Creativity Wasted Podcast

Modular Indoor/Outdoor Electric Flying Car

Drones, Environmentalism, Futuristic, Invention, Tech, CarsTom WalmaComment

Idea (NSFW): A single-person electric car whose chassis can switch between horizontal mode (like a motorcycle) and vertical mode (like a Segway). When in vertical mode, it would be thin enough to fit through an ordinary door, so you could drive it inside buildings and up and down elevators. Modular attachments would be available, such as an SUV-like "family compartment" or a quadcopter flying car attachment

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 76

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Matt Hamilton (Podcast Moist Definately)
Bryan Harrison (Podcast Moist Definately)
Bryan Deuchler (Twitter: @MrDrRobot)
Loyd Digg (Twitter: @LoydDigg)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

Human Fossilization

Body Augmentation, Business IdeaLoyd DiggComment

Idea (NSFW): A service to fossilize beloved relatives who pass away, instead of burying or cremating them. It's purpose (and ONLY purpose) is to help loved ones remember and reminisce about them

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 76

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Matt Hamilton (Podcast Moist Definately)
Bryan Harrison (Podcast Moist Definately)
Bryan Deuchler (Twitter: @MrDrRobot)
Loyd Digg (Twitter: @LoydDigg)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

Audio Parasite

Evil, SciFi, Body Augmentation, Futuristic, TechMatt HamiltonComment

Idea: An electronic device that digs into your ear like a parasite and broadcasts Matt's voice into your brain. Most people would prefer to READ people's minds, but Matt is a narcissist who wants the exact opposite. And he wants to do it to the entire world. The way to defeat him would be to broadcast his voice back to him with a slight delay like a "speech jammer"

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 76

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Matt Hamilton (Podcast Moist Definately)
Bryan Harrison (Podcast Moist Definately)
Bryan Deuchler (Twitter: @MrDrRobot)
Loyd Digg (Twitter: @LoydDigg)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

Fitbit Reward Mystery Box Service

Business Idea, App, HealthTom WalmaComment

Idea: A service that delivers you customized candy/rewards inside clear locked boxes which you can't open until you meet your exercise goals, as determined by your Fitbit (or fitness tracker). Or you can choose for the rewards to be "mystery boxes", including possible cash prizes, but if you don't exercise enough to unlock the box within a few weeks, you have to ship it back, not knowing if you would've been a millionaire

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 75

CW075 Fitbit Reward Mystery Box Service-01.png
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Ken Witzgall (Twitter: @KenWitzgall42)
Scott Gaughan (Facebook: @scott.gone)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

Chivalry Device

InventionScott GaughanComment

Idea: A device called the "Chivalry Device" which holds open your car door and "locks" it in one place, so elderly or disabled people can use the car door to help them stand up, and also hold open the door if you're parked on a hill. Hopefully it doesn't fail so that the car door is stuck open, because you might get pulled over for that

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 75

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Ken Witzgall (Twitter: @KenWitzgall42)
Scott Gaughan (Facebook: @scott.gone)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

Nuclear Powered Snow Machines

Environmentalism, Futuristic, TechTom WalmaComment

Idea: Launching steam created by nuclear power plants straight up into the air in cold areas such as Alaska or Antarctica, to make it snow onto land, to counteract sea rise due to glaciers melting and falling into the ocean

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 74

CW074 Nuclear powered snow machine.png
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Robert Schneider (Facebook: @thecommanderawesome Comedy Show: Comedy At The Comic Shop)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

Telemarketer Punching App

Evil, SciFi, PrankRobert SchneiderComment

Idea: An app with the supernatural, comic-book-like ability to punch telemarketers through the phone as revenge for annoying you. Since most of them are located overseas and outside the jurisdiction of US criminal courts, there probably wouldn't be any legal ramifications

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 74

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Robert Schneider (Facebook: @thecommanderawesome Comedy Show: Comedy At The Comic Shop)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

Futuristic Tiny Houses

Business Idea, Environmentalism, Futuristic, Invention, Tech, Tiny HousesTom WalmaComment

Tom's idea for a futuristic tiny house where most (or all) of your stuff is wheeled in and out by robots. The idea also solves gerrymandering, makes "universal basic income" feasible, solves the Flint Water Crisis, and gives people the freedom to escape their miserable 9-to-5 office jobs and live nomadic lives of leisure. But everyone opposes it because it involves sharing toilets

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 73

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Louis Michael (Twitter: @LouTheSurgeon)
Nick Leydorf (Podcast: Free Consultation)
Matt Hamilton (Podcast: Moist Definately)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)

Recorded live at Crossroads Comedy Festival in Indianapolis

Quantum Leaping into Movies

Futuristic, Robots, SciFiMatt HamiltonComment

Matt wants to "quantum leap" into movies and experience the events of the movie as one of the characters. He also accidentally re-imagines several other plot points of the book "Ready Player One", which he'd never read because he considers it too nerdy. Tom proposes a gruesome, "mad science" way to approximate this idea in the real world

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 73

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Louis Michael (Twitter: @LouTheSurgeon)
Nick Leydorf (Podcast: Free Consultation)
Matt Hamilton (Podcast: Moist Definately)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)

Recorded live at Crossroads Comedy Festival in Indianapolis


EvilLouie MichaelComment

Louis accidentally locked himself out of his AirBnB. He then used YouTube lockpicking tutorials to break into his AirBnB, which was so easy, he succeeded on his first try. This incident inspired his idea, which is an app to help you find wealthy people in nearby AirBnBs to burglarize

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 73.

CW074 AirBnBnBnE-01.png
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Louis Michael (Twitter: @LouTheSurgeon)
Nick Leydorf (Podcast: Free Consultation)
Matt Hamilton (Podcast: Moist Definately)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)

Recorded live at Crossroads Comedy Festival in Indianapolis

Individually Adjustable Window Blinds

App, Invention, TechTom WalmaComment

Tom thinks that window blinds are designed wrong, because when they are half open, they expose your groin to your neighbors and block your eyes from seeing out the window. He'd like individually-adjustable window blinds controlled by an app, that way you can choose what you can see (and which body parts to expose)

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Adam Walsh (Knuckleheads Comedy: IG: @khcomedy313 Twitter: @KnuckleheadsC)
Steve Kaz (IG: @kazthecomic)
Brandon Ponke (IG: @bponke Twitter: @BPonke)
Dale Murdock (IG: @dalelerious)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Broken Knuckle Studio in Waterford, MI