Creativity Wasted Podcast


App, Business Idea, Social Media, SillinessMichael DinkelisComment

Idea: A service for wealthy old people to send money to unemployed millennial hipsters and art students to feel young and cool again. Also: taking old people to parties and pretending they fit in, the old person can teach the millennial about money and the young person can teach the old person how to use an iPhone, what to do if the unemployed millennial isn't cool enough to attract wealthy old people

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 27

CW027 Sponsor-A-Millennial2-01.png
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Felicity Blue (Twitter: @FelFelBlue)
Sai Dharmarajan aka "Sai-D" (Twitter: @saidee27)
Michael Dinkelis (Twitter: @MichaelDinkelis)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit (