Creativity Wasted Podcast


Silliness, Tech, NSFWJustin SiekierkaComment

Idea: Holograms of horror movie villains that women can project out of their nipples to scare off creepy guys who stare at their breasts. Also: using the holograms to project clothes to allow you to be nude in public; holograms for men (cree-penis, i.e. "creepiness"); questioning whether "Naked Mile" nude runs still occur at colleges; accidentally training babies to suckle on serial killers' faces

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James Couture (Instagram: @secretbeefcake)
Justin Siekierka (Liberty Street Brewing Co Comedy Show)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)

Hollywood Sauce

MovieJames CoutureComment

Idea: A late-night-style comedic talk show about movies, including a comedy monologue and segments such as Hollywood News, Parents Popcorn Pick of the Week, reviews of new release movies, and miscellaneous comedy sketches. Also: streaming services and movie watching parties with your friends as a replacement for movie theaters; crying during the Pixar movie Up in front of your friends; watch Hollywood Sauce on the Salsa Parlor YouTube channel

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James Couture (Instagram: @secretbeefcake)
Justin Siekierka (Liberty Street Brewing Co Comedy Show)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)

Virtual-Only Experiences With Real Human Guides

Futuristic, Event or Activity, App, Tech, DronesTom WalmaComment

A bunch of ideas for virtual (i.e. Zoom/Skype) entertainment experiences with real human guides, where the experiences would be impossible to do in-person in the real world (as opposed to "Amazon Explore", which is virtual versions of real-world experiences). Examples include virtual tours of historical places and historical disasters, virtual tours of real-world places with "inappropriate" tour guides (such as comedians), video-drone tours of real world places which are off-limits to tourists (the moon, parts of the Grand Canyon, etc.), and real world events/games where the person participating virtually plays a role of a team (for example, being a lookout in a heist)

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Joel Fragomeni (Podcast Joel Radio)
Sai-D (Twitter: @saidee27)
Matti Yaari (Facebook: @myaari)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)

Wearing An Object Around Your Neck

Clothing, SillinessSai-DComment

Idea: For everybody to wear an object around their neck like the rapper Flavor Flav while they're out in public, such as a calculator (so people know that you can be counted on). The object can be used for self-expression and as a non-offensive conversation starter, or the object can be useful, such as a lanyard containing your keys when you're at the gym, extra carrying capacity at the airport, or a condom when you're at Martis Gras. But be careful not to wear something that could impale your neck if you trip and fall. Also: truck nuts, poor object choices for self-expression

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Joel Fragomeni (Podcast Joel Radio)
Sai-D (Twitter: @saidee27)
Matti Yaari (Facebook: @myaari)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)

Kale for the Homeless

Food, CharityMatti YaariComment

Inspired by a standup comedy premise that kale tastes so bad that hungry/homeless people wouldn't take it, the idea is a charity that gives raw kale (and only kale) to the homeless. It'd supply nutrients that the homeless don't get from handouts on the street (snacks, fast food, food from street vendors), assuming that we can convince the homeless to actually eat it. Also: questioning whether it would be charity or torture; the homeless could pad their coats with the kale or burn it for warmth; homeless people struggling to eat kale without gagging might inspire sympathy from passers-by who might therefore give more donations; could we teach the homeless in the US to grow their own food in community gardens like the homeless do in Vietnam

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Joel Fragomeni (Podcast Joel Radio)
Sai-D (Twitter: @saidee27)
Matti Yaari (Facebook: @myaari)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)

Pleasure Chemical Vacation Planning

Event or ActivityTom WalmaComment

Idea: To plan vacations around the science of brain chemistry, such as the concept that it takes a few hours or days to fully replenish pleasure-inducing brain chemicals. For example, if it takes a few days to replenish a brain pleasure chemical like dopamine, in the meantime, you could schedule leisure activities which require different brain pleasure chemicals, such as a rollercoaster which requires lots of adrenaline but not much dopamine. Also: varying your schedule so your body can't predict its future state and level you out (i.e. make you bored)

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 50

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"Spruce Rice" (Twitter: @LordBluntsWorth)
Avery Sommerfeld (Facebook: @crazeecomedy, YouTube: Funny News)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

Happiness Coma

Futuristic, SciFiTom WalmaComment

Idea: To periodically go on a pleasure blitz, and then voluntarily go into a coma for a period of time (a few days to a couple weeks) while your dopamine levels recover or while your recreational drug tolerances go back down to base levels. Also: If scientists cure aging, there's no need to worry about wasting your life in a coma; you could lose weight while in the coma; making someone forget a pleasurable experience so they can experience it with the same intensity again; why it's good to have boring dreams

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 50

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"Spruce Rice" (Twitter: @LordBluntsWorth)
Avery Sommerfeld (Facebook: @crazeecomedy, YouTube: Funny News)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

CRISPR DNA Editing App

Body Augmentation, SciFi, NSFWAvery SommerfeldComment

Sci-Fi Idea (NSFW): A portable CRISPR DNA-editing device which connects to a cell phone and allows you to design changes to your body using an app, such as growing a tail or becoming taller. Also: you'd be trusting a company like Apple to edit your genes (think about all of the update errors that might happen to your body); using the device to make yourself look exactly like another person; questioning whether you want to change your body so badly that you'd be willing to endure intense pain or eat the body part being improved or replaced

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 50

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"Spruce Rice" (Twitter: @LordBluntsWorth)
Avery Sommerfeld (Facebook: @crazeecomedy, YouTube: Funny News)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

Shake and Shock Alarm Clock

Invention, NSFW, HealthSpruce RiceComment

Idea (NSFW): An alarm to shake your bed or shock you to wake you up. It could also defibrillate you, scare you during horror movies, and pleasure you. But don't use it if you're pregnant (wink wink). Also: it would hurt coffee sales; gradually shaking you more intensely until you wake up; hacking it to strengthen the shock

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 50

CW050 Shake N Shock Alarm Clock.png
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"Spruce Rice" (Twitter: @LordBluntsWorth)
Avery Sommerfeld (Facebook: @crazeecomedy, YouTube: Funny News)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit


Business Idea, Animal Rights / Vegan, Food, HealthTom WalmaComment

Idea: A healthy fast food restaurant which proudly proclaims that its food is not natural and that its veggie and/or lab-grown meat doesn't taste as good as real meat. But it's the same price, is humane to animals, is half the calories, and (unlike normal fast food) is reheatable. And the taste is constantly improving (multiple times per year), which encourages people to come back and try it again. Also: encouraging people to cook their own food is a poor design for society; health food snobs contribute to the obesity crisis by refusing to eat healthy food at fast food restaurants

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 49

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Seth Addison (Instagram: @sexaddictson)
Pat Sievert (Twitter: @patsievert)
Josh Courtnay (Twitter: @JoshCourtnay)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

Government Prostitution Service

NSFW, Politics and Social IssueJosh CourtnayComment

Idea: A government service to pay for prostitutes for young men to improve their mental health and reduce the amount of sexual assault. Also: On the downside, men might lose ambition and just "live off the government tit"; this service might be politically viable in Alaska because the population is like 70% male

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 49

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Seth Addison (Instagram: @sexaddictson)
Pat Sievert (Twitter: @patsievert)
Josh Courtnay (Twitter: @JoshCourtnay)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

Rabid Fandom Extraction Service

Health, SillinessPat SievertComment

Idea: A service to help you get rid of an unhealthy or unwanted fandom. In other words, make you hate what you don't want to love anymore. Also: The service is not reversible, but it can make you dislike everything else more, so you're more depressed overall, but you feel like the fandom has returned; using your rabid fandom to annoy less rabid fans out of their fandom and then collecting their fan memorabilia in victory; inducing food allergies to discourage unhealthy eating

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 49

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Seth Addison (Instagram: @sexaddictson)
Pat Sievert (Twitter: @patsievert)
Josh Courtnay (Twitter: @JoshCourtnay)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

Fake Death Metal Band Mockumentary

Music, MovieSeth AddisonComment

Idea: Seth looks like a guy who would be in a metal band. He got so sick of trying to convince people he's not in a band, he started telling people he was in a fake band so they'd walk away happy. His idea is a mockumentary about an aspiring metal vocalist with no talent who lies and says that he started a metal band, but, unlike the real Seth, he books gigs and hypes up the band on the Internet and with killer fliers, but then keeps coming up with excuses to cancel the gigs (such as "the room is too dark to play") and never actually performs. Also: blurring the line between yourself and a character like Andrew "Dice" Clay; bands saying they're like nothing you've ever heard before and then immediately following that up with "we sound like band X mixed with band Y"

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 49

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Seth Addison (Instagram: @sexaddictson)
Pat Sievert (Twitter: @patsievert)
Josh Courtnay (Twitter: @JoshCourtnay)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

Office Privacy Chair

Silliness, InventionTom WalmaComment

Idea: An office chair with privacy attachments, such as an umbrella above your head and curtains that loop around the umbrella and possibly also loop around your monitor. Also: low walls in cubicles are torture because tall people lack privacy and can be constantly distracted by movement in the corner of their eyes

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 48

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Nick Pizzuti (Facebook: @nick.pizzuti.73)
Kyle Forsyth (Twitter: @IAmKyleForsyth)
Ashley Stommen (Instagram: @ashleystommen)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

Perfect Companions SciFi Movie

Movie, SciFi, Robots, FuturisticTom WalmaComment

Idea: A Black-Mirror-like sci-fi movie where a tech genius with the goal of "ending grief" creates robots for people to use specifically (and only) for replacing loved ones, such as after a death or a divorce. But parents use the robots to replace their living children who are disappointments with idealized versions of their children, neglecting their real children, and then chaos ensues. Also: A Russian robot in real life that tried to escape the lab; humanoid robot parents replace their humaniod robot children who are disappointments with idealized versions of their humanoid robot children

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 48

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Nick Pizzuti (Facebook: @nick.pizzuti.73)
Kyle Forsyth (Twitter: @IAmKyleForsyth)
Ashley Stommen (Instagram: @ashleystommen)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

Long Johns & Donut Hos

Event or Activity, Food, NSFWAshley StommenComment

Idea: A strip club for couples which has both male strippers and female strippers. They could be in different rooms, in the same room but on different stages, or together on the same stage. Also, instead of having gross strip club food, it'd contain a bakery with adult-themed cakes. Also: donut glaze/sprinkles instead of glitter; stripper songs

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 48

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Nick Pizzuti (Facebook: @nick.pizzuti.73)
Kyle Forsyth (Twitter: @IAmKyleForsyth)
Ashley Stommen (Instagram: @ashleystommen)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

XBox Live But Without Kids

Event or Activity, TechKyle ForsythComment

Idea: "XBox Live" without kids, so you don't have to deal with kids screaming into microphones, acting like jerks for no reason, ruining teams by being not good or too good, and otherwise being annoying. Also: longing for the "Children of Men" movie to be real; racist slurs being rampant in online first-person shooter games

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 48

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Nick Pizzuti (Facebook: @nick.pizzuti.73)
Kyle Forsyth (Twitter: @IAmKyleForsyth)
Ashley Stommen (Instagram: @ashleystommen)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

Emotional Strength Bully Defense Training

Education, Politics and Social IssueNick PizzutiComment

Idea: Emotional strength training to cope with bullying, and also teaching and practicing tactics for responding to bullying, such as responding with humorous insults. Also: we awkwardly and reluctantly "bully" Nick so he can demonstrate how he would respond; an emotionally-charged debate on how society should deal with bullying

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 48

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Nick Pizzuti (Facebook: @nick.pizzuti.73)
Kyle Forsyth (Twitter: @IAmKyleForsyth)
Ashley Stommen (Instagram: @ashleystommen)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

Social Toy Drones

Drones, NSFW, Tech, Futuristic, Pets, RobotsTom WalmaComment

Idea (NSFW, dark humor): Flying a toy drone with a videocamera on it is like playing a videogame where nothing fun happens. A videodrone would be much funner if it had a speaker and a screen to show your face, that way you could do social things with real people and other videodrones. Examples include games like hide-and-seek, guided sky tours, drone charging "forts", kids using the drones to play together outside when their parents make them stay inside, playing with animals using apps that make animal noises, etc. Also: controlling a drone with your mind so that you feel like an actual bird

Listen to the entire episode #47 here (which also contains 3 additional ideas):

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Kevin Smith (Podcast: Crass&Heartless)
Josh Harmon (Twitter: @harmonjoshua01)
Tim Hill (Twitter: @TimHill007)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

Island For Criminals

NSFW, EvilTim HillComment

Idea (NSFW, dark humor): An island to send criminals for the rest of their life where they'll be left alone to fend for themselves. Also: cannibalism would be common because modern criminals don't know how to fish; weapons companies could airdrop weapons onto the island and sponsor livestream videos of criminals using the weapons; volunteers could enter the island to commit revenge on a criminal but then would not be allowed to leave

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 47

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Kevin Smith (Podcast: Crass&Heartless)
Josh Harmon (Twitter: @harmonjoshua01)
Tim Hill (Twitter: @TimHill007)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit