Creativity Wasted Podcast


Innovation Olympics

Event or Activity, Futuristic, Sports, TechTom WalmaComment

Idea: A new type of Olympics where each event is designed to promote innovation in human biological enhancement/recovery, sporting equipment technology, or both; events include Human Battering Ram, Vertical Running, Flugtag (human powered flying machines), Artificial Liver Drinking Contest, and Team Pole Vault (where the pole vaulter goes so high they need to parachute down). Also: a moderate amount of danger and serious injury is encouraged because it advances the technology of medicine and physical therapy

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 28

CW028 Innovation Olympics.png
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Robert Johnson (Twitter: @blackrob2006)
DC Bradley (Instagram: @dcbradleyonig)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit (

Pot Paranoia Reduction App

App, SillinessDC BradleyComment

Idea: An app to remind people who are smoking weed or eating edibles not to freak out, i.e. no cops are coming to get them (unless, of course, the cops are coming to get them). Also: friends could alter the app to prank you, the app might backfire and freak you out more if you're on LCD

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 28

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Robert Johnson (Twitter: @blackrob2006)
DC Bradley (Instagram: @dcbradleyonig)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit (

Underage Indicator

Tech, NSFW, FuturisticRobert JohnsonComment

Idea: A visual indicator that a woman is underage so you don't accidentally hit on her. Also: steroid-filled chickens that might make women grow up quicker and also beat you up, comedians telling dirty jokes when there are kids in the audience, the possibility of using a weird disappearing birthmark as an underage indicator

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 28

Listen on Spotify Listen on Amazon Music Listen on Google Podcasts

Robert Johnson (Twitter: @blackrob2006)
DC Bradley (Instagram: @dcbradleyonig)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit (