Creativity Wasted Podcast


Reverse Patreon

AppTom Walma1 Comment

Idea: An enhancement to monthly-donation websites such as Patreon to allow you to temporarily adjust your donation to penalize (or reward) the content creator, and also give them a comment explaining why you're penalizing or rewarding them. You could also cap your overall total monthly donation, so if you reward one content creator with a bonus one month, it would automatically slightly reduce your donations to other content creators that month, so you can quickly give out a bonus without worrying about accidentally spending too much money

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 65

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Cinderella App

Evil, App, Parenting, TechScott Fischer2 Comments

Idea: An app which allows parents to remotely shut off a tail-light on their teenage kid's car if the kid stays out too late. That way, if the kid's gonna be out too late, he better stay sober, because he's at a high risk of getting pulled over

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 65

CW065 Cinderella App-01.png
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Dustin "Lee" (not real name, by request)
Scott Fischer (Instagram: @scottimscott)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

Refrigerator Outdoor Exhaust Vent

Environmentalism, Invention, TechDustin "Lee"Comment

In the winter, a fridge takes warm air from inside the house which has been warmed by your heater, and cools it off again.

In the summer, a fridge vents hot air into a house which you're trying to cool down with air conditioning.

Why not position your fridge next to an outside wall, and use a vent/duct leading outdoors to either take in or vent out air (depending on the season) to save electricity? Or you could have a 2nd, tiny refrigerator door which leads outside, so Amazon grocery delivery can place food directly into the fridge. This could also allow you to sit in the fridge with the tiny door open to cool yourself off

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 65

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Dustin "Lee" (not real name, by request)
Scott Fischer (Instagram: @scottimscott)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit