Creativity Wasted Podcast

Far Out Diet

Health, Futuristic, SciFi, SillinessTom WalmaComment

Idea: To shoot overweight people into space so that they can't cheat on their diet, and therefore scientists can gather better diet data. Also: in the movie "Gravity", Sandra Bullock is risking her life jumping from spaceship to spaceship to avoid space debris. In this case, people would be risking their lives jumping from spaceship to spaceship...for a candy bar; overweight people in space could accidentally serve as appetizers for aliens who might develop a taste for human meat

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 37

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Jeff Johnson
Mark Bonto (Twitter: @Mark_Bonto)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit


Standup Comedy, Silliness, NSFWMark BontoComment

Idea: To fill empty seats at a standup comedy show with inflatable audience members. Also: comedians would perform lewd acts on the inflatable audience; disguising yourself as an inflatable audience member and waiting for the comic to perform lewd acts on you; questioning whether to give the inflatable audience a "heckle mode"; an inflatable audience could be a safety feature if you're in a flood zone or on a cruise ship

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 37

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Jeff Johnson
Mark Bonto (Twitter: @Mark_Bonto)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

Remote-Controlled Radio-Powered LEDs

Prank, Tech, FuturisticJeff JohnsonComment

Idea: To use tiny LED lights which can be powered remotely via radio waves (like RFID) for miscellaneous purposes around the house, such as to help you find things or to prank people. Also: putting red LEDs in a squirrel lawn ornament's eyes to scare people walking by at night; using a PC app to find your phone, then using your phone to blink an LED to find your glasses, and then using your glasses to find something else, and then maybe using that thing to find something else, like a never-ending scavenger hunt

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 37

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Jeff Johnson
Mark Bonto (Twitter: @Mark_Bonto)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

SpaceX Earth Disaster Rescue Service

Futuristic, SciFi, TechTom WalmaComment

Idea: To use SpaceX rockets to quickly transport elite rescue teams who specialize in a particular type of disaster (fire, earthquake, riot, etc.) to anywhere in the world to rescue people. They'd parachute out of the rocket to get to the disaster, and when finished, they'd take a normal commercial airplane flight to get back. Also: they could use special state-of-the-art multi-million-dollar rescue equipment (which they'd bring with them); we could reduce the overall amount of local cops and rescuers; rocket tips that kind of look like klan masks

CW098 SpaceX Earth Disaster Rescue Service.png
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Christian Royce (Twitter: @ChristianRoyce)
David Sutherland (Twitter: @skrtskrtsuther1)
Travis Tehlirian (YouTube: BlaspheMass: Debate)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)

Recorded at Broken Knuckle Studio in Waterford, MI

Line Up Hair Stencil Helmets

Invention, Business Idea, 3D PrintingTravis TehlirianComment

Idea: Stencils to help people "line up" or "shape up" their own hair using hair clippers. The hair stencils would wrap around/over your head so you can't misposition them. They'd be designed to precisely fit your specific head by using a scanned 3D image of your head. Also: misunderstanding the word "hairline", the social consequences of messing up your line up, stencils for shaping your beard

CW098 Line-Up Hair Stencil Helmets.png
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Christian Royce (Twitter: @ChristianRoyce)
David Sutherland (Twitter: @skrtskrtsuther1)
Travis Tehlirian (YouTube: BlaspheMass: Debate)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)

Recorded at Broken Knuckle Studio in Waterford, MI

Deadly Escape Room

Evil, Event or Activity, NSFW, Silliness, TV ShowJason AltComment

Idea: Escape rooms with real danger, like the movie Saw, which are possibly televised. Also: a more intense corporate team-building exercise or test of character for engaged couples, white-collar criminals tend to be smarter than regular criminals and thus would be funner to watch in a Saw-like escape room, wondering why there aren't any recreational drugs that are taken using acupuncture needles

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 36

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Kurt Brown (Twitter: @KurtBrownTown)
Jason Alt (Twitter: @JasonEAlt)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit (

Criminal Execution Death Games

Evil, TV Show, NSFWKurt BrownComment

Idea: To create a TV show where the worst repeat-offender unrehabilitatable criminals (murderers, pedophiles, etc.) either compete for their survival, or are left alone to fend for themselves and try to survive. Also: it might accidentally encourage lesser criminals to commit worse crimes to be on TV, movies with a similar premise (Hunger Games, Death Race, The Running Man, etc.), fencing off states to be massive prison colonies like the George Carlin comedy bit, selling the "prisoner inventions" that the prison colonists invent while trying to survive

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 36

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Kurt Brown (Twitter: @KurtBrownTown)
Jason Alt (Twitter: @JasonEAlt)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit (

Blocking Cell Phone Signals While Driving

Cars, Politics and Social Issue, TechKurt BrownComment

Idea: Cars that disable your cell phone while you're driving, so you don't cause a car accident trying to text or use the phone. Also: using a breathalyzer while driving at full speed; if cars blocked cell phones, idiots would try to use their phone by holding it out the window, causing them to lose their arms in car accidents or by hitting tree branches, making the US look like Sierra Leone

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 36

CW036 Blocking Cell Phone Signals While Driving.png
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Kurt Brown (Twitter: @KurtBrownTown)
Jason Alt (Twitter: @JasonEAlt)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit (

Doorless Fridge with Tech Gadgets

Environmentalism, Food, Futuristic, Invention, TechTom WalmaComment

Idea: A doorless refrigerator which consists of several standard-sized drawers which can each be plug-and-play gadgets, such as a drone-compatible can dispenser, an eco-friendly super-insulated drawer, a refrigerator-cooled high-speed computer, a body cooling rubber snuggie inflator, etc. Also: the refrigerator door is an enemy of technological progress, you'd only need to pay for the electricity to cool the subset of refrigerator drawers that you're actually using, mini-fridges with fewer drawers for tiny houses and dorms

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 36

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Kurt Brown (Twitter: @KurtBrownTown)
Jason Alt (Twitter: @JasonEAlt)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit (

Robot Fish for Scuba and Underwater Theme Parks

Event or Activity, Futuristic, Robots, SciFi, TechTom WalmaComment

Idea: To put fake robot fish in the ocean for scuba-divers and snorkelers to look at to compensate for the real fish that are dying off, and to create underwater theme parks to scuba-dive through such as Atlantis, haunted sunken pirate ship, Little Mermaid, scuba through the human body, etc. Also: mistaking a real shark for a robotic shark, a VR-headset scuba mask in an empty pool, "The best way I can describe the experience of snorkeling is 'a shared unspoken conspiracy of fake positivity' because everybody can see that the ocean is mostly dead"

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 35

CW035 Robot Fish For Scuba.png
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Avery Sommerfeld (Facebook: @crazeecomedy, YouTube: Funny News)
Gimmy Cipriano (Twitter: @theRealGimmyC, @aBitTooMuch1)
Austin Gosnell (Twitter: @AustinSGosnell YouTube: ThemBoyzSkittin)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit (

God Gun

Tech, Futuristic, SciFiAustin GosnellComment

Idea: A radar gun that gives you info about whoever you point it at, such as how smart they are, how honest they are, and how moral they are. And also blow them away if they aren't moral enough for you. Also: "gaydar" and hypocritical anti-gay activists, how to create the "god gun" using facial recognition, EEG machines, mass surveillance databases, and lasers

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 35

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Avery Sommerfeld (Facebook: @crazeecomedy, YouTube: Funny News)
Gimmy Cipriano (Twitter: @theRealGimmyC, @aBitTooMuch1)
Austin Gosnell (Twitter: @AustinSGosnell YouTube: ThemBoyzSkittin)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit (

Your Friend's Baby And You

Book, Parenting, SillinessGimmy CiprianoComment

Idea: A book of advice for adults who have no idea how to act around babies that their married friends are having. First chapter: don't touch it. Also: "baby-talk" advice, mind-tricks to talk a friend out of giving their baby a horrible name, when it's okay to swear around a baby or young kid, racism and sexism in babies

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 35

CW035 Your Friend's Baby and You.png
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Avery Sommerfeld (Facebook: @crazeecomedy, YouTube: Funny News)
Gimmy Cipriano (Twitter: @theRealGimmyC, @aBitTooMuch1)
Austin Gosnell (Twitter: @AustinSGosnell YouTube: ThemBoyzSkittin)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit (

Health Care for Aliens

SciFi, SillinessAvery SommerfeldComment

Idea: To provide free health care to space aliens, and also pay them money, so they don't eat us. Also: "It sounds like you're putting a positive spin on us being their slaves", maybe bald aliens travel the universe because hairy aliens' spaceships would fill with hair after 1000s of years of haircuts, maybe people see politicians as "reptilians" because humans never instinctually got used to seeing wrinkly-skinned people (who look like snakes shedding their skin) because we used to die before we could get old enough to have snake-like wrinkly skin

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 35

CW035 Health Care For Aliens.png
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Avery Sommerfeld (Facebook: @crazeecomedy, YouTube: Funny News)
Gimmy Cipriano (Twitter: @theRealGimmyC, @aBitTooMuch1)
Austin Gosnell (Twitter: @AustinSGosnell YouTube: ThemBoyzSkittin)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit (

Drone Tarzan

Drones, Futuristic, Silliness, TV Show, TechTom WalmaComment

Idea: To use drones to help you swing through the trees like Tarzan by performing tasks such as helping you build platforms, attaching ropes, transporting piles of leaves to use for padding, resetting the ropes back into swinging position after each stunt, adjusting the position of the ropes as you're flying through the air so you don't miss them and fall to the ground, and filming the stunts for YouTube. Also: other stunts such as ziplines, waterslides, trapeze swings, and catapults; an elaborate Rube-Goldberg machine that results in you breaking your ankle, using a live alligator instead of an inner tube on a waterslide

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 34

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Josh Bowab
Kyle Forsyth (Twitter: @IAmKyleForsyth)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit (