the present they wanted the previous Christmas; a SantaBot controlled remotely by someone of the desired race from a call center; this idea must be implemented quickly before DEI goes away

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Donte Lillard (Linktree: @dontelillard Facebook: @DogComicProductions)
JT Motley (YouTube: @JTMotley Facebook: @jamie.kidmoten)
Tom Walma (X: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

The Great Clown Massacre (Movie)

MovieTom WalmaComment

Idea: A movie based loosely on the viral creepy clown fad of 2016, when, in real life, creepy clowns would wander around outside at night, and in response, mobs of people hunted for (and in a couple cases murdered) creepy clowns. In the movie, a creepy clown is murdered by a teenager who falsely claims self-defense, clowns take him and his family hostage in an attempt to demand he go to trial, and then chaos ensues in a Waco-style police standoff/siege. Also: the corrupt media would portray the clowns only as villains and wouldn't mention that innocent clowns were murdered (just like in real life); the clowns would do clown antics during the standoff/siege, like get shot and then pull a long rainbow handkerchief out of their pocket which then pulls out their intestines; the police/FBI leader, a man whos makeup artist used to do clown makeup and sympathizes with the clowns, is constantly pranked by her, such as having his microphone squeak like a clown nose when he bumps it during a press conference, and secretly putting clown makeup on him underneath his normal makeup so he looks like a clown when he sweats off his normal makeup

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Josiah Garcia (Instagram: @the_not_so_good_wrestler Linktree: @AllendaleComedyOpenMic)
Tyler "T-Dog the Unfathomable" Caldwell (Instagram: @thetac32 X: @TheTAC32)
Dylan "The Autistic Spitfire" Farr (Instagram: @autisticspitfirecomedy, Facebook: @dylan.p.farr, Spitfire Comedy at Sticks in Ypsilanti)
Tom Walma (X: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

Mid-Life Themed Pop Songs

MusicJosiah GarciaComment

Idea: Pop songs for middle-aged people which discuss middle-aged issues, such as erectile dysfunction and health issues, not getting along with your kids, wanting to buy a motorcycle, rigidly-scheduled lovemaking sessions, and partying because your kids finally moved out. Also: the songs could be performed either by middle-aged artists or by popular young artists; questioning whether young adults still listen to FM radio; using AI to tweak songs by popular artists to make them directly apply to your life situation

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Josiah Garcia (Instagram: @the_not_so_good_wrestler Linktree: @AllendaleComedyOpenMic)
Tyler "T-Dog the Unfathomable" Caldwell (Instagram: @thetac32 X: @TheTAC32)
Dylan "The Autistic Spitfire" Farr (Instagram: @autisticspitfirecomedy, Facebook: @dylan.p.farr, Spitfire Comedy at Sticks in Ypsilanti)
Tom Walma (X: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

Autistic Dating App

App, Social Media, NSFWDylan "The Autistic Spitfire" FarrComment

Idea: A new dating app for autistic people. Also: planning dates at Lego stores, Comic-Con, or a train station; creating autistic-specific categories of interests, such as Adventure Time, WWE wrestling, Rubic's Cubes, etc. with a spectrum of how interested you are in the topic (because "no posers"); questioning the gender balance of people with autism, and the differences between autistic men and autistic women; using absurd tricks to help autistic men focus on pleasuring their partner; brainstorming names for the app, such as "Rizzm Tism"

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Josiah Garcia (Instagram: @the_not_so_good_wrestler Linktree: @AllendaleComedyOpenMic)
Tyler "T-Dog the Unfathomable" Caldwell (Instagram: @thetac32 X: @TheTAC32)
Dylan "The Autistic Spitfire" Farr (Instagram: @autisticspitfirecomedy, Facebook: @dylan.p.farr, Spitfire Comedy at Sticks in Ypsilanti)
Tom Walma (X: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

Drunk Driving Lane

Evil, CarsTyler CaldwellComment

Idea: A road lane with barriers on both sides (like bumper bowling or a Hot Wheels track or a Boring Company tunnel) where it's legal to drive drunk. Also: instead of trying and failing to use police and strict penalties to prevent drunk driving, maybe it'd be safer (for other people) to allow people to drive drunk if they're a safe distance away; people paying to watch entertaining videos and livestreams of the drunk drivers crashing would help fund the drunk driving lane; maybe we could even "gamify" it like Mario-Kart and let people pay to drop obstacles or give the the drivers inventory (i.e. more beer)

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Josiah Garcia (Instagram: @the_not_so_good_wrestler Linktree: @AllendaleComedyOpenMic)
Tyler "T-Dog the Unfathomable" Caldwell (Instagram: @thetac32 X: @TheTAC32)
Dylan "The Autistic Spitfire" Farr (Instagram: @autisticspitfirecomedy, Facebook: @dylan.p.farr, Spitfire Comedy at Sticks in Ypsilanti)
Tom Walma (X: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)