Creativity Wasted Podcast


A Taste of Reality

Food, Evil, SillinessJustin SiekierkaComment

Idea: Chocolates which (unlike Dove) don't display unrealistically positive messages on the wrapper. Instead, they display realistic messages, such as reminders to perform errands ("make sure you have AA batteries") and comedically dark/demotivational messages ("your spouse probably settled", "you're too old to achieve your dreams"). Also: some of the chocolates could taste bad on purpose to remind you of the harshness of reality; the messages could be tailored to you based on a scan of your social media; positive messages should be reserved for healthy food like vegetables (instead of chocolates) to lure people to better health instead of to obesity and diabetes

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Dave Wellfare (The AM Mayhem Podcast with Mojo and Dave)
Justin Siekierka (Comedy Shows: Liberty Street Brewing Co Rusted Crow Canton Village Theater)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)

Tranq Chair

Movie, Silliness, Event or ActivityDavid WellfareComment

Idea: A "smart chair" with a tranquilizer device to knock out annoying people at a movie theater. It would vibrate once or twice as a warning before tranqing you, unless you answer your phone and start talking, in which case you'd be tranq'd immediately. Also: Getting tranq'd on purpose if the movie is boring or you want to relax before a job interview; trying to make your friends laugh inappropriately during a sad movie to get them tranq'd; tranqing young kids who freak out at a scary movie

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Dave Wellfare (The AM Mayhem Podcast with Mojo and Dave)
Justin Siekierka (Comedy Shows: Liberty Street Brewing Co Rusted Crow Canton Village Theater)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)

Covid-Era Wedding DJ In A Box

Business Idea, Tech, Silliness, Event or ActivityMatt HarperComment

Idea: A DJ-in-a-box for a Covid-era wedding (or other social event). It'd be extremely cheap because the socially-distanced event would only have around 10 people in attendance and therefore wouldn't justify the cost of a normal human DJ. It'd consist of an oscillating fan with some laser pointers taped to it, a pack of three "smart light bulbs" to put around the venue, and a Spotify playlist which you say is customized but is actually the same playlist for every wedding. Also: a self-hating DJ; optional add-ons like a holographic DJ, a celebrity Cameo for a wedding toast, and an entire wedding-in-a-box; a sad single person ordering a DJ-in-a-box to use alone in his apartment

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Matt Harper (Twitter: @MattHarperJokes Podcast: Another Episode Twitch: @mattopoly83)
Brett Mercer (Twitter: @brettmercer_ Podcast: Big Time Garbage Twitch and Web: @Brettmercer)
Johnny Mocny (Twitter: @JohnnyMocny Podcast and Web: @wearemoviespod)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)

Virtual Commute

Silliness, App, Event or Activity, Futuristic, TechJason AltComment

Idea: A virtual-reality simulation of your daily commute to work, to help make you feel like your life has returned to post-Covid normalcy. You'll get the sensation of moving a couple hundred feet every few minutes, just like a real commute. You can simulate driving inconveniences such as stressful traffic jams (by locking the virtual-reality helmet onto your head until you're late logging onto your real work computer), cracked windshields (the crack appears to slowly grow on the VR headset's screen until you pay $65 in real money to get it repaired), and lifespan-reducing smog (by breathing through a pipe which is hooked up to your furnace). There could also be a bus simulation for kids to simulate their daily commute to school, which could include a gadget that throws real spitballs at them to simulate being bullied on a real bus

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Joe Bates (Twitter: @JoeBatesComedy Comedy Album: Joe Bates Joe Bates Joe Bates by Joe Bates)
Jason Alt (Twitter: @JasonEAlt)
Joseph Johnson (Twitter: @JJohnsonComedy)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)

License Plate Hate App

Cars, App, Silliness, Social MediaAdam WestComment

Idea: An anonymous messaging app to allow disgruntled drivers to send angry text messages to other drivers using their license plate. It would instantly cause a huge spike of deaths from these disgruntled drivers crashing while trying to send angry texts. But these aren't the best people anyway. Also: joyriding in someone else's car to cause them to get woken up by angry messages; an angry message to another driver might somehow lead to a marriage; taunting criminals during televised high-speed car chases

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 57

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Melanie Gresham (Twitter: @mel_gresham)
Adam West (Facebook: @adam.west.73307)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

What I Should Say App

App, SillinessMelanie GreshamComment

Idea: An app to listen to people talking to you and come up with responses for you to say, so you don't have to pay attention if you're bored. Although, if people like talking to your app more than talking to you, it might crush your self-esteem. Also: an hour-long Harry Potter play written by a "predictive text" algorithm; the app could steer the conversation in a direction which would capture your interest so you start paying attention again

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 57

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Melanie Gresham (Twitter: @mel_gresham)
Adam West (Facebook: @adam.west.73307)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

Small Talk Bouncer

Business Idea, SillinessJacqui MarpaComment

Idea: To use Amanda's chore bartering app to hire someone do "small talk" for you, like a "small talk bouncer" or a "Jacqui replacement" who is wearing a Jacqui mask (Tom's idea). Or maybe, instead of doing small talk for you, they'd help guide you through the small talk, like a "small talk coach". Also: a velvet rope for your body

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 56

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Jacqui Marpa (Twitter: @JacquiMarpa)
Amanda Brewington (Facebook: @amanda.brewington)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

Work Excuses App

App, SillinessJeff FordComment

Idea: An app to give you ideas for excuses for missing work or being late for work. It could help you physically harm yourself or provide other fake evidence to make your chosen excuse more believable. It could keep track of the excuses you've already given, and also track the overall success rate of each excuse. It could tally the total loss to the economy from people getting away with missing work because of the app. It could blackmail people who used the app by threatening to rat them out to their bosses

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 55

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Justin McLeod (Twitter: @jibtron_zero)
Jeff Ford (Twitter: @Comicjeff10)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

Hi-Tech Japanese Toilets for America

Silliness, Business IdeaSeiko YomogitaComment

Idea: To sell hi-tech Japanese toilets in America. Also: to help Americanize them, they should come with audio of a physical trainer telling you to "push it", and should be sturdier, so the toilet seats don't crack when fat Americans sit on them

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 54

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Gwen Hope (Twitter: @gwenhopecomedy)
Ron Rigby (Twitter: @RonRigby)
Joe Williams (Twitter: @JoeDoubleYou)
Seiko Yomogita (Instagram: @best_japanese_comedian)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

Pizza Insurance Hijinks

Food, Prank, SillinessRon RigbyComment

Ideas for gaming the Domino's Pizza "pizza insurance" to get free pizza. Also: carrying a pizza recklessly because you know that it's insured; destroying a pizza by putting soy sauce on it; do they offer insurance against them laughing at you when you come back covered in pizza and blood?

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 54

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Gwen Hope (Twitter: @gwenhopecomedy)
Ron Rigby (Twitter: @RonRigby)
Joe Williams (Twitter: @JoeDoubleYou)
Seiko Yomogita (Instagram: @best_japanese_comedian)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

Russian Roulette Diet

Health, Silliness, EvilTom WalmaComment

Idea: A diet where you'd still eat like a pig, but you'd go on a cycle of cocaine, bulimia, Fen-Phen, and other unhealthy (but effective) ways to lose weight, and an expert would manage your diet cycle to ensure that you don't do any one unhealthy thing for a long enough continuous period of time to get addicted or to cause permanent health problems

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 53

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David Otis Van (Twitter: @davidotisvan)
Dan Turco (Twitter: @Dansplaining)
Chris Lazar
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)

Wild Animal Home Renovation Show

Animal Rights / Vegan, Pets, Silliness, TV ShowJoe BatesComment

Idea: A home renovation show for the homes or habitats of wild animals (bears, beavers, birds, etc). Examples of renovations include a recliner for a sloth, salmon on tap for a bear, and an even dirtier toilet for a sewer rat. The TV show could show sad back stories (such as a penguin getting covered with oil during an oil spill) and could give the animals special gifts (like a prosthetic leg). The animals could maul the hosts to death if they don't like the renovations. Also: a more humane zoo; famous attempts to build armor to survive animal attacks; PETA bailing out somebody who burned down an animal testing lab at a university and then returning to the university to recruit new members; Tom got chewed out as a child in the 90s for emailing a nature conservatory asking for funny chimp videos

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Joe Bates (Twitter: @JoeBatesComedy Comedy Album: Joe Bates Joe Bates Joe Bates by Joe Bates)
Jason Alt (Twitter: @JasonEAlt)
Joseph Johnson (Twitter: @JJohnsonComedy)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)

Poo-pourri Air Horn Prank

Prank, Silliness, NSFWGimmy CiprianoComment

Idea: A prank where a very loud air horn is disguised as "poo pouri" toilet spray. If someone has to go to the bathroom really badly, and they try to spray the "toilet spray" before pulling down their pants, the shock of the unexpected air horn might cause them to accidentally "let one loose" in their pants next to the toilet. It could also sound like a fart and/or release a bad smell, letting other people know that you're pooping, which is a fact that you were trying to hide by using the "toilet spray". Also: using sound vibrations from the air horn to dislodge kidney stones; keeping a urine sample in the fridge at work

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 51

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Gimmy Cipriano (Twitter: @theRealGimmyC, @aBitTooMuch1)
Ricarlo Winston (Twitter: @thewolfspider23)
Markus Olind (Twitter: @BeardVonMarkus)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

High-Stakes "Rock, Paper, Scissors"

Silliness, Event or ActivityTom WalmaComment

Idea: A variation of the game "rock, paper, scissors" which involves betting in a way similar to poker and playing in groups instead of 1-on-1, with the intent of being a game of skill like poker. Also: the essence of "rock, paper, scissors"; a game kit which includes 1) sensors to prevent cheaters from changing their choice a split second after the round ends, 2) computerized scorekeeping, and 3) an electronic display of the results of recent rounds of the game to help you formulate a strategy for future rounds; achieving success on Kickstarter by selling a product so stupid that it gains attention (for example, by selling a game that you can play for free)

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James Couture (Instagram: @secretbeefcake)
Justin Siekierka (Liberty Street Brewing Co Comedy Show)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)


Silliness, Tech, NSFWJustin SiekierkaComment

Idea: Holograms of horror movie villains that women can project out of their nipples to scare off creepy guys who stare at their breasts. Also: using the holograms to project clothes to allow you to be nude in public; holograms for men (cree-penis, i.e. "creepiness"); questioning whether "Naked Mile" nude runs still occur at colleges; accidentally training babies to suckle on serial killers' faces

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James Couture (Instagram: @secretbeefcake)
Justin Siekierka (Liberty Street Brewing Co Comedy Show)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)

Wearing An Object Around Your Neck

Clothing, SillinessSai-DComment

Idea: For everybody to wear an object around their neck like the rapper Flavor Flav while they're out in public, such as a calculator (so people know that you can be counted on). The object can be used for self-expression and as a non-offensive conversation starter, or the object can be useful, such as a lanyard containing your keys when you're at the gym, extra carrying capacity at the airport, or a condom when you're at Martis Gras. But be careful not to wear something that could impale your neck if you trip and fall. Also: truck nuts, poor object choices for self-expression

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Joel Fragomeni (Podcast Joel Radio)
Sai-D (Twitter: @saidee27)
Matti Yaari (Facebook: @myaari)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)

Rabid Fandom Extraction Service

Health, SillinessPat SievertComment

Idea: A service to help you get rid of an unhealthy or unwanted fandom. In other words, make you hate what you don't want to love anymore. Also: The service is not reversible, but it can make you dislike everything else more, so you're more depressed overall, but you feel like the fandom has returned; using your rabid fandom to annoy less rabid fans out of their fandom and then collecting their fan memorabilia in victory; inducing food allergies to discourage unhealthy eating

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 49

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Seth Addison (Instagram: @sexaddictson)
Pat Sievert (Twitter: @patsievert)
Josh Courtnay (Twitter: @JoshCourtnay)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

Office Privacy Chair

Silliness, InventionTom WalmaComment

Idea: An office chair with privacy attachments, such as an umbrella above your head and curtains that loop around the umbrella and possibly also loop around your monitor. Also: low walls in cubicles are torture because tall people lack privacy and can be constantly distracted by movement in the corner of their eyes

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 48

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Nick Pizzuti (Facebook: @nick.pizzuti.73)
Kyle Forsyth (Twitter: @IAmKyleForsyth)
Ashley Stommen (Instagram: @ashleystommen)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit