Creativity Wasted Podcast


Brainstorming About Selling A Screenplay

Book, MovieJeremy ShipleyComment

A brainstorming session for a screenwriter who's losing hope about his nearly impossible quest to sell his screenplay, which is a "Monty Python"-esque absurdist Medieval comedy with undertones about coping with the hopelessness of a nearly impossible quest to kill a dragon. Also: meeting Kevin Smith and Kevin Smith's inspirational story about making the movie "Clerks"; whether to take a traditional route or a more "indie" route to promote your creative work; whether to spend all of your effort on your own creative work or whether to participate in groups and help others in their creative pursuits

CW109 Brainstorming About Selling A Screenplay.png
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Jon Houser (Web: Twitter: @JonHouserComedy)
Travis Hargan (Web:
Jeremy Shipley (Facebook: @jeremy.shipley.359)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)

Physical Skills As Roadside Sobriety Tests

Cars, SillinessTravis HarganComment

Idea: For cops to use tests of physical motor skills as sobriety tests, as opposed to mental sobriety tests with no relation to the physical act of driving, such as saying the alphabet backwards or following a moving pen with your eyes. Physical skill-based sobriety tests could be party games (Dance Dance Revolution, ping-pong), demonstrations of a physical talent (such as juggling), or a driving simulator videogame built into the back seat of the cop car. Also: being exempt from a sobriety test if you just bowled a 288; asking the illiterate to say the alphabet backwards; a reality show in a bar where they make you do physical tests to get your keys to drive home

CW109 Physical Skills as Roadside Sobriety Tests.png
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Jon Houser (Web: Twitter: @JonHouserComedy)
Travis Hargan (Web:
Jeremy Shipley (Facebook: @jeremy.shipley.359)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)

Keg Foot Pump and Beer Can Football

Food, InventionJon HouserComment

Idea: A foot pump for a keg, so you can use both of your hands to dispense the beer without having to also use a hand pump. Also, a Nerf-like football with a "beer bong" or beer can inside of it, so you can toss it to a friend instead of walking all the way over to them. Also: drug dealing by throwing a football with drugs inside of it; something you can throw or launch out of your car (like a balloon or a drone) to dispose of drugs after you get pulled over; cops shooting at balloons

CW109 Beer Can Football.png
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Jon Houser (Web: Twitter: @JonHouserComedy)
Travis Hargan (Web:
Jeremy Shipley (Facebook: @jeremy.shipley.359)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)

Weed Passing Device

Invention, SillinessJon HouserComment

Idea: A device to pass weed across the room to your friends without getting up from the couch. Ideas include a ball with a bong inside which is gyroscopically kept upright ("Ballabong"), an "Inspector Gadget"-style extendable device ("Bong Tongs"), a joint with aerodynamic fins to allow you to throw it like a dart ("Jart") or shoot from a Nerf crossbow ("Crossjoint"), a weed catapult ("Cannapult"), and beach balls filled by a Volcano vaporizor ("99 Luftvapeballons"). Also: weed on Mars; dodgebong or "hot potato" where you smoke the potato; the best-case scenario for being hit in the face

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Jon Houser (Web: Twitter: @JonHouserComedy)
Travis Hargan (Web:
Jeremy Shipley (Facebook: @jeremy.shipley.359)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)