Creativity Wasted Podcast

Performance Venue Info and Signup App

App, Business Idea, Event or Activity, Standup ComedyShilpa RegeComment

Idea: An app to be used by amateur performers (primarily open mic comedians, but also maybe musicians, improv actors, etc.) to sign up to perform and to share info about the venue, including whether performers get a free drink (or have to buy drink(s)), whether it's safe for women, whether the bathrooms are clean, whether performers openly use drugs (and which drugs), etc. Also: how weird it is that everyone still uses Facebook to sign up for open mics; a feature to help you connect with other performers to hang out and/or to feel safe; brainstorming a title, such as Greenroom, Green Book, Mic Rate, etc.; merch for the app, such as a cup which performers could bring to the venue to get discounted drinks and so they don't have to drink out of a gross poorly-washed glass at a dive bar; passing a McDonalds burger backstage from person to person, each person taking a bite

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Shilpa Rege (Facebook: @shilparege Instagram: @shilparege)
Scott Sviland (Instagram: @allergy_probs Facebook: @scott.sviland)
Devarron Thomas (Facebook: @devarron Instagram: @skinnyfatdude1)
Chase Richard (Linktree: @imchaserichard YouTube: @dogcomicproductions)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)