Creativity Wasted Podcast

Artificial Intelligence

Evil AI Assistant

Artificial Intelligence, EvilJosiah GarciaComment

Idea (satire): An AI assistant that validates everything you think and helps you do anything you want, including evil or unhealthy things. Also: recommending things for you that it determines you'd enjoy but that you're not emotionally ready to accept; validating your crazy thoughts and making your mental illness worse; using the AI as an alibi if you get in trouble with the cops; other scary futuristic tech, such as "drive-by-wire" computerized car steering and RFID chip implants

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Josiah Garcia (Instagram: @the_not_so_good_wrestler Linktree: @AllendaleComedyOpenMic)
Tyler "T-Dog the Unfathomable" Caldwell (Instagram: @thetac32 X: @TheTAC32)
Dylan "The Autistic Spitfire" Farr (Instagram: @autisticspitfirecomedy, Facebook: @dylan.p.farr, Spitfire Comedy at Sticks in Ypsilanti)
Tom Walma (X: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

Parent Cool Pods

App, Artificial Intelligence, FuturisticChris YoungComment

Idea: An AI-based app which runs on nearby people's (primarily teenagers) phones/Airpods and/or augmented reality glasses that filters (in real-time) how they hear and/or see you in order to make them perceive you as "cool". Also: making it appear like you're saying cool Gen Z/Alpha slang, and a list of recent slang words/expressions and whether we think they're funny; it could be customized based on the age of the person wearing the Airpods/glasses to make a middle-aged person seem cool to their elderly parents and vice-versa; it could also translate slang so you can understand what the kids are saying and/or tell you if a song or product is "cool"; if 50 year old celebs like Kenny Chesney and Snoop Dogg can be perceived by kids as cool, why can't their parents and teachers (with the help of this app)?

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Chris Young (Web: Comedy Special Video: Buoyant Mon)
Jae Gonzalez (Instagram: @comedyxjae)
Tom Walma (X: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

The Seance of Chester Bennington (Movie Musical)

Movie, Music, Artificial IntelligenceTom WalmaComment

Idea: A movie musical where the deceased lead singer of Linkin Park (Chester Bennington) is contacted via seance by his grieving children. Then, in order to solve their financial woes and to help them emotionally, he performs a new music album from beyond the grave. His voice would be generated for the movie using AI. Also: AI voice replication is getting really, really good; in the movie, he can only communicate from beyond the grave "in song"; it doesn't make sense that AI gets the artsy jobs and we have to pour over numbers; getting plastic surgery to look like a deceased singer and then getting an AI-based vocal implant to sound like them

This is the AI-generated song that I stumbled onto on YouTube which sounded very real and inspired this idea:

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Pam Palmieri (Facebook Personal: @pam.palmieri Instagram: @pampalmiericomedy Comedy Shows (Facebook): @Comedy/Productions Pam Palmieri)
Alex Wilson (Facebook: @mralexwilson YouTube: @thedropoutprofessor Web:
Bryan Deuchler (Facebook: BryanDeuchler Podcast (Web):
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

Personalized AI Joke Writer

Standup Comedy, Artificial IntelligenceYogi SinghComment

Idea: To train artificial intelligence (AI) based on your jokes (i.e. nobody else's jokes) and have it suggest new jokes for you based on your style. Also: incorporating audience reaction to your jokes in the AI training algorithm; configuring the AI to suggest jokes slightly outside of your usual style (for example, dirtier jokes); bad AI and privacy concerns on Netflix and social media; having AI generate smells based on audio/visual input, including fart smells based on the sound of the fart (FartGPT)

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Pam Krugman (Facebook: @pam.krugman YouTube: @pamkrugman6858)
Yogi Singh (Facebook: @theyogmeister Instagram: @theyogmeister)
Brandon Birk
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

AI Robot Probation Supervisor and Caretaker

Artificial Intelligence, Robots, NSFW, EvilTom WalmaComment

Idea: To give prisoners the option to get out early if we amputate their arms (or put them in arm-locking exoskeletons) and give them AI robots to monitor them and care for them. Because if these robots of the near-future can do everything, not having arms would no longer be debilitating. Also: robots or exoskeletons with cameras and AI could monitor you while you're on probation, and detect, for example, if a white collar criminal tries to violate the terms of their probation by using a computer; the risk of the family members of armless prisoners on probation taunting them mercilessly because they can no longer fight back; using AI robots to monitor and care for those with mental disabilities; a previous idea on this podcast that offended people on social media (like this idea might do)

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Justin Siekierka (Instagram: @random_banana_entertainment_)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

"I Get It" Augmented Reality Relationship Assistant

App, Artificial Intelligence, Futuristic, TechSarah MarchiComment

Idea: An augmented-reality app that develops a personality model of your partner and constantly listens to and watches them, and uses AI to predict how to you should respond to their questions and to their emotional needs in order to keep them happy. Also: displaying a list of options of what you should do, along with percentage certainties of each option, and reasons why; your partner's AR glasses could be measuring their vitals (heart rate, hormones, etc.) all day and transmitting it to your AR glasses for them to show you a gauge of their estimated level of anger before you interact with them; parents and teenagers using the AR relationship assistant app, and why it might not work; if you get used to the peace and understanding that the AR relationship assistant provides and then the software crashes, you might immediately go at each other in chaotic rage like two rabid squirrels trapped in a sack

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Sarah Marchi (Instagram: @smartimarchi)
Jason Thompson (Instagram: @jason_thompson_comedy YouTube: @TAMMpON)
Calvin G Baker (Instagram: @calvinbakercomedy)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

Tabletop Game AI Assistant

App, Artificial Intelligence, Event or ActivityLisa GreenComment

Idea: An app which uses artificial intelligence (AI) to assist (not replace) the dungeon master and possibly other players in "Dungeons & Dragons" (D&D) and other similar tabletop games. Also: helping the dungeon master by generating maps, NPCs, rooms, quests, etc. before the game and/or on-the-fly during the game, using configured settings, randomization, and the current state of the game (which the AI would know by listening to the game); explaining D&D to newbies (both in this podcast and in the proposed app); using AI to generate a visual display of the current state of the game for all of the players, including the floor plan of the current room, info of the NPCs you're interacting with, etc.; drinking while playing D&D and other tabletop games

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Lisa Green (Instagram: @lisagreencomedy Facebook: @depottowncomedy)
Todd Garvey (Facebook: @todd.garvey.716)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)


App, Artificial Intelligence, Standup ComedyRachel SantosComment

Idea: An app for comedians which uses AI to analyze recordings of their sets and split it into separate jokes, rate the audience reaction to each joke, and create tags (hashtags, not "joke tags") to organize the jokes into broad categories, such as "parenting" or "dating". Also: creating a profile for a comedy venue of how well different types of jokes (by tag) do there, to help comics tweak their sets to accomodate the venue before ever performing there; using AI-based profiles of comics to choose who to book, and possibly causing venues to segregate into comedy niches; using AI to detect if a joke is too common, hacky, or stolen; tricking the AI

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Sean Francis (Facebook: @seanfrancisco27 Linktree: @comedyoutletmondays)
Rachel Santos (Facebook: @comedian.rachel.santos Instagram: @rachelskindafunny)
Johnny Santos (Linktree: @johnnyskindafunny)
James River (Instagram: @jamesrivercomedy)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

AI Restaurant Picker App

App, Food, Artificial IntelligenceChris YoungComment

Idea: An app that each member of a group who're gonna eat together have on their phone, which collects everyone's food preferences, dietary restrictions, restaurant ratings, recent food orders, etc. and uses AI, randomization, info from restaurants (possibly even real-time info, like how busy they are), etc. to pick a restaurant to eat at or order from. Also: avoiding the age-old stalemate of "where do you wanna go", "I don't know, where do you wanna go"; having the app pick the restaurant could prevent people from assigning toxic blame to each other if the restaurant sucks, because it's not their fault, it's the app's fault; keeping track of how often a restaurant which is more preferred by one person than another is picked, to balance things out; showing bullet points of the reasons why a particular restaurant is picked (maybe one out of a group of ten is a vegan), and allowing you to choose to exclude a particular reason and retry picking a restaurant; including custom criteria like time, cost, etc.

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Chris Young (Web: crhisyoungcomic Comedy Special Video: Buoyant Mon on Dry Bar Comedy)
David Lesneiski (Instagram: @themexican734 Facebook: @ComedyByDavid)
Jon King (Facebook: @Kinetikai Instagram: @kinetikai)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)