Idea: Most education and job training is completely unnecessary. You could train almost anybody to do almost any job, like surgery, in under 30 days. So we should reduce training for most jobs by like 90% to allow people to do them as "gigs" using an Uber-like app, with job training built into the app. Also: the "gig economy" might kill drug dealing because now you can do a couple small gigs and spend the rest of the day on the couch playing videogames without the risk of being murdered or sent to prison
Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 46
David Shank (Broken Knuckle Podcast Recording Studio Sitting Down WIth Standups Podcast)
Jason Spitsbergen (Twitter: @JSpitsbergen)
Josh Bowab
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit (Podcast Detroit)