Creativity Wasted Podcast


Junk Mail Prevention Service

Clothing, Business IdeaSkippy RoseComment

Idea: A service where the post office filters out your junk mail for a monthly fee (either all junk mail or junk mail from specific companies that you specify). Also: maybe a kid could drive through the neighborhood after the mailman, filter out the junk mail, and give it to the homeless, or to someone else to use as insulation or something useful; a trenchcoat or puffy coat that allows you to add padding, such as junk mail or other clothing (to allow you to travel without bringing a suitcase); Skippy is shocked that Tom gets almost no junk mail

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Niko Lukoff (Linktree: @LaughYourLukoff)
Justin Hicks (Facebook: justin.hicks.92798)
Skippy Rose (Instagram: skippyrosecomedy YouTube: @SkippyRoseComedy)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

"Reprogrammable" Rollercoaster

Event or Activity, InventionTom WalmaComment

Idea: A very long rollercoaster divided into 5 track segments, where each segment is it's own ride (with, for example, a jungle theme or a space theme), and the lines for the 5 rides criss-cross and get occasionally switched up, so you don't know which track segment of the rollercoaster you're gonna ride, and therefore you don't know how many hills or loops you'll experience. Also, the audio/visual/effects around the rollercoaster could be reprogrammed to instantly update/change the theme of the ride. The goal is to make a simple rollercoaster always feel fresh and new and unpredictable. Also: customizing the rollercoaster visuals for a wedding proposal; occasionally having an extra-long ride that uses more than one track segment; passing out on rollercoasters (and other places)

Listen on Spotify Listen on Amazon Music

Niko Lukoff (Linktree: @LaughYourLukoff)
Justin Hicks (Facebook: justin.hicks.92798)
Skippy Rose (Instagram: skippyrosecomedy YouTube: @SkippyRoseComedy)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

The Skip Pan and Concert Periscope 2

InventionSkippy RoseComment

Ideas: A dustpan with a hand-powered pump/suction attachment to suck up the last line of dirt; a periscope for short people to use at concerts to see the stage. Also: preventing people from using the concert periscope upside-down for lewd voyeuristic purposes; sitting on someone's shoulders during a concert is a dick move; the joy of watching animals freak out during an eclipse and the despair of failing to see the Northern Lights in Michigan

Listen on Spotify Listen on Amazon Music

Niko Lukoff (Linktree: @LaughYourLukoff)
Justin Hicks (Facebook: justin.hicks.92798)
Skippy Rose (Instagram: skippyrosecomedy YouTube: @SkippyRoseComedy)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

The Silver Tongue (TV Series)

TV ShowNiko LukoffComment

Idea: A gritty, realistic, HBO-style drama about an amoral social expert/negotiator/facilitator who works on contract to help solve problems for people or organizations, such as facilitating illegal commerce, helping a president avoid a scandal, helping someone get a date, etc. Also: avoiding the hacky network TV "genius protagonist" procedural format ("Lie to Me", "The Pretender", "Numb3rs", etc.) where the main character is too smart/powerful or making the main character's skill(s) relevant to each episode/plotline stretches believability; a backstory in which the main character honed his social skills in the mob but then the mob dissolved and so he went solo; the main character is like James Bond making witty comments at the Baccarat table but then there's no gunfight and everyone just peacefully walks away (like a Bond movie made in a world where movie violence isn't allowed); maybe the main character has almost supernatural social skills but can't get along with his family and repeatedly bombs at standup comedy open mics

Listen on Spotify Listen on Amazon Music

Niko Lukoff (Linktree: @LaughYourLukoff)
Justin Hicks (Facebook: justin.hicks.92798)
Skippy Rose (Instagram: skippyrosecomedy YouTube: @SkippyRoseComedy)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

In 5 Hours Energy

Health, ParentingJustin HicksComment

Idea: A delayed-release pill or drink to give you energy in 5 hours so (for example) you can wake up with full energy instead of having to make coffee and wait for it to kick in. Also: it could also contain instant-release Melatonin to both help you sleep now and help you wake up later; springing up when you wake up like Bruce Willis in "Pulp Fiction" and sending the pet who was sleeping on your chest flying across the room; using it on your shared-custody kids so their energy kicks in shortly after you drop them off; similar products called "In 5 Hours Alcohol" to mellow you out during an early afternoon work meeting and "In 5 Hours Nicotine" to help you cope with the stress of a visit to the in-laws

Listen on Spotify Listen on Amazon Music

Niko Lukoff (Linktree: @LaughYourLukoff)
Justin Hicks (Facebook: justin.hicks.92798)
Skippy Rose (Instagram: skippyrosecomedy YouTube: @SkippyRoseComedy)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)