Creativity Wasted Podcast

City Socks

Business Idea, ClothingNiles NowakComment

Idea: Vending machines in cities that contain socks and other cheap items that you might occasionally need due to weather or other scenarios when you're out on the town, such as socks (if your feet got wet from stepping in a puddle or something), sticks of deodorant ("City Sticks), hairbrushes and dry shampoo, sunblock, tampons, etc. Also: putting a baby blue silhouette of your city's skyline on the socks; you could re-use the Japanese used-panty vending machines; questioning whether there would be a social stigma to be seen in public wearing "city socks"; this might cause alleys in cities to be strewn with used condoms and soggy socks

Image created by Midjourney

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Niles Nowak (Instagram: @nilestheriver Instagram: @dogcomicproductions)
Nicole Melnyk (Instagram: @mcfancyvonpants TikTok: @nicolemelnyk Facebook: @DogComicProductions)
Allison Armstrong (Instagram: @allison.alarmstro Facebook: @Alarmstro)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)