Creativity Wasted Podcast


The Seance of Chester Bennington (Movie Musical)

Movie, Music, Artificial IntelligenceTom WalmaComment

Idea: A movie musical where the deceased lead singer of Linkin Park (Chester Bennington) is contacted via seance by his grieving children. Then, in order to solve their financial woes and to help them emotionally, he performs a new music album from beyond the grave. His voice would be generated for the movie using AI. Also: AI voice replication is getting really, really good; in the movie, he can only communicate from beyond the grave "in song"; it doesn't make sense that AI gets the artsy jobs and we have to pour over numbers; getting plastic surgery to look like a deceased singer and then getting an AI-based vocal implant to sound like them

This is the AI-generated song that I stumbled onto on YouTube which sounded very real and inspired this idea:

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Pam Palmieri (Facebook Personal: @pam.palmieri Instagram: @pampalmiericomedy Comedy Shows (Facebook): @Comedy/Productions Pam Palmieri)
Alex Wilson (Facebook: @mralexwilson YouTube: @thedropoutprofessor Web:
Bryan Deuchler (Facebook: BryanDeuchler Podcast (Web):
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

I Wanna K*ll An Engineer (TV Show)

TV Show, Evil, NSFWPam PalmieriComment

Idea: A TV show where people air grievances against engineers of bad and/or needlessly difficult to repair products, and the engineer responsible either immediately faces severe consequences (decided by the audience), or they have a chance to repair a broken product, and if they designed it so poorly that they fail to quickly repair it, then they (and possibly even their family) face the severe consequences. Also: debating whether Pam's grievance was actually the fault of an engineer; expanding the idea to punish other people who screw you over (either intentionally or through incompetence), such as mechanics, service workers, and realtors; customer service reps would either be immediately put on the chopping block for angering consumers, or would have immense power in deciding who's fault the problem was to put them on the chopping block instead

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Pam Palmieri (Facebook Personal: @pam.palmieri Instagram: @pampalmiericomedy Comedy Shows (Facebook): @Comedy/Productions Pam Palmieri)
Alex Wilson (Facebook: @mralexwilson YouTube: @thedropoutprofessor Web:
Bryan Deuchler (Facebook: BryanDeuchler Podcast (Web):
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

Insult To Injury

TV Show, Event or ActivityAlex WilsonComment

Idea: A TV show where real-life disputes are resolved via boxing matches and comedians commentate and then roast the winner (because roasting the loser would be too cruel). Also: providing a healthier outlet for male rage than gun violence; offering the bully free therapy instead of roasting them (because the US will do anything to avoid universal health care); comparing the idea to the TV show "Bully Beatdown" and discussing whether bullies are a fundamental aspect of this show (and deciding that they are not); having themed episodes, such as teachers vs. grown-up disruptive students, IT workers vs. annoying tech-illiterate office workers, Karens, etc.

Listen on Spotify Listen on Amazon Music

Pam Palmieri (Facebook Personal: @pam.palmieri Instagram: @pampalmiericomedy Comedy Shows (Facebook): @Comedy/Productions Pam Palmieri)
Alex Wilson (Facebook: @mralexwilson YouTube: @thedropoutprofessor Web:
Bryan Deuchler (Facebook: BryanDeuchler Podcast (Web):
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)

Family Tree Rotten Apple Finding Service

Business Idea, EvilBryan DeuchlerComment

Idea: A semi-satirical DNA-analyzing and family tree investigation service that only tells you negative aspects of your family tree, such as ancestors who did evil things, parents who aren't actually your biological parents, and inherited diseases that will probably kill you. Also: it could "unite everyone in hating where we come from"; maybe everyone should be forced to use this service in order to "air out everyone's dirty laundry" all at once; it might backfire if teenage boys find it "metal" and exciting to be related to a historical villain; this service could also solve historical crimes "for evil reasons" i.e. to bum out the murderer's descendants

Listen on Spotify Listen on Amazon Music

Pam Palmieri (Facebook Personal: @pam.palmieri Instagram: @pampalmiericomedy Comedy Shows (Facebook): @Comedy/Productions Pam Palmieri)
Alex Wilson (Facebook: @mralexwilson YouTube: @thedropoutprofessor Web:
Bryan Deuchler (Facebook: BryanDeuchler Podcast (Web):
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma Twitch: @gameymcfitness)