Creativity Wasted Podcast

Netflix Forgetting Device

Movie, SciFi, SillinessScott SvilandComment

Idea: A mind-erasing device to make you forget a TV show or movie so you can experience it again as if it was your first time seeing it. Also: using a Black Mirror-esque device while watching Black Mirror; the risk of people using it to forget stuff from their real life; if you have to wear it on your head the whole time it's making you forget stuff, and it's big and nerdy, this would dissuade people from using it for their real life; if you watch the same thing over and over in one sitting, it could drug you or knock you out for a few hours between viewings so your dopamine levels aren't depleted for the later viewings

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Shilpa Rege (Facebook: @shilparege Instagram: @shilparege)
Scott Sviland (Instagram: @allergy_probs Facebook: @scott.sviland)
Devarron Thomas (Facebook: @devarron Instagram: @skinnyfatdude1)
Chase Richard (Linktree: @imchaserichard YouTube: @dogcomicproductions)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)