Creativity Wasted Podcast

Alcohol Test Probe

App, FoodJasun PierpointComment

Idea: A portable test probe to test alcohol at bars for alcohol percentage, accuracy of ingredients, hygiene, etc. Also: using the test probe for other things, such as to test people for STDs; bars might get rowdier if bartenders can no longer get away with watering down drinks; helping prevent people from accidentally drinking drinks which contain more alcohol than they expected; calculating how much of the drink you can consume and still be sober enough to drive in 3 hours

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Kim Cook (
Dan Brittain (Facebook: @danbrittaincomedy YouTube: @danbrittaincomedy2301)
Jasun Pierpoint (Facebook: @Beerplug Comedy at the Creek)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)