Creativity Wasted Podcast


Junk Mail Prevention Service

Clothing, Business IdeaSkippy RoseComment

Idea: A service where the post office filters out your junk mail for a monthly fee (either all junk mail or junk mail from specific companies that you specify). Also: maybe a kid could drive through the neighborhood after the mailman, filter out the junk mail, and give it to the homeless, or to someone else to use as insulation or something useful; a trenchcoat or puffy coat that allows you to add padding, such as junk mail or other clothing (to allow you to travel without bringing a suitcase); Skippy is shocked that Tom gets almost no junk mail

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Niko Lukoff (Linktree: @LaughYourLukoff)
Justin Hicks (Facebook: justin.hicks.92798)
Skippy Rose (Instagram: skippyrosecomedy YouTube: @SkippyRoseComedy)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

City Socks

Business Idea, ClothingNiles NowakComment

Idea: Vending machines in cities that contain socks and other cheap items that you might occasionally need due to weather or other scenarios when you're out on the town, such as socks (if your feet got wet from stepping in a puddle or something), sticks of deodorant ("City Sticks), hairbrushes and dry shampoo, sunblock, tampons, etc. Also: putting a baby blue silhouette of your city's skyline on the socks; you could re-use the Japanese used-panty vending machines; questioning whether there would be a social stigma to be seen in public wearing "city socks"; this might cause alleys in cities to be strewn with used condoms and soggy socks

Image created by Midjourney

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Niles Nowak (Instagram: @nilestheriver Instagram: @dogcomicproductions)
Nicole Melnyk (Instagram: @mcfancyvonpants TikTok: @nicolemelnyk Facebook: @DogComicProductions)
Allison Armstrong (Instagram: @allison.alarmstro Facebook: @Alarmstro)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

Wearable Airbags

Clothing, SillinessDan BrittainComment

Idea: Airbags embedded into clothing to protect you from getting injured from slipping and falling, and maybe also motorcycle accidents and other scenarios. Also: an airbag for a helmet that puffs out like an afro; the brutality of car airbags; a special helmet or shield to protect your face and teeth; distrust of dentistry and the cost of getting new implantable teeth

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Kim Cook (
Dan Brittain (Facebook: @danbrittaincomedy YouTube: @danbrittaincomedy2301)
Jasun Pierpoint (Facebook: @Beerplug Comedy at the Creek)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

Bug Zapper Earrings

Business Idea, Clothing, SillinessChris YoungComment

Idea: Earrings which also function as a bug zapper, to be worn while camping to keep the bugs away. Also: the risk of electrocuting your head if you dive into a lake; using them as a mini-grill for tiny diet-sized pieces of chicken; shoving your wife's head towards a spider; if her ears start smoking, either she just killed a bug or she's really mad

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Chris Young ( Comedy Special: Buoyant Mon (Dry Bar Comedy subscription required))
Allie Goodwich (Instagram: @allie.the.goodwich)
Alex Plotkowski (Twitter: @ProbsMcGobs Open Mic: TipTopTuesdayComedy)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

Dip Pants

Clothing, SillinessCam HoneyagerComment

Idea: Pants to wear when you eat dip (bean dip, french onion dip, etc.) which repel dip if you spill it on them. Also: spraying PFOS/teflon on pants to make them "non-stick"; putting fleece on the inside of the pants to make them more comfortable but possibly so warm that they overheat your groin and make you infertile; a (fictional) traumatic childhood story about spilling dip on pants

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Jared Hibbs (Facebook: Laughter Layover Twitter: @Hibbzilla)
Cam Honeyager (Instagram: @camhoneyager Twitter: @phatboicam TikTok: @camhoneyager)
Nolan Johncock (Intagram: @kzquarantineking)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)

Electronic Wedding Ring

Tech, Clothing, FuturisticTom WalmaComment

Idea: An electronic wedding ring that can log when and where you take it off, to prevent cheaters from taking off their wedding rings. Although, if sunspots knock out the GPS satellites, it'd be like "Cheater Christmas". And in the future, when most people have "augmented reality" glasses, the glasses could augment how other people see the married person, to either make them appear uglier or hide them behind a "digital burka" so people aren't attracted to them

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 56

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Jacqui Marpa (Twitter: @JacquiMarpa)
Amanda Brewington (Facebook: @amanda.brewington)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

Clothing "Photo Fit" App

App, Business Idea, ClothingRicarlo WinstonComment

Idea: A shopping app that uses photo(s) of you (in your underwear) to calculate and show you what the clothes would look like on your body. Also: hackers stealing semi-nude photos from the app; helping the app determine your body dimensions by standing next to a celebrity mannequin (for example, Seth Rogan) in your photos; having to explain to other people why you have a mannequin of Seth Rogan in his tighty-whities in your house

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 51

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Gimmy Cipriano (Twitter: @theRealGimmyC, @aBitTooMuch1)
Ricarlo Williams-Winston (Twitter: @thewolfspider23)
Markus Olind (Twitter: @BeardVonMarkus)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

Vape Lanyard

ClothingGimmy CiprianoComment

Idea: A lanyard for a vape pen to prevent other people from wondering away with it after borrowing it, and also to allow other people to identify and avoid "vapists" (because the vape lanyard would stick out of their pocket like the chain of a chain wallet). Also: the risk of a vape pen breaking in your pocket; a weird idea to make vaping cooler

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Gimmy Cipriano (YouTube: ABitTooMuch)
Kara Coraci (Twitter: @KaraCoraci Web:
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)

Wearing An Object Around Your Neck

Clothing, SillinessSai-DComment

Idea: For everybody to wear an object around their neck like the rapper Flavor Flav while they're out in public, such as a calculator (so people know that you can be counted on). The object can be used for self-expression and as a non-offensive conversation starter, or the object can be useful, such as a lanyard containing your keys when you're at the gym, extra carrying capacity at the airport, or a condom when you're at Martis Gras. But be careful not to wear something that could impale your neck if you trip and fall. Also: truck nuts, poor object choices for self-expression

CW0101 Wearing An Object Around Your Neck.png
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Joel Fragomeni (Podcast Joel Radio)
Sai-D (Twitter: @saidee27)
Matti Yaari (Facebook: @myaari)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)

From Ho To Housewife and Double-Sided Razor

Invention, ClothingKara CoraciComment

Ideas: A makeup brand named "From Ho To Housewife" which is specialized for bachelorette parties, a double-sided razor with a blue side for men and a pink side for women. Also: Using the double-sided razor, he can stick his head next to her legs and they can shave together in one stroke to save time. And the double-sided razor provides plausible deniability for a man to use the women's razor because women's razors are smoother and more comfortable than men's razors.

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Gimmy Cipriano (YouTube: ABitTooMuch)
Kara Coraci (Twitter: @KaraCoraci Web:
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)

Replacement for Blue Jeans

Clothing, Futuristic, Tech, SillinessJohn SopkowiczComment

Idea: Pants made out of nanobots which can also go inside your body and help you, by curing diseases or whatever. Also: yoga pants; if some of the pants go inside of you, they must be capris

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 39

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Myles De Leeuw (Twitter: @mylesdeloser)
Jon Mullinix (Instagram: @mullinixjon)
JR Williams (Twitter: @jrstandsup)
John Sopkowicz (Twitter: @sopkowits)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

Work Spouse Ring

ClothingChris YoungComment

Idea: A ring to give to a "work spouse", i.e. a close friend at work who provides emotional support and helps you with your real marriage. Also: work relationships being easier than marriages because they're limited to 8 hours per day

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 33

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David Wellfare (Twitter: @DaveWellfare)
Chris Young (Twitter: @chrisyoungcomic, Comedy Special Video: Chris Young: Buoyant Mon)
Jon Ruggiero (Twitter: @ComedyRugg)
Ryan Allen (Twitter: @ryanallen92)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit (

Washer Dryer Combo

ClothingMarkus OlindComment

Idea: A washer/dryer combo consisting of only one machine, so you don't have to move clothes from the washer to the dryer. Note that these washer/dryer combos exist and are common overseas, but we heard that they don't work very well. Also: the joy of hang drying your clothes outdoors (if the outdoors isn't spoiled by smog), wearing latex so that you can wash and dry your clothes in the dishwasher, a (joke) WWII Coronavirus conspiracy theory

CW095 Washer Dryer Combo.png
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Markus Olind (Twitter: @BeardVonMarkus, Comedy Special: Gettin Off Comedy Series on Amazon Prime)
Ahmed Mansour (Twitter: @AMan5our)
Tyler Sonnichsen (Web:
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)

Glasses That Make Cats Look Like Dogs

Clothing, Futuristic, Pets, Silliness, TechDiego AttanasioComment

Idea: "Augmented reality" glasses that make dogs look like cats, or vice versa. Also maybe headphones, so the person who sees the cat as a dog can say a dog's name, and other people (and the cat) hear them say the cat's name. This technology would also allow everyone to live a lie, causing other people to see and hear them in a way that isn't real

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 81

CW081 Glasses that make cats look like dogs.png
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Gerrit Elzinga (Twitter: @GerritElzinga Podcast: This Better Be Good)
David Sutherland (Twitter: @skrtskrtsuther1)
Diego Attanasio (Twitter: @DiegoComedy)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

Baby Feeding Shirt

Invention, Parenting, ClothingMatt BachComment

A smock to wear (over your shirt) when feeding a baby which will absorb vomit if the baby throws up, and has the alphabet printed on it for educational purposes. Also useful for drunk adults who might vomit on themselves or need to recite the alphabet to pass a sobriety test

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 58

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Brendan Gay (Twitter: @BrendanGay92)
Matt Bach (Twitter: @mattbach)
Sai Dharmarajan aka "Sai D" (Twitter: @dsaihurrish)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)