Creativity Wasted Podcast

Car Roof Holograms

Evil, Cars, SciFi, Silliness, TechTom WalmaComment

Idea: Holograms on the roofs of cars for expressing anger to nearby drivers. Also: sparkly ambulances in Japan, the 2Pac hologram, the Pepper's ghost illusion, mistaking the car roof hologram for a soul leaving the body after a car crash

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 25

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Ken Witzgall (Twitter: @KenWitzgall42)
Scott Fischer (Instagram: @scottimscott)
Justin Mcleod (Twitter: @jibtron_zero)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit (

Just-In-Time Tiny Houses

Tiny Houses, Tech, FuturisticTom WalmaComment

Idea: Houses where most of the furniture and possessions are wheeled in and out on demand by small Roomba-sized robots. Also: getting rid of the idea of "themed rooms" like "bedroom" and "bathroom", the elimination of house chores, wheelable toilets with privacy snuggies, sharing appliances and select items with neighbors and with strangers on the global shipping grid, moving without packing and how it could lead to civil war

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 24

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Samantha Rager (Twitter: @SGRager)
Max Sheldrick (Instagram: @maxsheldrick)
Teena Green (Twitter: @TeenaMGreen)
Jeewan Gill (Facebook: @jeewan.gill.5)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit (

Family Leasing

Parenting, SillinessTeena GreenComment

Idea: A service for leasing or "time-sharing" spouses and/or children. Also: time-sharing pregnancies (what's an ovary amongst friends?), trading husbands to obtain the currently-needed carpentry skills, the three-husband theory

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 24

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Samantha Rager (Twitter: @SGRager)
Max Sheldrick (Instagram: @maxsheldrick)
Teena Green (Twitter: @TeenaMGreen)
Jeewan Gill (Facebook: @jeewan.gill.5)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit (

Comedy Guerrilla Marketing Ideas

Silliness, Standup ComedyMax SheldrickComment

Idea: A brainstorming session for guerrilla marketing/promotion techniques for standup comedians, including skywriting, business cards exploding out of fake corpses, etc. Also: the famous bum of a small town

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 24

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Samantha Rager (Twitter: @SGRager)
Max Sheldrick (Instagram: @maxsheldrick)
Teena Green (Twitter: @TeenaMGreen)
Jeewan Gill (Facebook: @jeewan.gill.5)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit (

Child Talkback Machine

Silliness, Tech, ParentingDustin "Lee"Comment

Idea: An electronic device to listen to and respond verbally to small children when parents are unable or unwilling to devote their full attention to them

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 23

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Dustin "Lee"
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Ted Moss (Twitter: @TedMossComedy Podcast: TEDTALKS2much Book: Look Out...I'm Parenting Here! A Survival Guide for the Single Parent)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit (

Baby Boarding Houses

Business Idea, Parenting, Politics and Social IssueTom WalmaComment

Idea: Boarding houses to provide around-the-clock care to babies until they're around 2.5 years old (and potty trained). Also: accidentally creepy parenting book titles, Puritanical diaper penance, is all postpartum depression hormonal or does changing diapers and not sleeping just suck, the biggest jobs program for uneducated people of all time, giving unprepared parents time (3 years) to get their life on track before they have to be parents

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 23

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Dustin "Lee"
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Ted Moss (Twitter: @TedMossComedy Podcast: TEDTALKS2much Book: Look Out...I'm Parenting Here! A Survival Guide for the Single Parent)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit (

Modular Skyscraper City Part 2

Futuristic, SciFi, SillinessTom WalmaComment

Idea: A futuristic city made out of movable cubes which can be made to be ultra-lightweight using a vacuum in the upper stories, allowing the buildings to be up to 3 miles high, to fly, and to control the weather (make it rain and stop tornadoes)

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 22

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Kerry McCabe (Facebook: @kerryalanmccabe)
Megan Cottington (Instagram: @megtasticmeg)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Steve Gay (Twitter: @sgaytwo)
Recorded at Hard Knocks Grill in Jackson, MI

Shoplifting-Based Economy

Futuristic, Silliness, EvilTom WalmaComment

Idea: A weird and possibly accidentally evil idea for a futuristic economy where shoplifting is not only no longer a crime, it's actually a completely acceptable method of commerce

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Scott Gaughan ("Free Netflix Online" Podcast)
Diego Attanasio (Twitter: @DiegoComedy)
Kevin Key (Instagram: @kevinjokeskey)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Broken Knuckle Studio in Waterford, MI (Facebook: Broken Knuckle Studios)

Trump and Drake Are The Same Person

Politics and Social Issue, SillinessKevin KeyComment

Idea: A conspiracy theory that Donald Trump and Drake are the same person, because Drake songs sound kind of like Trump speeches. Also: an impression of Trump singing a Drake song, questioning whether Trump is a reptilian, questioning whether successful draft-dodging makes you smart and if you'd dodge the draft

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Drake photo by The Come Up Show license CC BY (photo has been modified)

Trump photo by Gage Skidmore license CC BY-SA 2.0 (photo has been modified)

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Scott Gaughan ("Free Netflix Online" Podcast)
Diego Attanasio (Twitter: @DiegoComedy)
Kevin Key (Instagram: @kevinjokeskey)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Broken Knuckle Studio in Waterford, MI (Facebook: Broken Knuckle Studios)

Teach or Die

Education, Business Idea, Politics and Social IssueTom WalmaComment

Idea: A teaching system which involves firing all of the teachers and replacing them with cheap unskilled classroom monitors, multimedia lessons, and tutors. Multiple companies develop competing lessons for the same small topic (ranging from 1 to 10 classroom hours long). The more successful lessons (based on standardized test results for that topic) will "survive" and be taught to a greater percentage of future students, causing the company to be paid accordingly. Strong competition, continued and rapid lesson improvement, unbiased statistical feedback, and equal opportunity are all built into the system, none of which can be said about the current educational system.

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 21

Contains 3 minutes of additional bonus audio from Tom’s appearance on the horrifically-named "Moist Definitely" podcast

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Mike Geeter (Twitter: @OhMikeGeeter, Kevin Hart's "Hart in the City")
Gus N.
Maria (a teacher)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded live at Podcast Detroit (

Modular Skyscraper City

Futuristic, SciFiTom WalmaComment

Idea: A futuristic city which is a single large building made out of a 3D grid of cubes of living/working space which can be added, removed, and shuffled around on demand. Also: eliminating the concept of "landlord" (and Trump's source of income), moving without having to pack, elevators are vertical roads that can be maintained by the city, Wile E. Coyote walls and steampunk themed neighborhoods

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 20

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Joel Fragomeni (Podcast:
Branden Milsk (Twitter: @BrandenMilsk)
Sophia Spagnuolo (Twitter: @SophiaZada)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded live at Podcast Detroit (

Perks of Being Ghosted Movie

MovieSophia SpagnuoloComment

Idea: A romantic comedy movie where a woman dates a ghost and then, when the relationship fails, she "ghosts him". Also: Ouija board Tinder, murder as ghost marriage, passive-aggressive relationship fights between humans and ghosts, Ghost Dad

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 20

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Joel Fragomeni (Podcast:
Branden Milsk (Twitter: @BrandenMilsk)
Sophia Spagnuolo (Twitter: @SophiaZada)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded live at Podcast Detroit (

Old Man Strip Clubs

NSFW, SillinessBranden MilskComment

Idea: Strip clubs which keep prices low by using old men wearing sweaters as strippers. Also: "lemon party", the smell of incontinent old men wearing sweaters and profusely sweating, giving the old men poor tips as revenge because they don't understand money and only gave you 25 cents to mow their lawn

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 20

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Joel Fragomeni (Podcast:
Branden Milsk (Twitter: @BrandenMilsk)
Sophia Spagnuolo (Twitter: @SophiaZada)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded live at Podcast Detroit (

Single-Day Presidential Campaigns

Silliness, Politics and Social IssueJoel FragomeniComment

Idea: A presidential election where the candidates aren't announced until the day before the election. Also: debates don't matter because they aren't really debates anyway. Alternate idea: giving voters drugs that temporarily impair their memories on election day to force them to take a fresh look at the candidates

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 20

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Joel Fragomeni (Podcast:
Branden Milsk (Twitter: @BrandenMilsk)
Sophia Spagnuolo (Twitter: @SophiaZada)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded live at Podcast Detroit (

Food Oasis

Business Idea, Charity, Food, Health, Politics and Social IssueTom WalmaComment

Idea: A service for ordering and purchasing healthy fresh foods in convenience stores and gas stations where there are no nearby grocery stores (i.e. in "food deserts"). Customers pre-ordering via a phone app, intelligent predictive demand algorithms, and order sniping would allow this to be financially plausible. Also: solving a major world problem as a form of revenge to steal the glory from another person trying to solve the same problem

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 19

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Alan Black (Twitter: @alanblah)
Diego Attanasio (Twitter: @DiegoComedy)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)