Creativity Wasted Podcast


Cars, Business Idea, FoodMarkus OlindComment

Idea: An app for buying and delivering booze and other items from a local liquor store to your house (or the nearest corner if you're homeless). Or it could be like an ice cream truck for adults, in which case grown men holding dollar bills would be drunkenly chasing the booze truck through the neighborhood in a zig-zag line. Also: A liquor-shaped vehicle similar to the Oscar Mayer Weinermobile

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 51

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Gimmy Cipriano (Twitter: @theRealGimmyC, @aBitTooMuch1)
Ricarlo Winston (Twitter: @thewolfspider23)
Markus Olind (Twitter: @BeardVonMarkus)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit