Creativity Wasted Podcast

Stuffed Mozzarella Sticks

FoodAlex PlotkowskiComment

Idea: To inject various foods into deep-fried mozzarella sticks to give them a custom flavor, such as ground beef, pizza sauce, basil, garlic, or pepperoni. Also: inverting the jalapeno popper; nacho cheese inside of mozzarella cheese; hiding veggies in the mozzarella sticks, like in Jerry Seinfeld's wife's book, which we can't remember whether or not was plagiarized

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Chris Young ( Comedy Special: Buoyant Mon (Dry Bar Comedy subscription required))
Allie Goodwich (Instagram: @allie.the.goodwich)
Alex Plotkowski (Twitter: @ProbsMcGobs Open Mic: TipTopTuesdayComedy)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)