Creativity Wasted Podcast

Dark Mario Movie

NSFW, MovieDustin ColeComment

A brainstorming session about a dark and gritty movie adaptation of the Super Mario Bros videogame. Ideas include a 1950s noir detective movie where Mario is the detective who tries to find the kidnapped princess, a movie where Bowser is a sleazy landlord who keeps a drug-addicted Princess as a "strawberry" who supplies Bowser with adult favors in exchange for drugs and lodging, a movie where the Goombas are zombies, a movie from Bowser's perspective, etc.

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Dustin Cole (Facebook: @dustincolecomedy Instagram: @dustncole)
Casey Curran (YouTube: @Squavipwn Facebook: @casey.curran.54)
Darius Walker (Facebook: @darius.t.walker.1 Instagram: @the_dariuswalker)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)