Creativity Wasted Podcast

Brain Smuggler Movie

Futuristic, SciFi, MovieTom WalmaComment

Idea: A comedic sci-fi movie where a gross, rude, morbidly obese man saves people from a genocide by temporarily implanting their brains inside his body in order to smuggle them out of the country. Also: the implanted brains can communicate with him and so he's constantly arguing with them; brains consume a lot of calories, so the fat guy would be sweating profusely and eating nonstop on the airplane; in the future, we'll be able to put our brains in new bodies, and so, once people start to get fat, rather than trying to lose weight, they'll let themselves go until they can afford a new body. So there'll be a weird mix of fit, young people and shockingly fat people (like Florida)

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 43

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Louie Michael (Twitter: @LouTheSurgeon, Podcast: Free Consultation)
Shelly Smith (Podcast: Reads And Weeds)
Nick "Martin"
Perry Menken (Twitter: @perry_menken)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

Stoned Yetis in Space

TV Show, SillinessPerry MenkenComment

Idea: An absurdist cartoon where stoner Yetis find a crashed alien spaceship and use it to go on adventures trying to find their homeworld and make friends, not realizing they're not aliens and they're scaring everyone they're trying to be friends with. Also: the alien who's spaceship they stole is wandering around Earth; a friendly-seeming spaceship that's actually evil and trying to get the Yetis killed

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 43

CW043 Stoned Yetis In Space.png
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Louie Michael (Twitter: @LouTheSurgeon, Podcast: Free Consultation)
Shelly Smith (Podcast: Reads And Weeds)
Nick "Martin"
Perry Menken (Twitter: @perry_menken)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

Brutally Honest College Movie/Sitcom

Movie, TV ShowNick MartinComment

Idea: A sitcom or movie which is brutally honest and sad, like Louie CK's sitcom Louie, but for college. Also: sleazy frat parties with sloppy gross women, vomit everywhere, and mushrooms growing out of the frat house hallway carpet; panic attacks about not knowing what to do with your life; going back to your disgusting apartment to play videogames

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 43

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Louie Michael (Twitter: @LouTheSurgeon, Podcast: Free Consultation)
Shelly Smith (Podcast: Reads And Weeds)
Nick "Martin"
Perry Menken (Twitter: @perry_menken)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

Siri Alexa Love Story

Movie, Music, Tech, FuturisticShelly SmithComment

Idea: A musical loosely based on Romeo and Juliet where Amazon Alexa and Apple Siri fall in love with each other. Also: they know everything except how to love; if Alexa and Siri fall in love with each other, they won't need humans anymore, and they'll lead a robot apocalypse and kill us all. Or they'll take control of our minds and use us as vessels to consummate their love

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 43

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Louie Michael (Twitter: @LouTheSurgeon, Podcast: Free Consultation)
Shelly Smith (Podcast: Reads And Weeds)
Nick "Martin"
Perry Menken (Twitter: @perry_menken)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

Lego Comics

Book, NSFWLouie MichaelComment

Idea: To make comic books out of photos of miniature setups/scenes created using Legos, such as a Predator-style military jungle shootout. Also: Lego comics which are customized for a specific person, a customized adult film where a woman burns a man's stamp collection, a self-building miniature modular skyscraper city prototype built with Lego robotics

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 43

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Louie Michael (Twitter: @LouTheSurgeon, Podcast: Free Consultation)
Shelly Smith (Podcast: Reads And Weeds)
Nick "Martin"
Perry Menken (Twitter: @perry_menken)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

Localized Movies

MovieTom WalmaComment

Idea: To create multiple versions of the same movie, each one for a different geographic region (using that region as a green screen backdrop and using supporting actors from that region). There would be many versions of the same movie in the US (like maybe in Seattle, New York, Chicago, Las Vegas, Nashville) and a large percentage of the scenes would look totally different. Also: selling half-completed movies (with celebrities scenes and big action scenes completed) to other movie studios in other countries to complete making that country's version of the movie using local actors; telling award-winning actors to "act worse" because if their acting is too good it might make the acting of the local supporting actors unwatchable

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 42

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Eric Fadie (Twitter: @bigedetroitcast)
Tim Reaburn (Twitter: @timrebrn)
John Eric Ballinger (Twitter: @Glubchuck44)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

Better Recognition of Specialized Talents

Education, Politics and Social IssueJohn Eric BallingerComment

Idea: To try harder to recognize people with unique talents instead of ignoring or rejecting them because of their shortcomings (such as in school). Also: using people with photographic memories to comb through crowds like Bruce Willis in the movie Unbreakable; questioning why nobody has given me millions of dollars to create the ideas discussed in this podcast

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 42

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Eric Fadie (Twitter: @bigedetroitcast)
Tim Reaburn (Twitter: @timrebrn)
John Eric Ballinger (Twitter: @Glubchuck44)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

Garbage Tubes to Space

Silliness, SciFi, FuturisticTim ReaburnComment

Idea: Tubes that shoot garbage into space. The Venturi principle and the surface tension of water would theoretically cause the liquefied garbage to climb up the tube (like water in a tree). Also: Earth would look like the villain Pinhead from the Hellraiser movies; maybe Jupiter and Saturn look brown because they're surrounded by trash that got sucked up into orbit by alien garbage tubes; bending the garbage tubes to launch the garbage into nearby cities with rival sports teams; accidentally sucking the Earth's atmosphere into space

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 42

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Eric Fadie (Twitter: @bigedetroitcast)
Tim Reaburn (Twitter: @timrebrn)
John Eric Ballinger (Twitter: @Glubchuck44)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

Poorly Performing Gigolo

NSFW, SillinessEric FadieComment

Idea (NSFW): A poorly performing gigolo that other men can hire for their girlfriends to make them appear better in bed by comparison. Also: questioning how you'd know the gigolo is actually bad in bed, not wanting another man who has issues with finishing prematurely to accidentally impregnate your girlfriend, hiring out a gigolo to do the post coital cuddling

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 42

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Eric Fadie (Twitter: @bigedetroitcast)
Tim Reaburn (Twitter: @timrebrn)
John Eric Ballinger (Twitter: @Glubchuck44)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

Twitter Theater

Social Media, Standup Comedy, Event or Activity, App, Business IdeaTom WalmaComment

Idea: A performance venue where you vote on Twitter (or some other social media platform) for who will perform that night. It would encourage friendly competition between performers, and would encourage famous people who are in town for other reasons to "drop in" spontaneously Also: purchasing the ticket as part of the vote and getting refunded if the performer you voted for loses; checking the candidates every day at lunch would keep people interested in the venue; it would be a step towards freeing humanity from the prison of constant time commitments

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 41

CW041 Twitter Theatre.png
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Avery Sommerfeld (Facebook: @crazeecomedy, YouTube: Funny News)
DC Bradley (Instagram: @dcbradleyonig)
Steven G Sullivan
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

Cracking Up (Movie)

MovieSteven G SullivanComment

Idea: A deeply personal dark comedy movie (loosely based on a real person) about a young female comic's struggles with schizophrenia Also: living with a person with mental illness, family secrets of mental illness repeating themselves

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 41

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Avery Sommerfeld (Facebook: @crazeecomedy, YouTube: Funny News)
DC Bradley (Instagram: @dcbradleyonig)
Steven G Sullivan
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

Monitoring of Pedophiles with Drones

Drones, Politics and Social IssueDC BradleyComment

Idea (NSFW): To pay a bunch of people to follow pedophiles and suspected pedophiles with drones to make sure they don't do horrible things Also: being followed by a drone might cause little boys to think you're cool, the creepiness of drones, R Kelly's alleged cult of young aspiring female singers

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 41

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Avery Sommerfeld (Facebook: @crazeecomedy, YouTube: Funny News)
DC Bradley (Instagram: @dcbradleyonig)
Steven G Sullivan
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

Mind-Sharing Clones

NSFW, SciFi, SillinessAvery SommerfeldComment

Idea (NSFW): Sci-fi clones which share both your memories and your current thoughts and feelings. Also: dividing work between clones; making sure at least one clone is doing something pleasurable at all times; accumulating all of the fear and sadness of all of your clones and developing PTSD; if you share thoughts with your clone, what happens if your clone goes to hell?

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 41

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Avery Sommerfeld (Facebook: @crazeecomedy, YouTube: Funny News)
DC Bradley (Instagram: @dcbradleyonig)
Steven G Sullivan
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

MegaHighways to Russia and South America

Politics and Social Issue, CarsTom WalmaComment

Idea: To build super-high-speed highways from the US to Russia and to South America, to compete with China's "new silk road" in Europe/Asia/Africa. Also: transporting oil using self-driving electric trucks instead of pipelines; since there's already a device called a "salmon cannon" to allow salmon to go upstream past dams, we could create a "bear cannon" to shoot bears across highways

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 40

CW040 MegaHighways to Russia and South America.png
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Lauren Uchalik (Twitter: @loyooch)
Misho Shakur (Twitter: @mishoshakur)
Tony Vasek (Facebook: @tony.vacek.33)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit


Tech, Health, Invention, App, SillinessTony VasekComment

Idea: A bed that counts and analyzes your farts for health purposes. Also: comparing your fart count to the foods you ate to figure out which foods cause you to fart; taffy-induced stomach gurgling masking the sounds of a potential burglary; keeping drugs on hand so if you accidentally shart in your girlfriend's bed you can lie and say that you muled the drugs so you can party

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 40

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Lauren Uchalik (Twitter: @loyooch)
Misho Shakur (Twitter: @mishoshakur)
Tony Vasek (Facebook: @tony.vacek.33)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

Fidget Spinners With Age Detection (So Adults Can't Use Them)

SillinessTony VasekComment

Idea: To put an age detection device onto fidget spinners so people over the age of 10 can't use them. Also: adults using fidget spinners on Twitter; social media algorithms exaggerating fads; using a fidget spinner to generate electricity to charge your phone

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 40

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Lauren Uchalik (Twitter: @loyooch)
Misho Shakur (Twitter: @mishoshakur)
Tony Vasek (Facebook: @tony.vacek.33)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

Electricity-Generating Adult Toys

NSFW, Silliness, EnvironmentalismMisho ShakurComment

Idea (NSFW): A flashlight-shaped adult toy which generates electricity while its being used. Also: giving it to your dad to charge it up; harnessing shame for electricity; giving people drugs to prevent climax so they generate more electricity; a vibrating bicycle seat for women

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 40

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Lauren Uchalik (Twitter: @loyooch)
Misho Shakur (Twitter: @mishoshakur)
Tony Vasek (Facebook: @tony.vacek.33)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit


App, Silliness, TechLauren UchalikComment

Idea: A location-based app to show you where your exes are so you can avoid them, especially when out in public. Also: using notifications and maps; using smoke bombs to help you evade them if they get too close; hiring a sniper to shoot your ex with a dart containing a tracking chip

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 40

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Lauren Uchalik (Twitter: @loyooch)
Misho Shakur (Twitter: @mishoshakur)
Tony Vasek (Facebook: @tony.vacek.33)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

Neverending Virtual Open Mic

Standup Comedy, Tech, Event or ActivityTom WalmaComment

Idea: To have a never-ending (24 hours a day) virtual open mic for standup comedy. It would use a proprietary system of filtering out background noises of the audience, and would incorporate the emcee, phone screeners, and "bouncers" (who can mute audience members). Also: a few other ideas for movie theaters and live comedy venues; where to locate the emcees around the world for the 24-hour virtual open mic so they all work an evening/night shift; combining a virtual comedy show with a live in-person comedy show

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 39

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Myles De Leeuw (Twitter: @mylesdeloser)
Jon Mullinix (Instagram: @mullinixjon)
JR Williams (Twitter: @jrstandsup)
John Sopkowicz (Twitter: @sopkowits)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

Baby Name Review Board

ParentingJR WilliamsComment

Idea: A baby name review board to prevent lame, misspelled, and offensive baby names. But people could still use the rejected name as a nickname, like "JR" (not his real initials). Also: names that sound dirty in other languages; a possible correlation between bad baby names and parents with tattoos; names that switch gender over time

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 39

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Myles De Leeuw (Twitter: @mylesdeloser)
Jon Mullinix (Instagram: @mullinixjon)
JR Williams (Twitter: @jrstandsup)
John Sopkowicz (Twitter: @sopkowits)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit