Creativity Wasted Podcast

Car Hookup Spot App

App, NSFW, Social Media, CarsJeff HorsteComment

An app to tell you the best places (private, safe from cops and criminals) to hook up in your car, which you might want to do because you don't want to show your partner how gross your apartment is. Plus, a beneficial role for perverts in society

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 68

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Jeff Horste (Twitter: @jeffhorste Comedy Special: Kevin Hart Presents The Next Level - Jeff Horste)
Gimmy Cipriano (Twitter: @theRealGimmyC)
Jacob Barr (Twitter: @kidwiththehands)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

Contact Buy App

App, MusicTom WalmaComment

An app named "Contact Buy" for performers to sell digital music/comedy and digital photos and autographs to fans at their shows. That way, the fans don't have to deal with annoying physical things like CDs or "download cards", and they can use the digital autograph and photo taken with the musician/artist as "album art" when the song is played on their phones. And since the artist sells directly to the fans, they don't have to give a 30-40% cut to an iTunes/Amazon/GooglePlay digital music store

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 67

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Bart Dangus (Twitter: @BartDangus Podcast:
Ella H
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

Serve Mouthwash in Bars

FoodBart DangusComment

Since mouthwash has alcohol in it, why not serve it as a drink in bars? You could use the lid of the mouthwash bottle as a shot glass, and maybe serve it as a drink named "Winter Gut". Also, it might be the only recreational drug that make your teeth healthier

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 67

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Bart Dangus (Twitter: @BartDangus Podcast:
Ella H
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

Butt Sweat Reduction Ideas

Health, InventionTom WalmaComment

Tom has a sweaty butt. If he's sitting down, sometimes ONLY his butt sweats, and he's afraid if he stands up and his butt is drenched in sweat, it'll look like he peed his pants. He tried Gold Bond powder without success, so he came up with some better ideas, such as harnesses to allow you to dangle in the air instead of sitting, pants and underwear made of silver which can act like a computer processor heat sink for your body, and slow release ice pills/suppositories

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 66

CW066 Butt Sweat Reduction Ideas.png
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Matt Hamilton (
Dave Crumbley (Twitter: @cavedrumbley)
Bryan Deuchler (Twitter: @MrDrRobot)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

Cross-Discipline Comedy Creator Community

Event or Activity, Standup ComedyBryan DeuchlerComment

Idea: Virtual or in-person community where (mostly amateur) creative people of different disciplines (sketch comedy, standup comedy, acting, film-making, animation, etc.) meet each other and collaborate on projects

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 66

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Matt Hamilton (
Dave Crumbley (Twitter: @cavedrumbley)
Bryan Deuchler (Twitter: @MrDrRobot)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

Retire from Pokemon Go

Dave CrumbleyComment

Dave wants to retire from Pokemon Go because arranging in-person meetups with other Pokemon players to battle the difficult Pokemon is a hassle: they often show up late, or not at all, leaving him waiting outside and sweating in the sun. Also, he's a gray-haired anti-social Pokemon player who thinks he's a superior person when compared to the other Pokemon players. Especially the children

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 66

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Matt Hamilton (
Dave Crumbley (Twitter: @cavedrumbley)
Bryan Deuchler (Twitter: @MrDrRobot)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

Twenty Years Of No New Kids

Evil, Politics and Social IssueMatt HamiltonComment

Idea: Everyone agrees to stop having kids for twenty years to allow us to focus on building bullet trains and making other improvements to society. But it might lead to unintended problems, such as women who're desperate to become mothers kidnapping the last children, and the death of all birds (because many people who would've had children would have cats instead)

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 66

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Matt Hamilton (
Dave Crumbley (Twitter: @cavedrumbley)
Bryan Deuchler (Twitter: @MrDrRobot)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

Reverse Patreon

AppTom Walma1 Comment

Idea: An enhancement to monthly-donation websites such as Patreon to allow you to temporarily adjust your donation to penalize (or reward) the content creator, and also give them a comment explaining why you're penalizing or rewarding them. You could also cap your overall total monthly donation, so if you reward one content creator with a bonus one month, it would automatically slightly reduce your donations to other content creators that month, so you can quickly give out a bonus without worrying about accidentally spending too much money

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 65

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Cinderella App

Evil, App, Parenting, TechScott Fischer2 Comments

Idea: An app which allows parents to remotely shut off a tail-light on their teenage kid's car if the kid stays out too late. That way, if the kid's gonna be out too late, he better stay sober, because he's at a high risk of getting pulled over

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 65

CW065 Cinderella App-01.png
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Dustin "Lee" (not real name, by request)
Scott Fischer (Instagram: @scottimscott)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

Refrigerator Outdoor Exhaust Vent

Environmentalism, Invention, TechDustin "Lee"Comment

In the winter, a fridge takes warm air from inside the house which has been warmed by your heater, and cools it off again.

In the summer, a fridge vents hot air into a house which you're trying to cool down with air conditioning.

Why not position your fridge next to an outside wall, and use a vent/duct leading outdoors to either take in or vent out air (depending on the season) to save electricity? Or you could have a 2nd, tiny refrigerator door which leads outside, so Amazon grocery delivery can place food directly into the fridge. This could also allow you to sit in the fridge with the tiny door open to cool yourself off

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 65

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Dustin "Lee" (not real name, by request)
Scott Fischer (Instagram: @scottimscott)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

Mind-Control Haunted House Security

TechDale MurdockComment

A psychic or spiritual way to control your house with your mind, to make blood seep through the walls to scare away burglars, and to do mundane things like run the coffee maker and detect leaky pipes. Also: Neuralink brain implants which only work for a specific company and have themes such as “goth”

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Adam Walsh (Knuckleheads Comedy: IG: @khcomedy313 Twitter: @KnuckleheadsC)
Steve Kaz (IG: @kazthecomic)
Brandon Ponke (IG: @bponke Twitter: @BPonke)
Dale Murdock (IG: @dalelerious)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Broken Knuckle Studio in Waterford, MI

Bad Driver Hunger Games Lottery

Evil, Tech, CarsBrandon PonkeComment

If someone is at fault in a car accident, almost causes an accident, or is just being a jerk on the road, their car's AI computer (which all cars will be required to have installed) will detect that this occurred, and then, when they park, the car will release knockout gas. Then the person will be put in a lottery with like 100 other bad drivers, and the person whose name gets drawn will be punished. The punishment will be that they'll be killed, or they'll be given drugs that cause them to poop their pants in their car

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Adam Walsh (Knuckleheads Comedy: IG: @khcomedy313 Twitter: @KnuckleheadsC)
Steve Kaz (IG: @kazthecomic)
Brandon Ponke (IG: @bponke Twitter: @BPonke)
Dale Murdock (IG: @dalelerious)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Broken Knuckle Studio in Waterford, MI

The Party Ship Sci-Fi Movie

Movie, Tech, FuturisticTom WalmaComment

A sci-fi movie, where, in the near future, an eccentric billionaire adventurer like Elon Musk leads the first mission to colonize a planet of a nearby star. They've figured out how to slow down aging via drugs and hibernation, so they age like 1/10 as fast as usual. So they can survive the entire 200-year journey, and still be young enough to have kids when they get there. But they can only hibernate for 90 days at a time. So every 90 days, they wake up, do a day of work, have an intense drug-fueled party, and then go back into hibernation before the hangover kicks in. So instead of space travel being logical and business-like and boring, it's the exact opposite, overflowing with fun and emotion and intense experiences. But will the people who signed up for a party be able to cope when things start to go wrong?

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Avery Sommerfeld (Facebook: @crazeecomedy)
Paul Pipitone (Facebook: @paul.pipitone.5)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

Crime-Erasing Time Machine

Tech, NSFW, Politics and Social Issue, FuturisticPaul PipitoneComment

Idea: Time machines that allow people to go back in time and prevent horrible crimes which would've occurred by peacefully interfering and preventing the crimes. But there might be some unexpected downsides... (Note: NSFW)

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 64

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Avery Sommerfeld (Facebook: @crazeecomedy)
Paul Pipitone (Facebook: @paul.pipitone.5)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

Shapeshifting Tech

NSFW, Tech, Futuristic, Body AugmentationAvery SommerfeldComment

Idea: A belt or suit that you can wear to allow yourself to temporarily change into any shape you want, like another person, an animal, an animated company logo, or a literal "fly on the wall". Also: a discussion on "invisibility cloaks" (Note: NSFW)

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 64

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Avery Sommerfeld (Facebook: @crazeecomedy)
Paul Pipitone (Facebook: @paul.pipitone.5)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

Habitat for Hipsterity

Health, Tiny Houses, CharityTom WalmaComment

Exercising in a gym is selfishly controlling machines (i.e. exercise equipment) in a way that benefits nobody else, and therefore provides you no contentment. And even the selfish benefits aren't perceptible enough to motivate you to do it. Why not instead have a charity where you build tiny houses for exercise? You could make it convenient and build the tiny houses indoors in a gym-like building on your own schedule. And you could either donate them to charity, or work towards earning your own tiny house, which might allow you to quit your day job and pursue your hipster creative dreams

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 63

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Jason Alt (Twitter: @JasonEAlt)
Nick Earl (Twitter: @fakenickearl)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit

Fitness Cult

Evil, HealthNick EarlComment

Because health/fitness fads and cults both have extremely loyal followings, why not combine them together and create a fitness cult? Plus, if you're gonna be a sleazy cult leader who seduces all of his followers (like they tend to do), this is a great theme for the cult, because your followers would be fit and wouldn't be sexually repressed religious zealots

Originally from Creativity Wasted episode 63

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Jason Alt (Twitter: @JasonEAlt)
Nick Earl (Twitter: @fakenickearl)
Tom Walma (Twitter: @thomaswalma)
Recorded at Podcast Detroit