Creativity Wasted Podcast


Apocalypse Tiny Houses

Doomsday Prepping, Futuristic, Tiny Houses, SillinessTom WalmaComment

Tom's obsession with "black balls" (author Nick Bostrom's metaphor for future technologies that could end humanity) gives him the idea for tiny houses which are built to withstand apocalyptic disasters, such as virus outbreaks or nuclear/meteor firestorms. Since they're mobile, you can drive them into apocalypse testing facilities, such as a "car wash that uses fire instead of water", to make sure they actually work

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 86

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Kurt Brown (Twitter: @KurtBrownTown)
Justin Siekierka (Facebook: @justin.siekierka)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

JurWrestle Park

Movie, SciFi, SillinessJustin SiekierkaComment

Idea: A Jurassic Park parody, where instead of the eccentric billionaire cloning dinosaurs (who run amok in a park and kill people), he clones dead professional wrestlers from the 1980s (who also run amok in a park and start killing people). Yokozuna stomps on the ground and causes the water in the cup to shake, The Ultimate Warrior shakes the fence and breaks loose, Macho Man is the dilophosaurus who spreads his colorful wings, the raptors are a tag team, and the main characters escape when the murderous wrestlers are attacked by an even larger murderous wrestler

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 86

CW086 JurWrestle Park-01.png
Listen on Spotify Listen on Amazon Music Listen on Google Podcasts

Kurt Brown (Twitter: @KurtBrownTown)
Justin Siekierka (Facebook: @justin.siekierka)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

Cat Repellent Spray

Pets, SillinessKurt BrownComment

Idea: A repellent spray to keep neighborhood cats out of your yard, so that they don't defecate in your flower pots. Environmentally-friendly alternative solutions are also discussed, such as dogs, and helping the "cat ladies" get dates so they don't try to fill the gaping holes in their souls with cats

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 86

CW086 Cat Repellant Spray.jpg
Listen on Spotify Listen on Amazon Music Listen on Google Podcasts

Kurt Brown (Twitter: @KurtBrownTown)
Justin Siekierka (Facebook: @justin.siekierka)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit