Creativity Wasted Podcast


Build-A-Mattress Workshop

Business IdeaJack ReevesComment

Idea: A workshop similar to Build-A-Bear but where you build a mattress. The mattress would be super-customized with different combinations of materials (feathers, springs, memory foam, etc.), different firmness settings, etc. Also: you could test it for comfort as you build it; you could make it a "smart mattress" containing electronics and software, which could get a virus and make it impossible to fall asleep or fold in half and kill you

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Jack Reeves (Twitter: @jackreeeeves Podcast: NoProbcast)
Nicole Melnyk (Twitter: @mcfancyvonpants Podcast Instagram:@noprobcast)
Simon Carlson (Twitter: @its_ah_me_simon)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)

Street Light Deer Spotlights

Cars, Drones, Environmentalism, Futuristic, TechTom WalmaComment

Idea: For street light poles to have LIDAR sensors and to use AI (artificial intelligence) to detect deer in the dark and then shine a spotlight on the deer to help drivers see them and thus avoid hitting them. The AI would prevent falsely detecting deer and erroneously turning on the spotlight all the time, unlike crappy motion lights for your house which turn on all the time when the wind blows leaves in nearby trees. Also: if it can detect deer and then turn on (and aim) a spotlight, it could also detect cars and pedestrians and only turn on the normal (stationary) street light if someone is there; to get rid of most of the street signs because drivers can use navigation apps instead; to use spotlights (which are either mounted on street light poles or are being flown by drones) to light the area in front of cars so we no longer have to rely on other drivers to dim their "brights" to not be temporarily blinded as they drive by

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Jack Reeves (Twitter: @jackreeeeves Podcast: NoProbcast)
Nicole Melnyk (Twitter: @mcfancyvonpants Podcast Instagram:@noprobcast)
Simon Carlson (Twitter: @its_ah_me_simon)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)

Phone Glasses Detection and Text Size Adjustment

App, TechNicole MelnykComment

Idea: An app or setting for your smart phone to detect whether you're wearing glasses and adjust the text size accordingly, so you don't have to manually go to settings to increase the text size to read the phone in bed at night after taking off your glasses, and then manually decrease the text size back to normal in the morning. Also: a screen-magnifying phone-charging stand similar to the Nintendo Game Boy "Light Boy Magnifier"; prescription goggles which won't break if you wear them overnight but might trick you into thinking you're underwater and cause you to pee the bed; taking advantage of your privilege to use an old inactivated phone over WiFi as a "night phone"

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Jack Reeves (Twitter: @jackreeeeves Podcast: NoProbcast)
Nicole Melnyk (Twitter: @mcfancyvonpants Podcast Instagram:@noprobcast)
Simon Carlson (Twitter: @its_ah_me_simon)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)

Keyboard Cat Blocker

Pets, Silliness, InventionSimon CarlsonComment

Idea: A device which disables or blocks your keyboard if your cat's gonna sit on it, so it doesn't press random keys and mess up your work or whatever you're doing on the computer. Also: a decoy keyboard; a cat suit made of keyboards to make a keyboard-cat-keyboard sandwich; a keyboard which uses cucumbers or tin foil to scare the cat; if a cat lays on a keyboard, does the cat hair clean the chunks of food out of the keyboard, or does it just make the keyboard dirtier?

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Jack Reeves (Twitter: @jackreeeeves Podcast: NoProbcast)
Nicole Melnyk (Twitter: @mcfancyvonpants Podcast Instagram:@noprobcast)
Simon Carlson (Twitter: @its_ah_me_simon)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)

Talking Golf Ball

Silliness, Tech, Invention, SportsJack ReevesComment

Idea: A golf ball with a speaker inside to play programmable messages to help you find the ball if you lose it, to yell "fore" if it's gonna hit someone, to allow your golf buddies to program your ball to taunt you if you shoot a bad shot, to make animal noises to scare other people away from your ball or to get animals to move your ball closer to the hole, etc. Also: a multispecies golf relay; a golf ball that makes you listen to commercials before you tee off and which vibrates to mess up your shot if you try to skip the commercials; a really, really, really long headphone cord for the "hard of hearing"

Listen on Spotify Listen on Amazon Music Listen on Google Podcasts

Jack Reeves (Twitter: @jackreeeeves Podcast: NoProbcast)
Nicole Melnyk (Twitter: @mcfancyvonpants Podcast Instagram:@noprobcast)
Simon Carlson (Twitter: @its_ah_me_simon)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)