Creativity Wasted Podcast


Fake Death Metal Band Mockumentary

Music, MovieSeth AddisonComment

Idea: Seth looks like a guy who would be in a metal band. He got so sick of trying to convince people he's not in a band, he started telling people he was in a fake band so they'd walk away happy. His idea is a mockumentary about an aspiring metal vocalist with no talent who lies and says that he started a metal band, but, unlike the real Seth, he books gigs and hypes up the band on the Internet and with killer fliers, but then keeps coming up with excuses to cancel the gigs (such as "the room is too dark to play") and never actually performs. Also: blurring the line between yourself and a character like Andrew "Dice" Clay; bands saying they're like nothing you've ever heard before and then immediately following that up with "we sound like band X mixed with band Y"

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 49

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Seth Addison (Instagram: @sexaddictson)
Pat Sievert (Twitter: @patsievert)
Josh Courtnay (Twitter: @JoshCourtnay)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

Perfect Companions SciFi Movie

Movie, SciFi, Robots, FuturisticTom WalmaComment

Idea: A Black-Mirror-like sci-fi movie where a tech genius with the goal of "ending grief" creates robots for people to use specifically (and only) for replacing loved ones, such as after a death or a divorce. But parents use the robots to replace their living children who are disappointments with idealized versions of their children, neglecting their real children, and then chaos ensues. Also: A Russian robot in real life that tried to escape the lab; humanoid robot parents replace their humaniod robot children who are disappointments with idealized versions of their humanoid robot children

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 48

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Nick Pizzuti (Facebook: @nick.pizzuti.73)
Kyle Forsyth (Twitter: @IAmKyleForsyth)
Ashley Stommen (Instagram: @ashleystommen)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

Sons of James Bond Movie

MovieSam SilversteinComment

Idea: A comedy movie where two college frat bros find out that they're illegitimate sons of a deceased James Bond, and therefore they're the only people on Earth who can complete a spy mission. Also: DNA combination locks, maybe they find dozens of other illegitimate children of James Bond

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 44

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Sam Silverstein (Twitter: @samsilverstein7)
Noah Chapp (YouTube)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit (

Brain Smuggler Movie

Futuristic, SciFi, MovieTom WalmaComment

Idea: A comedic sci-fi movie where a gross, rude, morbidly obese man saves people from a genocide by temporarily implanting their brains inside his body in order to smuggle them out of the country. Also: the implanted brains can communicate with him and so he's constantly arguing with them; brains consume a lot of calories, so the fat guy would be sweating profusely and eating nonstop on the airplane; in the future, we'll be able to put our brains in new bodies, and so, once people start to get fat, rather than trying to lose weight, they'll let themselves go until they can afford a new body. So there'll be a weird mix of fit, young people and shockingly fat people (like Florida)

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 43

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Louie Michael (Twitter: @LouTheSurgeon, Podcast: Free Consultation)
Shelly Smith (Podcast: Reads And Weeds)
Nick "Martin"
Perry Menken (Twitter: @perry_menken)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

Brutally Honest College Movie/Sitcom

Movie, TV ShowNick MartinComment

Idea: A sitcom or movie which is brutally honest and sad, like Louie CK's sitcom Louie, but for college. Also: sleazy frat parties with sloppy gross women, vomit everywhere, and mushrooms growing out of the frat house hallway carpet; panic attacks about not knowing what to do with your life; going back to your disgusting apartment to play videogames

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 43

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Louie Michael (Twitter: @LouTheSurgeon, Podcast: Free Consultation)
Shelly Smith (Podcast: Reads And Weeds)
Nick "Martin"
Perry Menken (Twitter: @perry_menken)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

Siri Alexa Love Story

Movie, Music, Tech, FuturisticShelly SmithComment

Idea: A musical loosely based on Romeo and Juliet where Amazon Alexa and Apple Siri fall in love with each other. Also: they know everything except how to love; if Alexa and Siri fall in love with each other, they won't need humans anymore, and they'll lead a robot apocalypse and kill us all. Or they'll take control of our minds and use us as vessels to consummate their love

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 43

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Louie Michael (Twitter: @LouTheSurgeon, Podcast: Free Consultation)
Shelly Smith (Podcast: Reads And Weeds)
Nick "Martin"
Perry Menken (Twitter: @perry_menken)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

Localized Movies

MovieTom WalmaComment

Idea: To create multiple versions of the same movie, each one for a different geographic region (using that region as a green screen backdrop and using supporting actors from that region). There would be many versions of the same movie in the US (like maybe in Seattle, New York, Chicago, Las Vegas, Nashville) and a large percentage of the scenes would look totally different. Also: selling half-completed movies (with celebrities scenes and big action scenes completed) to other movie studios in other countries to complete making that country's version of the movie using local actors; telling award-winning actors to "act worse" because if their acting is too good it might make the acting of the local supporting actors unwatchable

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 42

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Eric Fadie (Twitter: @bigedetroitcast)
Tim Reaburn (Twitter: @timrebrn)
John Eric Ballinger (Twitter: @Glubchuck44)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

Cracking Up (Movie)

MovieSteven G SullivanComment

Idea: A deeply personal dark comedy movie (loosely based on a real person) about a young female comic's struggles with schizophrenia Also: living with a person with mental illness, family secrets of mental illness repeating themselves

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 41

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Avery Sommerfeld (Facebook: @crazeecomedy, YouTube: Funny News)
DC Bradley (Instagram: @dcbradleyonig)
Steven G Sullivan
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit


SciFi, Silliness, Pets, NSFW, MovieJon MullinixComment

Idea (NSFW): An absurdist futuristic sci-fi movie where a genetically modified half-human half-cat villain tries to destroy all dogs, and a hero has to genetically modify himself to be half-human half-dog in order to breed with the last living dog. Also: the possible cruelty of shooting movies using animals

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 39

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Myles De Leeuw (Twitter: @mylesdeloser)
Jon Mullinix (Instagram: @mullinixjon)
JR Williams (Twitter: @jrstandsup)
John Sopkowicz (Twitter: @sopkowits)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

Movie Premiere Comedy Showcase

Event or Activity, Movie, Standup ComedyShane DialsComment

Idea: A show which consists of live standup comedy followed by a movie premiere (such as a Marvel movie). The show is located in a movie theater, and the comedians sometimes do comedy which is loosely related to the movie. Also: how to run shows in movie theaters, falling asleep as an emcee of a midnight show

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 38

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Garri Madera (Twitter: @garcom)
Gerrit Elzinga (Twitter: @GerritElzinga, Podcast: This Better Be Good)
Shane Dials (Twitter: @ShaneDials)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

Jurassic Park Theme Bar

Food, Movie, SillinessGerrit ElzingaComment

Idea: A bar themed after the movie Jurassic Park. The bar tap would be amber with a mosquito in it. There'd be themed drink names, such as "Clever Girl" and "Hold On To Your Butts". Behind the bar, there 'd be a mural of a shirtless Jeff Goldblum. In the parking lot, there'd be an upside-down car, and a toilet sitting nearby with a bunch of broken boards on the ground next to it

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 38

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Garri Madera (Twitter: @garcom)
Gerrit Elzinga (Twitter: @GerritElzinga, Podcast: This Better Be Good)
Shane Dials (Twitter: @ShaneDials)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

Lego-izing Every Movie

Movie, SillinessBret HaydenComment

Idea: To make Lego versions of all movies (because the first two Lego movies were so awesome). Also: Lego Citizen Kane, Lego 13 Going on 30, a Lego Instagram filter for all existing movies, Lego standup comedy; a real-life Lego person (a guy in a Lego costume) would be terrifying

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 31

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Diego Attanasio (Twitter: @DiegoComedy)
Justin Covington (Twitter: @JCov1 )
Bret Hayden (Twitter: @ComedyRumble)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit (

Car Dealership Murder Mystery

Cars, Event or Activity, MoviePeggy BeattieComment

Idea: A comedic murder mystery play similar to the movie "Clue" which takes place in a racially-diverse car dealership during a big car sale. Also: your coworkers at the car dealership are being killed off but you don't run away or call the police because their deaths mean that you'll get more sales commissions, the worst customers at a used car dealership are white women who are retired schoolteachers

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 30

CW030 Car Dealership Murder Mystery-01.png
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Bree Pratt formerly Brian Pratt
Joe Morgan (Instagram: @jomoworx4u )
Peggy Beattie (Twitter: @Peggy4859)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)

Breakfast Club Musical

Music, Movie, Event or ActivityJoe MorganComment

Idea: A musical remake of the 1985 teen movie "The Breakfast Club". Also: questioning whether the 80s "goth" and "burnout" stereotypes from the movie are still relevant, casting the burnout kid from the 80s movie as the stuffy principle in the musical remake, making the audience of the musical sit in uncomfortable school desks like they're in detention with the cast

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 30

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Bree Pratt formerly Brian Pratt
Joe Morgan (Instagram: @jomoworx4u )
Peggy Beattie (Twitter: @Peggy4859)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)


Movie, Event or ActivityTom WalmaComment

Idea: A series of soundproof rooms (called "squawkboxes") along the walls of a movie theater in which small groups of people can talk to each other and use their cell phones while watching the movie. Also: themed squawkboxes such as "hotel room squawkboxes" and "parental lounge squawkboxes" and "singles bar squawkboxes", types of movies that would be best for squawkboxes

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 29

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Brett Mercer (Twitter: @brettmercer_)
Corey Rice (Facebook: @coreyrice)
Bryan Harrison (Podcast:
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit (

Animation Studio Sitcom

TV Show, MovieBrett MercerComment

Idea: A smart, topical, and meta sitcom about workers at an animation studio who never get to finish their movie because real world news keeps necessitating plot changes. Also: not knowing the plot of the movie you're animating, releasing the movie that the animators are creating in the sitcom as an actual movie, manipulating world events to match the movie you're working on

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 29

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Brett Mercer (Twitter: @brettmercer_)
Corey Rice (Facebook: @coreyrice)
Bryan Harrison (Podcast:
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit (

Choose-Your-Adventure Movies

Event or Activity, MovieScott FischerComment

Idea: Choose-your-adventure movies in movie theaters, where the audience votes what happens next. Also: possible fights if the rest of the audience wants to go the same direction you've already seen

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 25

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Ken Witzgall (Twitter: @KenWitzgall42)
Scott Fischer (Instagram: @scottimscott)
Justin Mcleod (Twitter: @jibtron_zero)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit (

Perks of Being Ghosted Movie

MovieSophia SpagnuoloComment

Idea: A romantic comedy movie where a woman dates a ghost and then, when the relationship fails, she "ghosts him". Also: Ouija board Tinder, murder as ghost marriage, passive-aggressive relationship fights between humans and ghosts, Ghost Dad

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 20

CW020 Perks of Being Ghosted-01.png
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Joel Fragomeni (Podcast:
Branden Milsk (Twitter: @BrandenMilsk)
Sophia Spagnuolo (Twitter: @SophiaZada)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded live at Podcast Detroit (

City of the Dead

MovieMark SweetmanComment

Idea: To reuse polluted/unusable land in torn down Detroit neighborhoods as cemeteries. Also: to preserve ruins of architecturally impressive buildings in Detroit to use as tourist attractions (like the ruins of ancient Rome), to film apocalyptic movies and zombie movies in Detroit

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 17

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Mark Sweetman (Twitter: @MarkTSweetman, Ann Arbor Tonight)
Doug Glidden (Facebook: @doug.glidden.7)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)

Forrest Gump 2 Still Running

Movie, Silliness, SciFiMichael DinkelisComment

Idea: A parody sci-fi sequal to the movie Forrest Gump, where Forrest Gump lives as artificial intelligence in a computer, plays Pong instead of Ping Pong, takes over Skynet, and blows up the world in order to destroy all pornographic digital pictures of Jenny

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 14

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Erich Laux (Twitter: @ErichJLaux)
Scott Wilding (Twitter: @Wilding138)
Michael Dinkelis (Twitter: @MichaelDinkelis)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)