Idea: To create societies of 100,000+ people who *loosely* live the lifestyle of a historical era (but with flushing toilets), including both the popular culture and the technology of the era. That way, they can make money on tourism, and if a huge global disaster occurs, and we lose all electricity or all computers or something, we have a large supply of people who know how to do stuff using older technology, who can instantly step in to help the rest of the world and prevent mass starvation. Also: the need for more physical leisure activities; as tech advances, there'll be a need for more and more societies based on different levels of technology, which will create more and more jobs
Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 46
David Shank (Broken Knuckle Podcast Recording Studio Sitting Down WIth Standups Podcast)
Jason Spitsbergen (Twitter: @JSpitsbergen)
Josh Bowab
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit (Podcast Detroit)