Creativity Wasted Podcast

Terminator Bees Movie

Movie, SciFiTom WalmaComment

Idea: A low budget sci-fi movie where bees are genetically modified to attack people and explode. The bees only attack people if they 1) talk, 2) walk, or 3) use tools i.e. use their hands to do stuff. So people have to find silly and weird ways to survive without doing these three things

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 7

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Mike Flynn (Twitter: @flikemynn)
Christian Royce (Twitter: @ChristianRoyce)
Alan Black (Twitter: @alanblah)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)

Human Landscapes Golf

NSFW, Event or Activity, SportsTom WalmaComment

Idea (NSFW): A golf course filled with nature that looks like human anatomy (cactuses that looks like dicks, trees with lumps that look like butts, sand dunes shaped like the female body, etc.). The caddies would use a bunch of silly adult golf puns ("if you hook your shaft you could get lost in the bush", "there's a ball washer available after you complete the back 9", etc.)

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 6

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Amy Probst (Instagram: @amydetroitrockcity)
Ted Moss (Twitter: @TedMossComedy Podcast: TEDTALKS2much)
Anthony Slanda (Twitter: @Runfromcheney)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)

Mechanic Sitcom

Cars, TV ShowAnthony SlandaComment

Idea: A sitcom about a mechanic, featuring all of the weird things about being a mechanic in a car dealership, such as people leaving weird things in their car (guns, soiled undies, drugs, etc.), people's dumb failed attempts to fix their own cars, and how it's somehow still allowed for them to display pictures of nude women in the workspace

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 6

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Amy Probst (Instagram: @amydetroitrockcity)
Ted Moss (Twitter: @TedMossComedy Podcast: TEDTALKS2much)
Anthony Slanda (Twitter: @Runfromcheney)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)

"Honky" Custom Car Horn Sound Device

Invention, Tech, CarsTed MossComment

Idea: A device (the "honky") that makes different car horn sounds to communicate different things, like "look out", "excuse me", "screw you", or "my bad". Also, maybe configurable text on the front/rear or your car that says "move over"

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 6

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Amy Probst (Instagram: @amydetroitrockcity)
Ted Moss (Twitter: @TedMossComedy Podcast: TEDTALKS2much)
Anthony Slanda (Twitter: @Runfromcheney)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)

Staircase House

Business IdeaTom WalmaComment

Idea: A house where the entire floor of every room consists of stairs. It would be cleverly designed to eliminate the need for hallways and to utilize vertical space, i.e. the ceiling of the entire room (i.e. over the toilet, kitchen sink, bed, etc) doesn't need to be 8 foot high, and instead the rooms above can be lowered, possibly allowing 4 stories worth of rooms to be contained in the space of 3 stories. Some of the stairwells can contain drawers for storage or fold-out bleacher/theater seats, etc.

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 5

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Branden Milsk (Twitter: @BrandenMilsk)
Jeff Johnson
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)

Dating Site Public Data Integration

Social Media, AppJeff JohnsonComment

Idea: A dating site which integrates with other websites, so you can see a potential date's Netflix viewing history, song listening history, or political/news interests (if they chose to expose this information). This type of information is likely more accurate than typical dating site questionnaires

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 5

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Branden Milsk (Twitter: @BrandenMilsk)
Jeff Johnson
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)

Obama Challenge

Event or Activity, Silliness, Prank, EducationTom WalmaComment

Idea: A social experiment or contest to see what's memorable. A bunch of contestants would each do something weird or interesting while meeting a famous person (such as President Obama) in public for a 5-10 second handshake or autograph. Then, years later, the famous person is put in a room with each of the contestants, to see which contestants were remembered by the famous person

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 4

CW004 Obama Challenge-01.png
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Derek Brand (Instagram: @brand9470)
Jon Mullinix (Instagram: @mullinixjon)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)

Replacement Body / Replacement Brain

Futuristic, SciFi, Tech, HealthTom WalmaComment

Idea: In the 1950s, a Russian scientist was able to attach a dog's head onto another dog's body, and it survived for a few weeks. We should be able to do much better now. So if a person is terminally ill, we should attach their brain/head to a machine (i.e. replacement body) to get maybe a few months of extra life, and attach the body to a machine (i.e. replacement brain). The head/brain can live a little longer and have fun in virtual reality games, and the body can be used for medical testing, without worrying about causing suffering. Over time, as the technology gets better, the head can live longer and longer, to the point where maybe everyone who is old and/or has minor health problems will choose to do it, even if not terminally ill

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 3

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Greg Shur
DC Bradley (Instagram: @dcbradleyonig)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)

Childhood Obesity Cure

Health, ParentingTom WalmaComment

Idea: To give obese kids/teenagers HGH (human growth hormone), so they become taller and less obese. Maybe also give kids/teenagers who are likely to become obese drugs to stunt their growth, so that later when they start to become obese, they can be given higher doses of HGH to fight harder against obesity.

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 2

Note: This episode was recorded at a “test run” during a poker game, and was not released on the podcast feed, due to the poor audio quality

CW002 Childhood Obesity Cure-01.png
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Shallis M
Frank A
Marty R
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)

Animal Kingdom

Movie, SciFiShallis MComment

Idea: A sci-fi movie kind of like Planet of the Apes, except that multiple species of animals, such as lab rats/mice and dogs, become more intelligent than humans. Some types of animals, such as dogs, side with humans, and others side against humans. A giant civil war between intelligent animals occurs (which humans are not aware of), where one side wants to take over the world and destroy/enslave humans, and the other side wants to leave humans alone and escape to outer space

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 2

Note: This episode was recorded at a “test run” during a poker game, and was not released on the podcast feed, due to the poor audio quality

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Shallis M
Frank A
Marty R
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)